As defined by the U.S. Patent & Trademarks Office, “a trademark is a word, phrase, symbol or design, or a combination of words, phrases, symbols or designs, that identifies and distinguishes the source of the goods of one party form those of others.” A trademark need not be registered in order to have protectable rights to it, simply by using or displaying a mark acquires automatic trademark rights to the owner.
Registered trademarks
The following marks have an active registration with the United States Patent and Trademark Office:
Licensing is the process of obtaining legal permission through a contract for the right to use an entity’s trademarks.
Trademarks License
A license is a written agreement between the owner of the trademark (licensor) and a manufacturer/ vendor (licensee). The licensor grants permission to the licensee to affix the licensor’s trademark(s) on a product(s). This license must be in place before use of the marks.
Licensee / Supplier
An individual or company who enters into such an agreement is referred to as a licensee or licensed supplier. Suppliers include, but are not limited to: manufacturers, manufacturers’ representatives, agents, wholesalers, distributors, printers, embroiderers and screen printers.
More than a Label
The "Collegiate Licensed Products" label not only signifies that the merchandise has passed the standards set forth by Hofstra University; it also signifies that a portion of the purchase is returned to the University. At Hofstra, revenues generated from the sale of licensed products help to provide for scholarships at Hofstra University, making the "Collegiate Licensed Products" label truly more than just a label.