Hofstra University is proud to offer its faculty, staff, and students access to 42 free electric vehicle charging station parking spots. These stations are controlled by ChargePoint software and are commercial Level 2 charging stations.
If you would like access to these stations, please go to Public Safety and register your car. Once Public Safety has your vehicle information, you will receive an “E” shield and will be given access to register with ChargePoint, www.chargepoint.com. Once you register with ChargePoint, you can join “Hofstra University” in the driver profile. ChargePoint will require a credit card or a PayPal number. Even though you are not being charged to use Hofstra University’s stations, you are joining a network which gives you access to charging stations around the country, and most require payment.
The ChargePoint app will inform you as to which stations are available for charging on campus. There are currently 19 locations with two charging ports at each location:
- Constitution Hall
- Human Resources
- Breslin Hall
- Kushner Hall, Deane School of Law
- Brower Hall
- School of Business
- Margiotta Hall
- Stuyvesant Park
- Nassau Hall
- Colonial Square
- Hofstra Dome
- School of Medicine
- Netherlands West
- Bernon Hall
- McEwen Hall
- Plant South Lot
- Hauser Hall
- Adams Playhouse
- Adams Hall
- Hagedorn Hall student lot - coming soon
- Hagedorn Hall faculty lot - coming soon
We ask you to please be courteous, as these stations are being used by the entire community. They are charging stations, not parking spots. In order to be fair to the entire Hofstra community, charging time cannot exceed four (4) hours. Once your car is fully charged or in the charging station spot for 4 hours, you are required to move your vehicle. When you are finished charging, please hang the cables on the station.
If you have any issues with the use of these stations, please use the ChargePoint app to report the problem.
Thank you
Physical Plant Department