PhD in Clinical Psychology

DCT Page

Hofstra University Clinical Psychology PhD Program: DCT PAGE

To provide anonymous feedback, suggestions, or questions about the program to the DCT click on the following link: DCT SUGGESTION BOX.

Please note that all program manuals (e.g., Student ManualGrievance ProceduresDissertation Manual), evaluation forms used by supervisors (both within and outside of Hofstra) to assess student competency (e.g., therapy, assessment, research, 223 monitoring form), travel reimbursement forms and required professional articles to read can be accessed by clicking on the following link: DROPBOX FOLDER FOR CLINICAL PHD STUDENTS


Because our students have so much clinical training between the faculty specialty clinics and two externships, and since students are able to continue clinical work as part of the specialty clinics throughout the entire time they are on campus (years 1-5), we do not allow for a third externship (i.e., fifth year externship for those not going out on internship until the sixth year). The only exception to this would be when a problem occurred at one of the required externships and the student needs to make it up by taking an additional one during their fifth year. Students are strongly encouraged to work on their dissertation during the fifth year if they do not go out on internship which is one of the best ways to maximize matching.

The required sequence of clinical training is as follows:
Third year: Externship 1 (PSY 371, 372)
Fourth year: Externship 2 (PSY 373, 374)
Fifth or sixth year: Internship (PSY 500, 501)

REMINDER: ​Each student is required to do the following on a continuous basis while enrolled in the program:

  1. Maintain liability insurance (for your own protection): e.g., STUDENT LIABILITY INSURANCE
    (note. you are not required to select this provider, you can choose any company that provides graduate student liability insurance).
  2. Record your clinical and supervision hours for the APPIC internship application (e.g., externships, on-site practicum).
    (note. while not required many students find useful)
    The following link provides instructions for completing the AAPI Online Application including the definition of training hours that must be reported on the application (Intervention, Assessment, Supervision, Support Activities). It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the definition of hours when you begin the program.

    See SAMPLE APPLICATION to view information you must track.
    See TELEPSYCH INFO with regard to voice or video sessions.

REMINDER: Maintain copies of all course syllabi until you retire.
It is strongly recommended that you save copies of course syllabi in case you need them at some point in the future. You may need one or more in the distant future when they are not easily accessible by the program (e.g., 25 years from now if you unexpectedly relocate and attempt to get licensed in a state other than NY and they ask to inspect a particular syllabus to insure it complies with their state's requirements),