I am interested using Hofstra University trademarks on products. What do I need to do?
Products bearing Hofstra trademarks require approval by the University. Unauthorized use of Hofstra’s trademarks is strictly prohibited and the University reserves the right to enforce the proper use of its trademarks.
The procedure for becoming a licensee entails an application process that is managed by CLC on behalf of the University. We invite potential applicants to contact CLC’s account executive for the University:
Morgan Rogers, Senior Brand Manager
(609) 947-5240
E-Mail: morgan.rogers@clc.com | Website: http://www.clc.com
Who needs to use an official licensee?
If your order will include a University mark in the design, it must be purchased by an official licensee.
Who must be licensed?
Anyone or any business/organization wishing to use the University’s trademarks or verbiage on a product must have a license before offering the product/goods for sale. This also includes sale to University departments, campus organizations and student recognized organizations. Promotions and advertising are included as well. All items bearing the University marks must be produced by a licensed vendor whether or not items are for resale.
How long do license applications and requests usually take to process?
Typically, for a standard or internal license through CLC, it will take 2-4 weeks.
How can I tell if a product is officially-licensed?
Look for the Collegiate Licensed Product Authorization label. This label assures you that the merchandise on which they are affixed has been approved for sale by the University and CLC.
How do I sell merchandise in the Hofstra Bookstore?
The operation of the University’s bookstore is privately managed by Barnes & Noble College Booksellers. The company is responsible for all decisions on merchandise selections. These decisions are made at the B&N corporate level and not at the local store or at the University. Information on becoming a new vendor can be obtained by dialing 908-991-2665 (the main Corporate number); transferring to the operator; and asking for the New Vendor Information department.
Is there a relationship between becoming a licensee and having products sold at the Hofstra University Bookstore?
The processes are completely separate. Becoming a licensee does not imply or influence the likelihood of becoming an approved vendor by B&N or placement in the Hofstra University Bookstore. However, if the products are intended to bear the Hofstra trademarks, becoming licensed by the University is prerequisite.
How does the artwork approval process work?
If you have completed the licensing process through CLC, you will receive information on submitting artwork through Brand Manager 360. This site manages the entire artwork approval process over the Internet.
What does the University do if unlicensed merchandise is discovered in the marketplace?
Merchandise produced without authorization may be considered counterfeit or infringing and subject to all available legal remedies.