Controller's Office

Accounts Payable

Accounts Payable is responsible for processing all approved and properly documented University vendor payments and employee business reimbursements. The department is responsible to ensure that all payments are consistent with University policies and federal/state regulations and requirements.


All payments must comply with University financial policies and the requirements of federal/state regulations.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How frequently are checks processed?

A: Checks are processed daily and printed on Wednesday and Friday

Q: Where can I find the General Services Administration (GSA) rate look up for grant payments?


Q: How do I convert currency from a foreign trip?

A: Click on the following link -

Q: How long does it take to receive reimbursement?

A: Normal turnaround time is 5-7 days from receipt in the Office of Account’s Payable when payment is properly authorized and contains all required documentation.

Q: What documentation is required for an employee business reimbursement?

A: Employee Reimbursements must be properly approved and documented in accordance with university policy to ensure compliance with the IRS definition of an “accountable plan”, which protects employees from taxation on their reimbursement.

Below is an overview of items required

  • Original receipts and supporting documentation (including invoices, conference agenda and event brochures, fee schedules supporting payment and to whom payment was made).
  • Statement of business purpose – identifying nature of business, individuals participating and individuals’ business affiliation.
  • Mileage reimbursement – include dates, total miles, points of departure/arrival, calculation supporting total miles (i.e., Google maps, MapQuest, etc.).
  • Approvals – all reports must be signed by the employee and approved by their immediate supervisor.

For complete Policy & Procedure summaries and requirements, please visit the University website under Financial Policies.

Q: What other information may be required for payment via a check requisition (i.e., payment to a vendor)?

A. Below is a brief overview of additional items that may be required:

  • Copy of a contract – expense amount should not exceed value of the contract
  • Copy of purchase order - expense should not exceed value of the PO
  • Include W9 Form for new vendor
  • Additional approval, if needed, for gift funds, donations, relocation, advertising, etc.

Please contact a member of the Accounts Payable team if you have any additional questions regarding reimbursements to ensure payment is received in a timely manner.

Contact Accounts Payable

Nancy Pineros
Accounts Payable Manager

Shirley Cote
Senior Accounts Clerk

Marianna D’Aleo
Senior Assistant

Paola DeFranco
Accounts Clerk Specialist