Hofstra University

Museum of Art

Advances knowledge and understanding through experiences with authentic works of art

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The Hofstra University Museum of Art offers programs for students, educators, families, and the community, connecting visitors with art in new and educational ways.


The collection contains more than 5,200 works of art and cultural artifacts, dating from 1500 BCE to the 21st century, representing six continents, plus 70 sculptures that can be found displayed across Hofstra’s campus.


Through dynamic educational programs and services, visitors to the Museum are invited to make meaningful connections with art that enrich their understanding of themselves and the diverse world community in which they live.


The Museum welcomes visitors to its galleries Tuesday through Sunday during the school year. Galleries are closed on major holidays, during Hofstra University recesses and is closed on weekends in the summer.

About the Museum

Accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, the Hofstra University Museum of Art initiates and facilitates rich and varied cultural and artistic explorations in an atmosphere that promotes the open exchange of ideas.

Message from the Director

Learn about our Diversity Awareness Initiatives.

In the News

Contact the Museum

The Museum

Hofstra University Museum of Art
112 Hofstra University
Hempstead, New York 11549

Phone: 516-463-5672
Fax: 516-463-4743

Contact the Director

Sasha Giordano
Office: Room 040 Memorial Hall
Phone: 516-463-3565
Fax: 516-463-4743

The Hofstra University Museum of Art gratefully acknowledges the support of the following:

NY State of Opportunity - Council on the arts
National Endowment for the Arts