Procurement Services

Purchasing Card FAQ

About | Obtaining | Using | Cardholder Responsibilities | Account Info | Supervisor Responsibilities


Q. What is the Hofstra Purchasing Card?

The Hofstra Purchasing Card is a University charge card issued to employees to expedite the purchase of low-dollar items (not subject to competitive bidding) for use and benefit of the University. Personal purchases are not permitted under any circumstances. Cardholders must familiarize themselves with all limits on the use of the card, as outlined in the University’s Purchasing Card Policy.

Q. Where can I obtain a copy of Hofstra’s Purchasing Card Policy?

All policies related to purchasing are available on the Procurement Services website under the Policies tab.

Q. How long is the Hofstra Purchasing Card valid for?

Each card is valid for a period of three years from date of issuance but will be revoked if employment is terminated or the card is not used properly. Renewed cards are mailed directly to your Hofstra business address and must be activated before they can be used. Upon receipt, you must contact Procurement Services to activate a new card.

Q. What are the Hofstra Purchasing Card standard limits?

The standard limits are $1000 per transaction and $1000 per month. Any exceptions over these amounts must be approved by the appropriate school/division's vice president and the senior vice president for Financial Affairs.

Q.  Will a Hofstra Purchasing Card affect my personal credit in any way?

No, the purchasing card is a University charge card strictly for use and benefit of the University.  It does not affect the cardholder’s personal credit.  

Q. Who is the current provider for the Hofstra Purchasing Card?

The Hofstra Purchasing Card is currently a MasterCard issued by Capital One.

Q. What is the Capital One website?

Q: What is Hofstra's sales tax exempt number?

The number is indicated on the front of the card.

Q. Who can assist with any other questions regarding the Capital One card program?

Contact Alanne Gerlack, Procurement Administrator, at 516-463-6611 or


Q. How do I obtain a Hofstra Purchasing Card?
You must complete a Purchasing Card Application/Agreement Form, which must be approved by your respective vice president and forwarded to Procurement Services.
Q. Where do I find the Hofstra Purchasing Card Application/Agreement Form?
Please see the Procurement Services website under the Forms tab.
Q. When will I receive my Hofstra Purchasing Card?
Upon completion of the required application, Procurement Services will send it to Capital One for processing. Cards typically take approximately 3-5 business days to arrive from Capital One. You will receive an email notification from the University's purchasing card administrator when your card arrives.
Q. Where do I pick up my Hofstra Purchasing Card?
You may pick up your card at Procurement Services located in Room 201 Phillips Hall.


Q. Can the Hofstra Purchasing Card be used for personal purchases?
No, under no circumstances should the card be used for a personal purchase. All purchasing card transactions must be made for the use and benefit of the University.
Q. Can the Hofstra Purchasing Card be used for Travel & Entertainment purposes while conducting University related business?
No, the card cannot be used for expenses related to Travel & Entertainment (including but not limited to food, gas, transportation, hotels, tickets, etc.).

Please see the University's Purchasing Card Policy.

Q. Besides Travel & Entertainment, are there any purchases not permitted with the card?
The Hofstra Purchasing Card may not be used for purchases from the University bookstore, or for items otherwise available through the University's designated office supply vendor. Additionally, the following items may not be purchased under any circumstances: computer hardware/software, mobile devices, toner cartridges, furniture and other equipment, hazardous material, gifts/flowers for employees or others and Amazon Prime Memberships or similar memberships with online vendors.

Please see the University's Purchasing Card Policy
Q. Can I share my Hofstra Purchasing Card with my coworker(s)?
No, the card must never be given or loaned to other individuals under any circumstances. All purchasing card transactions must only be made by the individual whose name appears on the card. It is essential that the card be in the name of the individual actually placing the orders.
Q. Why would my transaction be declined?
  • You have exceeded your monthly limit.
  • The transaction exceeds your single transaction limit ($1,000 unless specifically authorized for more).
  • The merchant entered the incorrect card number or expiration date.
  • The merchant category code (MCC) is registered as a restricted category under the University’s program.
  • You are using your card with a supplier for a transaction related to travel or entertainment.
Q. Who do I call if my Hofstra Purchasing Card is declined during a purchase?
Please call Capital One at 1-866-772-4497 to determine why the card was declined. When contacting Capital One, be prepared to provide the information associated with your account located under the Purchasing Card Account Information section of the Procurement website.

If additional assistance is required, please contact Purchasing Assistant Bernadette Patterson in Procurement Services at 516-463-6611 or
Q. Who do I call if I suspect fraudulent use of my card, or if my card is lost or stolen?
Please call Capital One at 1-877-864-6523. When contacting Capital One, be prepared to provide the information associated with your account located under the Purchasing Card Account Information section of the Procurement website.
Q. How do make a purchase from
Purchasing cardholders must use the University's central business account to ensure tax exempt purchases and free two-day shipping. Contact Procurement Services to establish an account.
Q. Can I ship items purchased with the card to my home?
No. Goods ordered with the purchasing card may be either picked up at a vendor location or shipped to campus or other business-related address. Goods ordered with the card shall not be shipped to an employee's home address.


Cardholder Responsibilities

Q. Where should I keep the Hofstra Purchasing Card?
Your card should be treated with the same security as your personal credit card. Please keep it with you at all times.
Q. Who should review/approve the charges to my card?
Each cardholder is responsible to review, approve, and reconcile their monthly charges. Supervisors entrusted with budget authority over the University account are responsible for all charges and must take steps to provide appropriate oversight.

Any errors should be reported to Procurement Services immediately.

Q. How do I review/approve my Hofstra Purchasing Card charges for the month?
Login to the Capital One website at
If you need assistance, please see the Capital One Resource Center's web tutorial link on the main page or download a tutorial PDF to review/approve your charges.
Q. Is there an online training guide available?
Yes, please see the Purchasing Card Program Training Guide.
Q. What is the deadline for reviewing/approving my monthly charges?
All charges must be reviewed and approved by the 10th of the month for the previous billing period. The current billing period ends on the 27th of each month. For your convenience, each charge is available for online review/approval within 48 hours. If you anticipate being out of the office, you should review/approve your transactions as they occur.
Q. Will I get a notification to review/approve my monthly charges?
Yes, you will receive an email notification from Capital One approximately the 28th of each month and then a reminder notification five days later. For your convenience, each charge is available for online review/ approval within 48 hours.
Q. Do I get a monthly paper statement from Capital One for my records?
Yes, it will be sent directly to the cardholder.
Q. Do I have to keep my receipts or maintain any records concerning purchases on my card?
Yes, the cardholder is responsible for maintaining adequate documentation for all transactions. This includes a transaction log, which includes the date, vendor, amount, and statement of business purpose with all original receipts attached. All documentation should be forwarded to your supervisor each month for review and approval and must be retained for three years. For your convenience you may use the Transaction Log Form provided on the Procurement Services website, or similar format. Documentation shall be available for review by the Controller’s Office and the Internal Audit Department to ensure compliance with the University’s Purchasing Card Policy.
Q. How do I request other changes (e.g., increase limits, change cost centers, etc.) to my Hofstra Purchasing Card?
Please complete the Purchasing Card Change Request Form under the Forms tab and forward to Procurement Services.
Q. If I no longer need my Hofstra Purchasing Card, how do I cancel it?
Please complete the Purchasing Card Change Request Form under the Forms tab and forward to Procurement Services.

Supervisor Responsibilities

Q. Does the supervisor of the cardholder have any responsibilities?
Yes, they must ensure that all employee cardholders are in compliance with the University’s Purchasing Card Policy.
Q. Does the supervisor of a cardholder need to approve the charges made by their respective cardholders?
Yes, each month, the cardholder should submit all support documentation related to their purchasing card activity to their supervisor for the statement billing period. The supervisor has the obligation to review and approve all charges. Such approval is to be documented on the log or on other supporting documentation (see Purchasing Card Policy).
A summary of the reviewing supervisor responsibilities is available as a resources to assist with this review (see Reviewing Supervisor Summary).
Q. What is required by the cardholder to show adequate support documentation?
The supervisor should ensure that the cardholder has adequate documents to support each charge appearing on the Capital One statement. Sufficient documentation evidence includes an original receipt, an email confirmation, a packing slip or invoice. The cardholder should keep a log that includes the date, vendor, amount, business purpose, and all the receipts. To assist cardholders with keeping track of their purchasing card activity, please see the Transaction Log Form on the Procurement Services website. All documentation must be retained for three years.
Q. How do I add a cost center (account/organization/fund) or change the spending limits for a cardholder?
All requests for card changes or cost center modifications must be requested using the Change Order Request Form.