The Hofstra University Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP), a New York State Education Department grant, aims to support undergraduate and graduate students interested in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) as well as careers that require pre-licensure. Through a coordination of campus-wide services including counseling, tutoring and mentoring – designated to enrich student life – our goal is student success, where our hallmark is community building. Five categories of services are provided through the CSTEP Program including the Summer Transition Program, Academic Support Services, Student Academic Resources, Student Career Development and Graduate School Preparation.
Purpose, Mission and Vision
To support students interested in pursuing careers in science, math and technology or those that require pre-licensure.
To provide an environment where students acquire academic and lifelong skills to become outstanding scholars and professionals.
To provide students with an array of academic opportunities and professional preparedness skills to succeed in their careers.
Professions licensed or certified by the New York State Board of Regents
- Acupuncture
- Applied Behavior Analysis
- Architecture
- Athletic Trainer
- Audiology
- Certified Shorthand Reporting
- Chiropractic
- Clinical Laboratory Technology
- Dentistry
- Dietetics/Nutrition
- Engineering
- Geology
- Interior Design
- Land Surveying
- Landscape Architecture
- Massage Therapy
- Medical Physics
- Medicine
- Mental Health Practitioners
- Midwifery
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Ophthalmic Dispensing
- Optometry
- Pathologists Assistant
- Perfusion
- Pharmacy
- Physical Therapy
- Podiatry
- Polysomnographic Technology
- Psychology
- Public Accountancy
- Respiratory Therapy
- Social Work
- Speech Language Pathology
- Veterinary Medicine
For more information please visit the New York State Board of Regents website: www.op.nysed.gov/prof
Eligibility Guidelines
CSTEP Enrollment:
You must complete an application to enroll in CSTEP. There are two enrollment designations, CSTEP member and CSTEP scholar. Including other factors, the designation is based upon your level of engagement. Regardless membership designation, initial eligibility for enrollment is contingent upon the following New York State Education Department (NYSED) criteria:
NYSED Criteria:
- New York State resident
- Enrolled in science, technology, engineering or math (STEM) program or pre-licensure field; i.e. accounting, physical therapy, law, etc.
- Underrepresented student from one of the following groups: African-American, Hispanic/Latino, Native American or Indian or Alaskan Native or from other groups who meet the economically disadvantaged criteria as outlined by the New York State Education Department.
CSTEP Member Designation:
- Meet NYSED criteria
- Schedule meeting with program personnel and complete application
CSTEP Scholar Designation:
- Meet NYSED criteria
- Schedule meeting with program personnel and complete application
- Participate in four workshops per semester, where two must be CSTEP sponsored events
- Meet with program personnel three times per semester for advising/counseling including topics such as academics, finances, career guidance or personal concerns
- Maintain good academic standing
– OR –
- Meet criteria 1-2 and participate in a science, technology, engineering or math related research project, unpaid internship or volunteer opportunity (meet with staff to ensure your work qualifies)
CSTEP Scholar Benefits
First priority for opportunities such as:
- Mentor pre-collegiate students
- Opportunities to attend student professional development conferences to showcase your work and meet industry professionals
- First selection for books in the textbook loaner program
- Opportunities to participate in all CSTEP programming and activities
*Students must meet CSTEP scholar requirements each semester to remain a scholar
How to Apply
Please visit 101 Oak Street, Uniondale (Directions) for an application.
Program and Activities
Academic Support Services
CSTEP Counseling Connections
Every student enrolled in CSTEP meet with program staff at least three times per semester, with the initial meeting held within the first couple of weeks of the semester, followed by the second meeting after midterm grades, and a third meeting the just before finals. Additional meetings are scheduled, as necessary, throughout the semesters. Topics typically range from academics to campus engagement, college adjustment, connectivity and career preparation.
Tutorial Assistance and Study Groups
Connect with a student tutor individually or in group setting to improve your understanding of assignments and classroom notes to improve your performance on quizzes and exams. Work with and learn from other students who have successfully completed the courses where you are seeking support.
Academic Success Workshops
Explore essential study skills including time management, test taking strategies, note taking and textbook reading, to name a few. Learn how to incorporate these and other study skills into your daily habits.
Peer Mentoring
CSTEP participants are connected with an upperclassman mentor once enrolled in the Summer Transition Program. Student mentors help first-year and transfer students navigate the campus community and ease transition to college life.
Student Research
Discuss research options and how to get involved with a research project. There are also chances to present at the Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference and elsewhere throughout the US, where funding to attend is available.
Student Career Development
Academic Student Conferences
Attend selective professional development conferences throughout the US including the Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference.
Tutoring and Mentoring High School STEP and LPP Students
Build your resume through tutoring or mentoring pre-collegiate students enrolled in the Hofstra University Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) and the Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP), where a primary focus is in areas including math and science.
Professional Networking
Maintain an edge by meeting business professionals and guest speakers in your field, as well as interact with professional associations.
Graduate School Preparation
Create strategies for graduate school selection including the application process and timeline, personal statement, graduate assistantship and letters of recommendation.
Graduate School Preparation Seminars and Workshops
Attend co-sponsored seminars and workshops throughout the year to help develop and shape your graduate school application including your resume and personal statement.
Practice Graduate School Exams
Prepare for improved scores using free practice exams including MCAT, GMAT, LSAT or GRE.
Kaplan Partnership
Receive 50% off a Kaplan preparation course for a graduate school entrance exam (MCAT, GMAT, LSAT, DAT or GRE).
Student Academic Resources
Textbook Loaner Program
Access to textbooks for classes in areas including biology, chemistry and others.
Laptop Loaner Program
Access to laptop for use throughout semester to help facilitate completion of papers, exams or for classroom notes. Laptops provide internet access whether using Wi-Fi or otherwise.
Center for Educational Access and Success (CEAS) Computer Lab and Printing
Access to computers and printing for classroom reports, homework assignments, resumes and cover letters.
Extended Office Hours
Extended study hours, supplies and equipment are available to students, especially during midterms and finals. Contact staff to learn more.
Internship and Scholarship Database via Canvas
Gain access to opportunities to attend conferences, apply for scholarships and internships, enrichment programs and job openings.
Student Community Board
Play a significant role in exposing pre-collegiate students to science, technology, engineering and mathematics through creative projects. You will also have opportunities to expose pre-collegiate students to college life as well as volunteer within the local community.
Faculty Networking
Connect with faculty on topics such as study-skill habits, meeting with professors and selecting an internship.
CSTEP Summer Transition Program for First-year and Transfer Students
Summer Transition Program
The Summer Transition Program aims to expose students to Hofstra University campus life including services designed to help facilitate student success. Student experiences will be focused on 6 major themes, to include: academic exploration, academic success, community-building, campus engagement, mentorship and student life. This is a three-week academic course designed to engage students in activities and workshops to enhance performance in and outside the classroom. Students will work individually and in groups. Week 1 and 3 take place both online and on campus. Week 2 is the residential component of the program and takes place entirely on campus.
What can I expect from the Summer Transition Program?
Week 1:
The first day starts with orientation on the campus of Hofstra University, where you will meet your peers, upperclassman mentors, staff and faculty. We will explain in greater detail the program and how the themes interplay in your experiences in and outside the classroom. The three days following orientation (Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday) you will be at home working on biology, chemistry and writing assignments via Canvas. You will engage and learn with peers and faculty remotely via online chat and Skype video.
Week 2:
Week 2 is the residential component of the transition program, where you work directly with peers, upperclassman mentors, faculty, and support staff. Campus living includes learning in and outside the classroom, including exposure to different teaching and learning styles, while also exploring campus life and student services. Paired with an upperclassman peer-mentor, you’ll experience firsthand one of the essential hallmarks of the program - community-building. Clustered team-building exercises help create a close-knit community of students working together, to be successful in areas including science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Week 3:
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this week you will, again, engage in interactive assignments and activities online via Canvas, discussion boards, where you continue to build upon concepts and ideas introduced earlier. The transition program closes with an induction luncheon, hosted by the Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program, where you are installed as a CSTEP member. In many ways this is the beginning of your college experience, given the impending academic school year. We will outline your next steps as you embark upon an enriched college experience leading to graduation, where CSTEP will be there every step of the way.
Is a week of chemistry, biology and writing really going to help me once I start school?
We will explore effective learning and engagement practices leading to your success whether in biology, chemistry, writing or otherwise. The experiences would ideally help solidify your focus on being a successful college student. Access to an established close-knit community of peers, mentors and professors can also help facilitate your success as an individual and college student.
What kind of assignments can I expect during the on-line portion?
The curriculum is delivered through videos, readings and other methods designed to engage students. The content is designed to engage students individually and collectively, through forums promoting learning and community.
Does the CSTEP Program offer additional services throughout the academic school year?
We work extensively with students throughout the academic school year(s) providing services through the following categories:
- Summer Transition Program
- Academic Support Services
- Student Academic Resources
- Student Career Development
- Graduate School Preparation
Is there a cost to enroll in the program?
The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program is funded through a New York State Department of Education grant and is free to students.
Student testimonials from Summer Transition Program
"My mentor has given me encouragement, helped me with classes, work, studying and was available to answer my questions.”
“Being able to look up to someone for encouragement and motivation.”
“The material that was presented, and the way it was presented, greatly increased my confidence for the upcoming academic semesters, as well as the duration of my academic career.”
"It was better than I thought - it was more hands on and educational which (I) liked.”
“It was a great way to get a head start on adjusting to the atmosphere, environment, workload, and the people in college.”
“It’s a community of people always willing to help you throughout your academic journey.”
101 Oak Street, Uniondale (Directions)
Mailing address:
107 Oak Street Center
255 Hofstra University
Hempstead, NY 11549-2550

Taneisha Clarke, MHA
Associate Director
Office: (516) 463-5797

Blanca Rajkowski, MSEd
Assistant Director
Office: (516) 463-5661

Shadeika Riley, MSEd
Program Counselor
Office: (516) 463-5309

Melissa Restrepo
Program Counselor
Office: (516) 463-5795

Tristan Meikle
Program Counselor
Office: (516) 463-6567