What is the Day of Giving?
Hofstra’s Day of Giving is an online giving initiative that encourages alumni, parents and friends to make a philanthropic gift to Hofstra University. Each investment, no matter the amount or the designation, makes an impact here at the University.
While we encourage gifts to The Fund for Hofstra, a vital source of unrestricted funds that allows us to help provide tuition assistance to incoming students, we understand that giving is personal. You have the opportunity to support an area of the university that matters most to you.
Why Give to Hofstra?
Every gift to Hofstra enables the university to provide additional scholarships, enhance academic programs, and help us keep focused on what matters most: our students' success.
Together we can make a lasting impact on the future generations of Hofstra students.
Day of Giving FAQ
Can I Designate My Gift?
Absolutely! What matters most is that you make a gift. Simply choose your designation on the online giving page at https://give.hofstra.edu.
Can I Make My Gift In Honor/In Memory of Someone?
Yes. Under “Your Gift Designation” on the gift page you will see the option to select “In Honor of” or “In Memory of.” Simply select which tribute applies and fill in the name(s) of those you wish to honor.
How Can I Become an Advocate?
If you would like to become an advocate, registration is available at Hofstra.edu/DayofGiving.
What Does it Mean to be an Advocate?
Advocates who generate the most engagement will win exciting prizes!
- 1st Place: $250 Hofstra Bookstore gift card
- 2nd Place: $100 Hofstra Bookstore gift card
- 3rd Place: $50 Hofstra Bookstore gift card
Plus, every advocate who secures five donors will receive a pair of Hofstra socks as a thank-you for their support. Join the fun and show your Pride!
What Do Advocates Post?
Use one of our sample posts listed below or in our Advocate Toolkit. Don’t forget to include your personal referral link and your favorite Hofstra University photos!
Example Posts for Social Media:
When I was a student, I know my experience at Hofstra University was made possible by alumni who came before me. That’s why I’m paying it forward by making a gift and contributing to future student success! #HofDayofGiving [PERSONAL LINK]
I’m participating in Hofstra’s Day of Giving because [favorite school memory] [photos from your time at school] #HofDayofGiving #Hofstra
Example Email or Text to Family & Friends:
Hi [NAME],
The world needs Hofstra University graduates now more than ever. That’s why we’re gathering support for Day of Giving on February 25th. I love giving back to Hofstra because [REASON/in honor of X]. If you’re able to join me in making a gift, your support allows Hofstra’s clubs, sports teams, and schools to continue to thrive! [PERSONAL LINK].
Thank you and show off your pride!
Day of Giving graphics and logo will be available soon.
An advocate toolbox will be available soon.
Can I Make a Day of Giving Gift by Mail?
Yes! To make your gift by check, your check must:
- Be made payable to Hofstra University and show “Day of Giving” in the memo line
- Be postmarked on or before February 25
- Be mailed to:
Hofstra University
Room 108A, Shapiro Alumni House
150 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549
Can I Make a Day of Giving gift by Phone?
If you would like to make your gift via a credit/debit card over the phone, please contact (516) 463-6510.
Are Day of Giving Gifts Tax-Deductible?
Yes. Gifts made online for Day of Giving are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. Donors receive an email confirmation after making their gift followed by a tax receipt in the mail within two weeks after your gift is processed.