Collections | Publications | National Center for Suburban Studies
The Long Island Studies Institute, a cooperative endeavor of Hofstra University and Nassau County, is a major center for the study of Long Island local and regional history. The Institute's research facility includes the Nassau County Museum of Art's reference collection and Hofstra University's James N. MacLean American Legion Memorial collection. These resources – books, photographs, newspapers, maps, census records, genealogies, government documents, manuscripts, and audiovisual materials – constitute a rich repository for local history research. The Institute's collections are available to scholars, teachers, students, and the public.
The Institute sponsors meetings, exhibits, conferences, and publications pertaining to Long Island and its heritage. For a complete list of Institute publications and program information, contact the Institute via email or click on Publications.
The collection was established, in part, because of Documentary Heritage Program grants received from the New York State Archives in 2003 and 2005.
Contact the Institute
The Long Island Studies Institute is located on the lower floor of Hofstra's Joan and Donald E. Axinn Library.

Special Collections is currently open by appointment only. Non-Hofstra visitors must receive prior approval.
Phone: 516-463-6411
Hours: Weekdays (Monday – Friday)
9 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.