Field Schools are for-credit learning opportunities for students looking for hands-on experience in archaeological research and excavations. Participating in one of the CfPA’s summer field schools guarantees students will learn the fundamentals of planning and preparing archaeological projects, and investigating archaeological sites, including
- Site survey and identification
- Pedestrian/Reconnaissance
- Aerial and satellite imagery
- Mapping
- Site preparation
- Establishing a site datum
- Grid layout
- Subsurface sampling
- Shovel test pits (STPs)
- Controlled excavations
- Area and vertical
- Stratigraphic and arbitrary-level techniques
- Data recovery
- Macro artifacts (0.6 cm sieves)
- Micro artifacts (< 0.6 cm in size, heavy and light fractions)
- Documenting and recording
- Field specimen system
- Piece-plotting (point provenience)
- Plan and profile drawing
- Field photography a videography
- Laboratory procedures
- Artifact processing
- Identification and cataloging