Health and Safety Violation Appeals
If you receive a health and safety violation fine, specific instructions on the appeals process will be provided to you at that time. Appeals of all fines must be made in writing by the deadline to the Health and Safety Violation Committee. The committee will review the appeal and respond in writing via the student’s Hofstra Pride email account. When it cannot be determined who is responsible for a violation, all occupants of the room, suite, or apartment will be fined the listed amount. Students assuming responsibility for the violation can do so in writing to the committee (by the scheduled deadline) and have the charges against their suitemates/ roommates rescinded. Dropping charges against suitemates/roommates rests with the discretion of the Office of Residence Life. Should you have any questions about the health and safety violation appeals process, you may email the Office of Residence Life at reslife@hofstra.edu.
Fire Safety Guidelines
Each Hofstra University residence hall is equipped with an interior fire alarm system with detection capability throughout the building, including smoke detectors, heat detectors, and pull-box stations. All residence halls are protected by a sprinkler system and by carbon monoxide detectors. All fire safety and building access systems are monitored by the Department of Public Safety, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Additional information about fire safety on campus is available in the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report, which can be accessed at hofstra.edu/campussafetyreport or by calling Public Safety at 516-463-6606. Hofstra University policies relating to fire safety are in accordance with New York state law, Nassau County ordinances, and the International Fire Code (IFC). The IFC establishes the requirements for fire prevention and fire protection systems. These requirements are enforced by our standards and by the New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control. Our primary concern is the safety and well-being of the members of our community, and, as such, new policies have been created and existing policies have been modified to ensure that Hofstra University provides a safe environment and is in compliance with all New York state fire codes and those of the Nassau County Fire Marshal’s Office. Students must comply with the specific policies listed below as well as all other policies listed in The Living Factor: Student Guide to Residence Life Policies and Procedures. In addition, as per the International Fire Code, information and training related to fire safety are presented on an annual basis to all students enrolled in higher education. Any violation of these guidelines is also considered a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. 1. Door Chocking (Propping): A door leading out to a main hallway (common area), used as fire and/or smoke door, should not be chocked (propped) open, blocked, or obstructed to prevent the normal self-closing operation of said door. [ref; IFC F-703.2]
2. Electric Wall Outlets: All electric cords from devices must be plugged directly into a wall outlet or an approved surge protector strip. All surge protector strips must be plugged directly into the wall outlet. All appliances must be plugged directly into a wall outlet. Extension cords that are not grounded AND do not have a light indicator AND an on/off switch are not permitted in the residence halls. Furniture should not obstruct a wall outlet as to prevent an electrical plug from easily being removed from the outlet (without first moving the furniture). [ref; IFC F-605.5] 33