The Faculty Policy Series sets forth the policies and procedures for faculty members.
Note: In cases where the provisions of the Faculty Statutes and/or Faculty Policy Series have been modified by or are in conflict with the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the AAUP, the CBA takes precedence.
FPS #/Title
1: Full-time Faculty Appointment Procedure (rev. 1987)
2: Selection and Advancement of Adjunct (P/T) Faculty (rev. 1987)
3: Employment of More Than One Member of a Family (rescinded in 1974)
4: Base Teaching Programs and Overload (rev. 2016)
5: Work Above Base Load (rev. 2016)
6: Summer School Teaching (rev. 1981)
7: Summer Employment of Full-Time Faculty for Non-Instructional Duties (rev. 1967)
8: Outside Employment for Faculty (rev. 1986)
9: Classes, Faculty Absences, Lateness, Office Hours, Syllabi, Course and Teacher Evaluations (rev. 1995)
10: Examinations, Final Grades, and Student Absences (rev. 2017)
11: Procedures for Handling Violations of the Honor Code by Undergraduate Students at Hofstra University (rev. 2022)
Honor Code Violation Report Form
You will be directed to sign in to the Hofstra Portal
11A: Procedures for Handling Breaches of Academic Conduct by Students Enrolled in the School of Law (rev. 1995)
11G: Procedures for Handling Violations of the Honor Code by Graduate Students at Hofstra University (rev. 2022)
Honor Code Violation Report Form
You will be directed to sign in to the Hofstra Portal
12: Academic Freedom and Civil Liberties of Students at Hofstra University (rev. 2010)
12A: Implementation of II, A. Freedom of Expression (rev. 1981)
12B: Implementation of II, B. Freedom from Discrimination (rev. 2010)
12C: Affirmative Action / Equal Opportunity Policy Statement (rev. 2019)
13: Departmental Chairs (rev. 1986)
13A: Hofstra University's Chair's Evaluation Form (rev. 1986)
13B: Hofstra University's Library-Chair's Evaluation Form (rev. 1987)
14: Evaluation of Faculty (rev. 2006)
14A: Hofstra University's Faculty Evaluation Form (rev. 2006)
Word Template or PDF
14B: Hofstra University's Library-Faculty Evaluation Form (rev. 2006)
Word Template or PDF
15: Ad hoc Committee on Tenure (rev. 1997)
16: Termination Clearance (rev. 1969)
17: Confidential Records on Faculty (rev. 1969)
18: Annuity (rev. 1986)
19: Insurance (rev. 1981)
20: Sick Leave (rev. 2016)
21: General Leave (rev. 1986)
22: Special Leave (rev. 2016)
23: Study Grants (rev. 1969)
24: Travel (rev. 1969)
24A: Air Travel (rev. 1981)
25: Faculty Loans (rev. 1969)
26: Tuition Privileges (rev. 1986)
27: Admission of Hofstra Personnel to its Doctoral Programs (rev. 1971)
28: Retirement (rev. 1986)
29: Emeritus Rights (rev. 1997)
29A: Courtesy Privileges of Active and Retired Regular Faculty Members (rev. 1984)
30: Death Benefits (rev. 1986)
31: Research (rev. 1986)
32: Classified Research (rev. 1969)
33: Conflict of Interest (rev. 1995)
33A: Financial Conflict of Interest Policy in Relation to Sponsored Projects (rev. 2012)
34: Hofstra Research and Patent Policy (rev. 1993)
35: Submission of Grant Proposals to government Agencies, Private Foundations, Corporations and Individuals (rev. 1991)
36: The Use of Human Subjects in Research (rev. 2019)
37: Copyright (rev. 1988)
38: Faculty Study Rooms in the Library (rev. 1981)
39: Faculty Memorials (rescinded 1986)
40: Permanent Vehicle Registration (rev. 1969)
41: Policy for Dealing With and Reporting Possible Misconduct in Research (rev. 2012)
42: Course Grade Appeal Policy (rev. 2012)
Individual School/College Policies
• Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
• The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication
• School of Education
• School of Health Sciences
• Zarb School of Business
43: Hofstra University’s Harassment Policy (rev. 2019)
44: Methods of Selecting Distinguished Professors and Distinguished University Service Professorships/Structure of Screening Committees (rev. 2002)
45: Mission and Core Values (rev. 2024)
46: Peer Observation of Teaching (rev. 2019)
47: Policy on Romantic and Sexual Relationships Between Faculty/Other Employees and Students (rev. 2020)
48: Attendance Taking (rev. 2007)
49: Course and Teacher Ratings (CTRs) (2023)
50: Classroom Code of Conduct for Students (2010)
51: Department Meetings (2024)
99: A Code of Professional Responsibility for Faculty (rev. 2009)