Meet Our Graduates

Alexandra Neely

Hometown: South Riding, VA

Degree: Education and History

School: Continuing studies at Hofstra for a master’s in education


How did you choose to attend Hofstra?

I’m from northern Virginia in a place called Loudon County. I found out about Hofstra from one of my best friends growing up. She came here on a full scholarship to play women’s soccer, and I would come up a lot to visit her. I liked how pretty the campus was, the location near New York City, and that new construction was taking place. Then I started to look into other things, like the student- to-professor ratio. It all appealed to me.


Did you come into Hofstra knowing what you’d major in?

I knew I wanted to major in history. My first history class was taught by Dr. Alan Singer from the School of Education. I didn’t realize it at the time that he doesn’t teach many classes for the History Department. 

One day he told me to stay after class; I was worried that something might be wrong. Then he asked, “Have you considered being a teacher?” Though I had thought about it a little bit, I began considering it more seriously. Dr. Singer gave me the paperwork to add an education major to my courseload.


What has your student teaching experience been like?

I finished a placement at Turtle Hook Middle School [in Uniondale], and now I’m at Uniondale High School. I really enjoyed teaching 7th graders and bonded with many of them. I remember being in middle school myself. Nobody wakes up and says, “I wish I could be in middle school again.” It can be a difficult time, so I worked hard to build a good rapport with the kids.


What kind of extracurricular activities have you done?

I encouraged my friend to start the Middle Eastern North African Student Association or MENASA on campus. I’m really proud of all the club has accomplished during its short time. 

Dr. Singer invited me to join the newly created Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee for the School of Education, and last year I was inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, the honor society for the History Department. I was also inducted into Phi Beta Kappa this semester.


Have you had any mentors during your time at Hofstra?

It was great luck to have that first history class with Dr. Singer and to have him as a mentor my entire time at Hofstra. 

I like to joke that as soon as he brought up the idea of being a teacher, Dr. Singer hasn't left me alone. Since that first semester, he has helped me figure out classes and registration. I took another class with him on the Irish Potato Famine. I was a peer teacher with him, which was a great experience. He also encouraged my getting involved with research. My first project was on the histories leading to the Irish famine and the 1943 Bengal famine. 

Dr. Singer has even recommended professors to me. He’ll say, “I can tell you learn this way. That’s how these professors teach. You’ll do well with them.” He has obviously noticed my interests and is always watching out for me and offering helpful advice. 

I’ve become close to many of the professors in the History Department. Someone who has been a huge help to me is Professor [Carolyn] Eisenberg. I was a peer teacher for her as well. She often comments how quiet I was my first years with her, and now she can’t get me to stop arguing with her. It’s funny because I really agree with everything she says.


What will you miss most after graduating?

I'll really miss the community here, especially the professors and the friends I’ve made in the School of Education and the History Department. When you’re in multiple classes with the same people, you develop a special bond.


What’s next for you after Hofstra?

I'm open to anything. I would not mind staying on Long Island or returning to Virginia to teach. I’m also interested in teaching English as a second language abroad. There are a lot of opportunities, and in many places you don’t have to be fluent in the language of the country where you’re working. If you speak English and have an education degree, they’ll help you. I have family members from Argentina, so that’s one place I’d consider going. I’m also very interested in Spain. I’m thinking I’ll apply to a few places and narrow it down from there.


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