Minor In

Leadership Studies

The new interdisciplinary minor in Leadership Studies is open to undergraduate students in every major in every school or college at Hofstra University. All the undergraduate schools and colleges – Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Frank G. Zarb School of Business, Lawrence Herbert School of Communication, Fred DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science, and School of Health Sciences – provide elective classes as part of the menu of options for students pursuing this minor.

Our Leadership Studies minor prepares graduates to assume positions of leadership in fields as diverse as their own majors, backgrounds, and ambitions, by providing an integrated educational foundation, both theoretical and practical, for future leaders.

The minor in Leadership Studies is unique in its approach to leadership by combining the theory of leadership (in the courses you take) with the actual practice of leadership experiences on campus in student teams, clubs, and organizations and/or off campus in community programs, private sector jobs and internships, government agencies, and more. The program includes elective courses across all the schools and colleges at the University, and students can count up to 6 credits in the program toward their major or another minor.

The Leadership Studies minor requires students to engage in a leadership experience through Hofstra student clubs and organizations, athletic teams, and the ROTC, just to name a few examples. The Leadership Studies program director, Dr. Terri Shapiro, coordinates with partners in Student Leadership and Engagement (clubs and organizations), Athletics, and Military Science, among others, to ensure that each student has opportunities in an area of interest for these leadership experiences.

The capstone course is the culminating experience of the minor in which students reflect on the theory and experience of leadership. This course also provides students with the skills they need to articulate their leadership skills to enhance their job search and improve their “launch” into a career trajectory after graduation.

You can start taking courses toward the Leadership Studies minor this fall even if you are an incoming first-year or transfer student by signing up for PSY 003 (a course with no prerequisites) with Dr. Shapiro. This is the required introductory course. and you can decide if you want to continue with the minor after taking this first step.

For more information about the Leadership Studies minor, email Dr. Terri Shapiro, associate professor of industrial/organizational psychology and director of the Minor in Leadership Studies, at terri.shapiro@hofstra.edu.

If you are interested in exploring leadership preparation opportunities Hofstra outside the academic program (no credit-bearing courses), please visit the Blue and Gold Leadership Series page.

Leadership Studies, Minor in

Associate Professor Salter, Program Director

The minor in Leadership Studies serves the need for greater student leadership development by identifying, educating, and nurturing students' skills and interests in an intentionally designed program integrating both the theory and practice of leadership.  The minor requires 18 credits of interdisciplinary courses and actual leadership experiences in the University's co-curricular program of student organizations and clubs.  The minor will culminate in a capstone academic experience in which students will reflect on their leadership experiences through the filter of the academic theories of leadership they have studied in their classes. The goal of the minor is to prepare graduates to assume positions of leadership in fields as diverse as their own majors, backgrounds, and ambitions by providing an integrated educational foundation, both theoretical and practical, for future leaders.

Students must meet with the program director periodically to coordinate leadership experience and elective coursework.

Minor Requirements - Total Semester Hours: 18

No more than 6 semester hours may count toward both this minor and any other transcripted program (minor or major) for a given student; 12 semester hours must be in liberal arts.

Leadership experience in the University's co-curricular program of student organizations and clubs under advisement of the Program Director.

Required Courses – Total Semester Hours: 9

Electives Chosen From 2 Categories – Total Semester Hours: 9

Students must select at least one class from each category. Students must select no more than one elective from any department, listed below toward the minor in order to ensure a multi-disciplinary experience. (Students may choose to take one course in PSY and/or one course in MGT as electives.)

Students may request to take other courses to count toward the minor as electives on the approval of the Director of the Leadership Studies Program.  

Theoretical, Cultural and Philosophical

