The Motion Analysis and Rehabilitation Science (MARS) lab houses state-of-the-art equipment ideal for motion analysis and rehabilitation research. This includes advanced technology that provides accurate and objective measurement of everything from precise body motion to functional behaviors like walking and balance. Hofstra faculty use these tools to research a wide range of topics including biomechanical analysis of highly skilled athletics, validation of clinical skills, qualitative study of student learning, clinical assessment of exercise, and meta-analyses of neurologic care.
VICON Motion Capture:
The VICON motion capture system provides for accurate and precise biomechanical analysis of functional and sports-specific movements by measuring the positions and motion of multiple body segments and joints in 3D at a high sampling rate.
Uniquely adaptive, it uses 8 cameras to track the positions of reflective markers placed on the body surface, providing key evidence to judge the effectiveness of physical therapy interventions aimed at changing movement patterns.

BERTEC Force Plates:
Two BERTEC force plates are used in conjunction with motion capture to measure ground reaction forces. The data are used to analyze joint torques and the kinetics of lower body motion so that physical therapists and researchers can investigate the mechanics of movements like standing balance, walking, running and jumping.
An 8-channel electromyography system is available to monitor timing and amplitude of muscle activity. EMG is often used together with motion capture and kinetic analysis to perform an in-depth gait analysis for individuals with atypical gait caused by neuromotor and musculoskeletal disorders.
The VIRTUALIS Balance VR system includes a wide array of interactive environments that can be used for assessment and rehabilitation of vestibular and other balance deficits. Its precise and tailored feedback provides therapists with key assessments of motor control, mobility, movement speed and coordination abilities.

The GAITRITE instrumented walkway is used to easily generate a comprehensive tempero-spatial assessment of gait. It can also measure foot pressures and provide information on static and dynamic balance.

The SMARTHEART EKG monitor provides a portable and user-friendly method to monitor cardiac activity.