Thanks to the support of the Hofstra University community, hundreds of volunteers, and employer partners, the Center for Career Design & Development has provided 1,500 students with professional clothing — and now has a permanent location to help Hofstra year-round.
Thank you to our Career Closet sponsors! Click on each logo to link to the employers’ career page.
Gold Level Sponsors
Silver Level Sponsors
White Level Sponsors
The Hofstra Center for Career Design & Development encourages students to use the Career Closet prior to fairs, interviews, or even for networking events or their internships. The Career Closet is FREE for students and is located in the Campus Living and Wellness Center, Room 147B. During the fall and spring semesters, students may drop-in hours of Mondays and Wednesdays from 1-2:30pm.
At this time, the Career Closet is not taking online reservations. For more information about the Career Closet, please email careerdesign@hofstra.edu.
Due to the overwhelming amount of donations, we have paused accepting new donations at this time. We will update the website when we begin accepting donations again.
Questions? Contact the Center for Career Design & Development: 516-463-6060
Sponsorship Opportunities
Career Design & Development Sponsorship for the Professional Development of Hofstra Students
Career Closet
This continuous program provides FREE professional clothes & accessories to hundreds of Hofstra Students each year!
Career Closet Champion as a Gold Level Sponsor - $1,000 per year
- Company logo on shopping bags given to each participating student
- Company logo on all promotional materials, both virtual and print
- Company link to your job page from Career Closet web page
- Company promotional video on Career Closet web page
Career Closet Partner as a Blue Level Sponsor - $750 per year
- Company logo on all promotional materials, both virtual and print
- Company link to your job page from Career Closet web page
- Company promotional video on Career Closet web page
Career Closet Partner as Silver Level Sponsor - $500 per year
- Company logo on all promotional materials, both virtual and print
Career Closet Donor as a White Level Sponsor
- Companies that donate more than 50 individual pieces of professional attire and accessories will be eligible to have their company logo on all promotional materials, both virtual and print. No monetary amount is necessary for this sponsorship level. White Level can be combined with another level to increase company sponsorship tier.
Sponsorship Application and full payment must be received by 8/15 of each year. Sponsorship period is from 9/1-8/31.