Our pre-health and pre-med faculty and professional advisors provide expert and detailed guidance throughout your undergraduate preparation for professional school.
Primary Advisors

Ellen Miller
Senior Associate Dean for Pre-Health Advising
The Center for University Advising
101 Memorial Hall
126 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
P: (516) 463-6770/F: (516) 463-6674

Ashley Grey
Assistant Dean for Pre-Health Advising
The Center for University Advising
101S Memorial Hall
126 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
P: (516) 463-6972/F: (516) 463-6674
Hofstra Center for University Advising
Undergraduate students interested in pursuing health-related professions after graduating from Hofstra should speak to their advisement deans as well as the pre-health advisor in the Center for University Advising. University Advising deans help students choose courses that will satisfy entrance requirements into the various health-related professional schools. The Center for University Advising is the official liaison between the University and health-related professional schools, and will assist students throughout the application process.
Services Provided:
The Center for University Advising works with Hofstra undergraduate students and alumni interested in entering a health-related professional school, from the moment they express such an interest through the professional school application process. The services provided by the Center for University Advising include:
- Individual advising and counseling appointments for pre-health students regarding course selection and extracurricular activities
- Presentations and training sessions on topics such as:
- Professional school application services and processes
- Writing and editing personal statements; individual critiquing
- Tips for strengthening your medical school application
- Information on:
- Various health-related professions
- Health-related professional schools
- Summer programs and special programs
- Post-baccalaureate programs
Office Hours and Appointments
Students are encouraged to make an appointment with their advisement dean and pre-health advisor to discuss their interest in and plans for pursuing graduate school in health-related professions. Students should contact the Center for University Advising at (516) 463-6770.