Stuart and Nancy Rabinowitz

Honors College

Rabinowitz Honors College Medal

A Community of highly motivated students and faculty.

Rabinowitz Honors College Medal

A Conversation about ideas and the world.

Rabinowitz Honors College Medal

A Commitment to reaching new levels of achievement.

Rabinowitz Honors College Medal

A Challenge that extends your horizons in unexpected ways.

Honors College enriches the education of exceptional students at Hofstra inside the classroom and beyond. We promote intellectual engagement, creativity, conversation, leadership, civic responsibility and global reach. In short, we serve and challenge RHC students in ways that radiate throughout the entire Hofstra community and beyond.

The RHC Student

Who Are You?

You have drive, talent and creativity. You wish to enrich your experience in college in the classroom and beyond. You are looking for a community of peers from different disciplines who will challenge your mind and help you grow in all sorts of unexpected ways. 

Honors College Student Experience

The educational experience of a Rabinowitz Honors College student takes place in the classroom, through enriched work and programs, and outside the classroom via on and off campus activities as well as service and civic engagement projects in the larger community.

Academic Life

The goal of honors work is greater learning and intellectual satisfaction for both the student and the instructor.

Explore Academic Life in RHC

Community Life

The RHC Community is designed to enrich every aspect of your life at Hofstra, while also serving as a launching pad for a rewarding and successful future after college.

Explore Community Life in RHC


About Honors College

The Stuart and Nancy Rabinowitz Honors College enriches the education of exceptional students at Hofstra inside the classroom and beyond. We promote intellectual engagement, creativity, conversation, leadership, civic responsibility and global reach. In short, we serve and challenge RHC students in ways that radiate throughout the entire Hofstra community and beyond.

Learn More About the Rabinowitz Honors College

Alumni by Year

Stuart & Nancy Rabinowitz Honors College Gonfolan

Contact Us

Our Office

We are located on the second floor of Axinn Library. Our address is:

Stuart and Nancy Rabinowitz Honors College
243 East Library Wing
123 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549

Reach Out

The RHC Dean's offices may be reached in the following ways:

Telephone: 516-463-4842

Social Media