Public Safety

Bias-Related and/or Hate Crimes

Bias-Related and/or Hate Crimes 
The University is committed to having a campus environment free from all bias, hate crimes, and harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status, or other characteristics protected by New York State law (characteristics collectively referred to as “Protected Characteristic”).

Bias-related and/or Hate Crimes are a violation of the New York Penal Law and other laws of the State of New York, as well as the general policies of the University.

Bias-related and/or Hate Crimes are criminal acts, including acts of violence, intimidation, or destruction of property, based upon bias and prejudice against an individual because of a belief or perception regarding their Protected Characteristic. For the full definition, please see the Prohibited Bias and Discriminatory Harassment Policy or New York Penal Law.

Reporting a Bias-Related and/or Hate Crimes
It is the responsibility of all members of the Hofstra University community to report Bias-related and/or Hate Crimes. In cases where immediate harm is threatened, reports should be made to the Department of Public Safety at 516-463-6606 or by visiting the Mack Public Safety and Information Center located on the southeast corner of Hempstead Turnpike and California Avenue, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Reports Against Students
Any member of the University community may initiate a complaint against a student who is believed to have perpetrated a Hate Crime by filing a report with the Department of Public Safety. You may contact the Dean of Students Office at 516-463-6913 for assistance with filing a complaint.

Reports Against Faculty, Staff, Guests, or Other Community Members
Any member of the University community may initiate a complaint against a faculty member, other University employee, or other non-student who is believed to have perpetrated a Hate Crime, by following the procedures set forth in the University’s Harassment Policy, available at, or by reporting directly to the Vice President for Human Resources and Chief Human Resources Officer/Equal Rights and Opportunity Officer, who can be reached at 516-463-6859 or

Students may also report these matters through the University’s online reporting hotline at

All reports are thoroughly investigated and adjudicated in accordance with the applicable process and procedure (i.e., for students: Student Conduct Process; for faculty, staff, employees, guests, or other community members: University Harassment Policy). For more information about definitions, procedures, and resources for support services, please see: Hofstra University's Nondiscrimination Policy.

Bias-Related and/or Hate Crime Statistics
In addition to the crime statistics reported in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, the Hofstra University Department of Public Safety maintains a daily crime log of incidents reported to Public Safety, including all Bias-related and/or Hate Crimes reported. The daily crime log is available for public inspection at the David S. Mack Public Safety and Information Center. Please see below for incidents of Hate Crime Offenses reported.

A link to the United States Department of Education Campus Crime Statistics for Hofstra University can be found here:

Incidents of Hate Crime Offenses
Nothing to report.

Page last updated 01/09/2025