Fine Arts, BS Major in
The B.S. major in Fine Arts is an intensive 129 semester hour program, facilitating additional experience and the option for cross-disciplinary making, research, exhibition and presentation in art and/or design.
The department offers a customized B.S. degree, a B.S. with a concentration in Design, and a B.S. with a concentration in Fine Arts.
Program Requirements - Total Semester Hours: 129
Candidates for graduation must fulfill the following requirements:
1. The Successful Completion of at Least 129 Semester Hours
The successful completion of at least 129 semester hours and a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 in work completed at Hofstra.
2. Liberal Arts
At least 66 semester hours must be completed in liberal arts with no less than 60 s.h. outside of the Fine Arts (FA) prefix.
3. Residence Requirements
There are two requirements that must ordinarily be completed in residence at Hofstra: 15 semester hours in the major field of specialization and the last 30 hours. The 15 semester hours need not be included within the last 30 hours.
4. General Requirements:
The following general requirements: WSC 001 & 002.
Distribution course requirement: (for listing of distribution courses, see Distribution Courses program) 9 semester hours in the humanities: 3 hours in the creative participation category, 6 hours in the appreciation and analysis category including at least 3 hours of literature. Not more than 3 hours may be satisfied by fine arts distribution courses of the required nine; 9 semester hours in natural sciences, mathematics/computer science: the 9 semester hours must include 3 hours in the mathematics/computer science category, 3 hours in the natural sciences category; 9 semester hours in the social science: the 9 semester hours must include 3 hours in the behavioral science category and 3 hours in the history and philosophy category.
- WSC 001 - Composition
- and
- WSC 002 - Composition
- or placement examination; see University Degree requirements
5. Major Requirements
Major Requirements – 45 s.h. of FA courses, six (6) s.h., AH courses
FA courses are chosen in consultation with a Fine Arts faculty advisor.
Students who plan to major in Fine Arts are recommended to seek an advisor within the department to select an appropriate, personalized progression of major coursework. Under advisement, students may also choose one of two optional concentrations in Design or Fine Art.
Art History Courses - Total Semester Hours: 6
- AH 003 - (AA) Art from Caves to Cathedrals
- AH 004 - (AA) Art from the Renaissance to Today
- AH 006 - (AA) Why Art Matters
- AH 010 - (AA) Women Artists
- AH 012F - First-Year Seminar
- AH 012S - First-Year Seminar
- AH 014F - (AA) First-Year Seminar
- AH 014S - (AA) First-Year Seminar
- AH 074 - (AA) Contemporary Art
- AH 100 - Departmental Honors Candidacy: Essay
- AH 103 - (AA, CC) Art of the Silk Road
- AH 106 - (AA) Italian Renaissance Art
- AH 107 - (AA) Renaissance Art in Northern Europe
- AH 109 - (AA) The Global Baroque
- AH 110 - (AA) Modern Architecture and Design
- AH 118 - (AA, CC) Islamic Art and Archaeology
- AH 119 - (AA) 19th-Century Art
- AH 120 - (AA) Early 20th-Century Art
- AH 141 - (AA) History of Photography
- AH 145 - (AA) American Art
- AH 151 - Readings in Art History
- AH 164 - Art History Capstone Course
- AH 168 - Internship
- AH 170 - (AA) Introduction to Museum Studies
- AH 192 A-Z - Special Topics in Art History
Concentration in Design - Total Semester Hours: 45
Professors Infield, Klinkowstein, Roksin, Advisers
- FA 010 - (CP) Introduction to Design
- FA 011 - (CP) Two-Dimensional Design II: Color
- FA 012 - (CP) Three-Dimensional Design: Concepts
- FA 027 - (CP) Digital Design
- FA 030 - Illustration
- FA 045A - Materials and Techniques of the Painter
- FA 047 - Techniques of Watercolor
- FA 048 - Life Painting
- FA 051 - Graphic Design Studio
- FA 051A - Graphic Design Studio: Typography
- FA 052 - Industrial Design: Design Theory
- FA 052A - Industrial Design: Design Methods
- FA 070 - Metals I
- FA 071 - Furniture Design
- FA 100 - Departmental Honors Candidacy: Project
- FA 102A - Introduction to New Media Design
- FA 102B - Design for Social Media, The Web and Other Screen-Based Media
FA 102B - Design for Social Media, The Web and Other Screen-Based Media
Fine Arts, BS Major in
- FA 102C - Sound, Motion and Strategy Design
- FA 102D - User Experience Design
- FA 106 - Special Projects
- FA 120 - Furniture Design – Wood
- FA 121 - Furniture Design – Metal
- FA 123 - Metalsmithing-Jewelry
- FA 158 - E-Publication Design
- FA 159G - Packaging, Branding, Dimensional Design
- FA 161 - (CP) Sculpture Studio—Sustainability in Art
- FA 170 - (CP) Basic Black and White Film Photography: Developing/Darkroom Printing
FA 170 - (CP) Basic Black and White Film Photography: Developing/Darkroom Printing
Fine Arts, BS Major in
- FA 170A - Intermediate Photography
- FA 170B - Commercial Photography
- FA 170C - (CP) Introduction to Digital Photography
- FA 170D - Intermediate Digital Photography
- FA 170E - Documentary Photography
- FA 170F - Color Photography
- FA 170G - The Portrait-Studio Photography I
- FA 197 - Internship in Fine Arts
- FA 198 - New York Seminar
- FA 199 - Senior Project
Concentration in Fine Art: Total Semester Hours: 45
Associate Professor James Lee, Adviser
Chosen from the following:
- FA 014 - (CP) Drawing and Perception
- FA 015 - Drawing and Insight
- FA 016 - Drawing III: The Figure
- FA 017 - Drawing: Exploration and Concepts
- FA 045 - (CP) Beginning Painting
- FA 046 - Intermediate Painting
- FA 058 - (CP) Sculpture I: Construction
- FA 059 - (CP) Sculpture II: Modeling
- FA 073 - Current Gallery Developments
- FA 080 - (CP) Beginning Ceramics
- FA 080A - Intermediate Ceramics
- FA 100 - Departmental Honors Candidacy: Project
- FA 106 - Special Projects
- FA 160 - Painting: Exploration and Materials I
- FA 166 - Painting: Exploration and Materials II
- FA 167 - (CP) Sculpture Studio—Sustainability in Art II
- FA 172 - Relief Printing
- FA 180 - Ceramics Workshop
- FA 197 - Internship in Fine Arts
- FA 198 - New York Seminar
- FA 199 - Senior Project