
Biology Program Goals

Program Goal One: Foundations of Biological Inquiry

The Biology Program at Hofstra University provides a comprehensive curriculum that includes core interdisciplinary knowledge and the integration of new knowledge.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students who graduate with a Biology degree will be able to:

  • Demonstrate an understanding of core principles of biology
  • Integrate and apply knowledge across scientific disciplines
  • Incorporate contemporary research into an existing conceptual framework

Program Goal Two: Analytical Skills

The Biology Program at Hofstra University provides a comprehensive curriculum that requires students to apply all aspects of the scientific method in coursework and research activities.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students who graduate with a Biology degree will be able to:

  • Demonstrate practical application of discipline-specific research techniques
  • Analyze and interpret data and scientific literature
  • Synthesize data and draw appropriate inferences
  • Demonstrate critical thinking

Program Goal Three: Professional Skills

The Biology Program at Hofstra University promotes professionalism (confidence, competence, respect, civility) and effective communication.

Student Learning Outcomes:

Students who graduate with a Biology Degree will be able to:

  • Demonstrate effective oral and written scientific communication
  • Discuss the merits of alternative hypotheses
  • Communicate and conduct themselves professionally using discipline appropriate standards.