Thanks to our alumni, parents, and friends Hofstra University continues to provide an unparalleled educational experience. Our generous and committed donors enable Hofstra to attract the best and brightest students through scholarships and financial aid, recruit accomplished faculty, as well as, provide transformative learning experiences, a technologically advanced environment, as well as a beautiful campus.
The Honor Roll of Donors provides an opportunity to acknowledge and thank you for your vital contributions. A diverse group of benefactors supports Hofstra: alumni, friends, parents, faculty/staff, organizations, and corporations. We are grateful to have such dedicated and committed supporters.
The Fund for Hofstra University
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- Provide scholarships for deserving students
- Ensure a technologically advanced learning environment
- Allow us to host world-class events and lectures
- Preserve our beautiful and nationally recognized campus
Help us achieve extraordinary things! Visit or call 516-463-6336 to make your gift today.

Individual Donors
$1 million+
Lawrence Herbert ‘51*
Mary and Peter S. Kalikow ‘65*
Carol and Alan J. Bernon ‘76*
Andrew M. Boas ‘80*
Stefan T. Bodstrom ‘11
Mark Claster ‘77*
Louis Feil Charitable Lead
Annuity Trust*
Mindy and Arno Fried*
Laurence T. Ginsberg ‘79*
Alan I. Greene
Arlene ‘88 and Robert Goldberg*
Leo A. Guthart*
David G. Kelman ‘75†
Rosetta B. Langlois ‘75, ‘00, ‘14
Adam Levy ‘92*
Doris Lister*
Sondra and David S. Mack ‘67*
James C. Metzger ‘83*
Judith Livingston Moore ‘79*
Michael W. Roberge ‘92*
Jodi and Robert D. Rosenthal ‘74*
Caryl and Leonard Shapiro*
Judith Susan Sheindlin
Toni Gross Sosnoff ‘63 and
Martin Sosnoff*
Donald Zucker
Frank A. Calderone*†
James A. D’Addario ‘72*
Joseph L. Dionne ‘55, ‘57*†
Barbara Ann Frankel ‘81
Randy W. Frankel ‘79
Kevin J. Hesselbirg
Patricia Koster ‘57, ‘81 and
Frank G. Zarb ‘57, ‘62*
Janis ‘81 and Richard Meyer*
Samuel Ramos ‘91*
Debby and Scott Rechler*
Thomas J. Sanzone ‘82*
Suzanne and Christopher Teleha*
Karl Weiler ‘60*
Steven C. Witkoff ‘80, ‘83*
Vadim Wolfson
Margaret and Jeffrey Abrams*
Allan Abramson
Tracey ‘87 and Todd Ant ‘81*
James Q. Ball
Lisa and Gregory Cerchione ‘84
Libby G. Creek ‘54*
Michael E. DeDomenico ‘69*
Michael P. Delaney ‘85*
Jay R. Deutsch ‘68
Howard Fensterman
Nancy Ferrara ‘90
Dolores Fredrich ‘80 and
Jeffrey Keller ‘80*
Maria A. Grasso ‘86*
Charles R. Hale ‘71
Ruth and Elliot Joseph
Seth B. Lipsay ‘84
Cathy and Robert F. McKeon ‘53*
Sneh and Gopal Mehta
Gary Podell ‘91
Julio A. Portalatin ‘81*
Nancy and Stuart Rabinowitz*
Monica ‘84 and
Philip Rosenthal ‘81
Vicki Santello, in memory of
Estelle Aden
Michael W. Seiman ‘01*
Philip J. Shapiro ‘78*
Marilyn and James Simons
Linda and Myron Teitelbaum
Rita and David Woldenberg
Rona F. Woldenberg*
Dale E. Zand
Roy J. Zuckerberg
Wendy and Danal Abrams*
Linda ‘85, ‘00 and Marc Alpert ‘83
Evelyn J. Benjamin
Dorothy and Wilbur Breslin
Linda and M. David Burghardt*
Nancy J. Burner ‘88*
John Cameron*
The Cerrato Family*
Laurence N. Charney ‘69
Robert W. Chasanoff
David Cooper
Paul Cooper
James K. Donaghy ‘89*
Debra Tosi Ferriso ‘14 and
Alfred Ferriso ‘13*
Claire and Anthony A. Florence
Kathleen Gallo*
Gerard N. Giovaniello ‘64
Robin F. Goldberg
Edwin V. Grivins ‘80, ‘85*
Marc L. Hamroff ‘83*
Nancy Gittleson Hodson ‘82, ‘84
Jeffrey O. Hollinger ‘69
Edward M. Kalikow ‘78*
Larry Keigwin ‘94 and
Christian Keesee
Lenard Leeds ‘74
Audrey and Marvin Levin
Diane S. Levy ‘65*
D. Carl Lustig, III ‘78*
Philip H. Mark ‘64*
Donna E. Marshall ‘95
Kristin and John D. Miller ‘79*
Marilyn B. Monter ‘76 and
Wilfred Witthuhn*
Janet George Murnick and
Daniel Murnick ‘62*
Neena Nariani ‘81 and
Steven Freiberg ‘79, ‘80*
Patricia ‘92 and
Larren Nashelsky ‘91
Eric W. Nodiff ‘80, ‘83*
Ann McCaffrey O’Dwyer ‘59 and
Terry F. O’Dwyer ‘60*
Michael G. Pantelogianis ‘92
Daniel C. Pietrzykoski
Samantha ‘95, ‘00 and
Michael Quattrucci ‘90, ‘94
Sina Y. Rabbany*
Benjamin Rifkin
Bari Jane Wolfe Rogers ‘83 and
Philip Rogers, Jr. ‘83
Lawrence P. Roman ‘77*
Cora and Kenneth Rood ‘77, ‘79*
Brian Ruane ‘96
Charles Ruotolo
Stephanie ‘68 and Stuart Saft ‘68*
Steven R. Salbu ‘77*
Carolyn Sanchez and
E. David Woycik, Jr. ‘77, ‘80*
Jason Savarese ‘95
Dorthe A. Selda ‘69*
Terri C. Shapiro ‘86, ‘89, ‘95*
Mary and Robert Sparks
Ronald E. Strothkamp*
Susan M. Sullivan ‘64*
Shari Teitelbaum and
Mark Bibi ‘80*
Mary Tobi
George J. Tsunis*
Christopher P. Wacker ‘76
Martha White-Colabella ‘95 and
Mark Colabella ‘85, ‘91
Beth Zweibel
Zachary M. Zweibel ‘18
M. Patricia Adamski and
Edwin Burrows*
Judith ‘80, ‘86 and Gary Adler*
Denise Jones Adler ‘81*
Robert J. Bernstein ‘55*
Sondra L. Bernstein ‘53*
Tejinder S. Bindra
Bill Bleyer ‘74*
Deborah and William Bradley*
Robert W. Buckner ‘56, ‘65*
Lynn ‘64 and Richard Cardozo ‘64*
Joseph J. Carrello ‘91*
Jennifer and Shawn Cassidy ‘88
Joan and Robert Catell*
Marlene Cookson-Wallace ‘92 and
Jay Wallace ‘00*
Michele ‘93, ‘01 and
James Cusack ‘90, ‘98
Robert F. D’Esposito ‘64*
Steven J. Eisman*
Kathleen and Rodney Finzel*
Douglas Fixell ‘72
Kraig G. Fox ‘93*
Anne M. Fried
Judith Fryer ‘75 and Daniel Biggs*
Robert F. Gartland ‘74*
Judy Cella Gilligan ‘67, ‘72*
Kathleen Dooley Glass ‘99 and
Jeffrey Glass ‘79*
Norman Gross ‘50*
Calla M. Hales ‘12, ‘15*
Rashad Hasan Haughton ‘00*
Jeffrey L. Hecht ‘94
Christopher J. Hein ‘85
J. Marie and Christopher Hein*
Catherine ‘81 and
William Hennessy*
Robert Herber
Lisa Shushan Heymann ‘89 and
David Heymann ‘89*
Leslie Sirota Hirsch ‘94 and
Douglas Hirsch ‘90
Steven A. Horowitz ‘81, ‘84, ‘89
Beverly Baker Jackson ‘97*
Marie Parziale Johs ‘88 and
Frederick Johs ‘76*
Susan and Arthur Kremer*
Seryl ‘84 and Charles Kushner ‘79*
Diana E. Lake ‘68*
Ralph E. Lambert ‘84
Eric Lempel ‘95
Janet A. Lenaghan ‘92*
Randy L. Levine ‘80
Lawrence Levy*
Rudy Liccardi
Carol and Jamie Loeb
Lizabeth Lynner ‘85 and
James Palenchar*
Mary ‘73 and Michael Madden
Robert O. Mayer ‘73*
Janice M. McFadden ‘87, ‘92*
Clare H. Meeker ‘80
Catherine and
George Melanthiou*
Stella ‘09 and Paul Mendes*
Joseph A. Mihalich*
Joanne Minieri ‘82
Peter S. Morgan ‘97
Saul P. Morgenstern ‘81
Lynda and Richard Murphy ‘62*
Fusae Nara ‘91*
Richard K. Neuman
Karen O’Callaghan and
Grace Cucchissi*
Gerard E. O’Connor ‘00
Maureen M. O’Leary
Paul O’Neill, Jr. ‘90
Bonnie ‘84 and
Andrew Oringer ‘84
A. J. Paluska, Jr. ‘68, ‘70*
Catharine and
Anthony Perettine ‘87*
A. Gail Prudenti and
Robert Cimino*
Jean and James Prusko
Anthony J. Rondello ‘19
Charles Russo ‘78
David H. Rubenstein ‘77
Judith A. Salerno ‘70*
Debra Sandler ‘82*
Nancy and Paul R. Saueracker ‘78*
Joan and Donald Schaeffer*
Annette Schrader ‘84 and
Herman Berliner*
David Schwed ‘12
Holly Seirup ‘90, ‘95 and
Clifford Pincus ‘83, 85, ‘09*
Patricia ‘64 and
John Sepulveda ‘67*
Peter D. Shapiro ‘67*
Francine ‘76, ‘87, ‘93 and
Henry Sikorski ‘75
Shannon E. Smith*
Robin ‘86 and
Joseph Sparacio ‘89*
James M. Wolin ‘77, ‘81*
Guy L. Truicko ‘91*
Charles M. Trunz, III
Patricia K. Wamser ‘57
Tai Wang
Jeffrey M. Weiner ‘79
Jack A. Weisbaum ‘64*
Matthew Weiss ‘92
David E. Weissman
Rondell J. Wescott ‘03*
Ron Yakuel ‘99
Ellen C. Yaroshefsky
Margaret Abraham and
Pradeep Singh*
Robert H. Abrams ‘79
Michael J. Ackerman ‘66*
Mohammad Akram
Anthony S. Alexander ‘98*
Gerness ‘68 and Harvey Alpert*
Lori Goldman Ames ‘79*
James A. Amodio ‘74*
Eleanor ‘75, ‘84 and
Calvin Andrew ‘72*
Elaine M. Anton-Lotruglio ‘90*
John Arianas ‘92
Nancy Aries and Elliott Sclar ‘63*
Bonnie ‘84 and Dwight Arnesen*
John H. Bae ‘89*
Jay G. Baris ‘78*
Richard C. Bayer ‘84*
Satjit Bhusri
P. J. Bjorneby ‘96
Larry Bloom*
Robert V. Boos ‘59*
Ian D. Bower ‘95
Alyssa M. Breres ‘15
George Breres
Andrea and Kenneth Brodlieb*
Kenneth W. Brooks ‘74*
Louis Bruno
Michael H. Bruzik ‘82*
Tara Buonocore-Rut ‘03, ‘04*
Melissa Butchin ‘93 and David
McNamara ‘90, ‘91*
Thomas M. Byrne ‘89*
Adrianne Cajayon ‘06 and
Patrick Vaughan ‘06
Eileen Callahan-Fiechter and
Rene Fiechter ‘74*
Juliana V. Campagna*
Pina M. Campagna ‘00*
Carolyn ‘90 and Robert Campbell
Matthew F. Carberry ‘12*
Dawn Carman
William Carmody*
Melanie Moore Carpenter ‘95, ‘98
and Matthew Carpenter ‘96*
Christopher Caruso ‘97*
Robert C. Carvalho ‘88
Susan and Fred Catalano
Michael S. Catanzarita
Rafael Chong
Thomas K. Chu ‘12
Kim M. Ciesinski ‘86, ‘89*
Gregory B. Classon ‘81*
Richard J. Clavell ‘53*
Heather Cohen ‘98 and
Michael Waxman ‘96*
Michael J. Cohen*
Andrew T. Coholan ‘14
Richard J. Cole
Michael A. Colleluori ‘09
Daniel F. Collins ‘64
Maryellen and John J. Conefry, Jr.
Katharine and John Conroy
Jonathan D. Cooper ‘89
Emily M. Corzel ‘13, ‘14*
Steven R. Costenoble*
James L. Coughlan
Teri ‘09, ‘17 and Mark Cox ‘93, ‘02*
Charles B. Cummings ‘73
Brent Cunningham
John M. Czygier, Jr. ‘74*
Michelle Badami D’Amore ‘91 and
Matthew D’Amore
Margaret T. D’Albert ‘84
Michele Dagavarian-Miller ‘77
Abena Darkeh ‘93
Suzanne Mikos David ‘99 and
Kenneth David
Lawrence A. Davis ‘70, ‘74*
Armand DeAmbrosis ‘69
Jennifer L. Delgais ‘98 and
Charles Cacciabaudo
John F. Demek, Jr.
Nelson R. DeMille ‘70*
Sherly Demosthenes-Atkinson ‘12
Gina Desalvo ‘82 and
Milan Krainchich ‘82*
Sylvia and Paul Detkin ‘49*
Barbara DeVoe
Cristina Diaconu ‘95 and
Christopher Eldredge ‘95*
Louis F. DiBlasi ‘61
Gerard DiConza ‘91*
Robert K. DiFazio
Lynn Dolnick
Paulette and Chuck Dotson*
W. Houston Dougharty*
Joseph R. Downey ‘85*
Rosalie Downey*
John Dulmovits*
Pinda ‘94 and George Eng ‘94*
Carmine E. Esposito ‘89*
Michael Faltischek*
Thomas A. Famigletti ‘68
Sean A. Fanelli*
Carolyn ‘72, ‘75 and
Paul Farinella ‘69, ‘74*
Cynthia A. Farr ‘85*
David B. Fellin ‘72
Carole Ferrand
Thomas P. Ferry ‘11
Edward M. Finegan ‘66*
Audrey Fixell ‘65, ‘83
Daniel Fixell
Laurie and Paul Flamm*
James P. Flood ‘77*
Nicholas M. Florio ‘78*
Jeffrey D. Forchelli*
Nancy ‘91 and Richard Freedman*
Jordan W. Fried ‘13, ‘15*
Nikki Frink ‘13, ‘15
Warren G. Frisina*`
Jacqueline and Jeff Froccaro*
Richard A. Furie
Michael Gannon
Eugene E. Gelling ‘97
Michael Gentile
Jill and Richard E. Gerety
Irene and Roger Gerland*
Jill Gershman ‘91
Sleiman R. Ghorayeb*
Pasha Gill ‘14
Evan S. Giniger ‘87
Thomas P. Giuffra
Diane D. Goldman ‘75*
Melissa E. Goldman ‘83
Daniel A. Golub ‘70
Edward C. Goodman ‘63*
Elisa ‘85, ‘88, ’94, and
Patrick C. Gordon ‘85
John K. Gorman ‘08
Susan S. Gould*
Marianne Grady ‘10
Marguerite Grays ‘82 and
Hugh Campbell ‘82*
Scott G. Greissman ‘94*
Nunzio J. Grella ‘68*
Michael Grieco
Ryan C. Grimes ‘97
Richard B. Grossi ‘95
Joyce ‘56 and Samuel Hanna
Bronwyn ‘13 and
James Kemp Hannon ‘99*
Joseph A. Hanshe ‘69, ‘70
Maria E. Harris ‘86*
Patricia and John Healy ‘69, ‘77*
Joseph P. Heaney, III*
Grant Hendricks
Craig Hertz
Stephen E. Hershkowitz ‘66
Robert Heyl ‘71
James Edward Hickey, Jr.
John J. Hill, Jr. ‘77
Barbara Hecht Hirst and
Arthur Hirst*
Donald J. Hofmann, Jr. ‘79*
Shegun Holder ‘97
Robert Hussey
Steven Iglio ‘94*
Eleanor and Pascal Imperato
Joey Jackson ‘95*
Paul I. Jeffery ‘63*
Patrick H. Joy ‘17
Rebecca Kadish and
Robert Levine*
Roger Kale
Gregory Kalikow ‘10
Melissa A. Kane-Connolly ‘89, ‘17*
Kari Kaplan ‘97, ‘00 and
Michael Langer ‘01
Jamie and Peggy Kapner
Roberta S. Karp ‘83
Steven Kaufmann
Leah Thompson Keith
Susan and Alan J. Kelly ‘20*
Michael Kendrick
Thomas J. Kessler ‘02
Thomas J. Killeen*
Dorothy I. Kirsch ‘68, ‘73
David M. Kleinman ‘06*
Gene Klimov ‘97
Gary F. Knobel
Gerald R. Knorr ‘65
Stefan H. Krieger
James J. Kolb*
Michelle Lamendola-Essel ‘11
Eric Lane*
Daniel Langner
Lewis B. Lane
Michelle Laskin ‘90 and
David Weissman ‘90*
Helen M. Latimer*
Michael J. Laudenslager ‘91*
Salvatore T. Lentini ‘94*
Gloria B. Levin
Daniel K. Levine ‘19
Tanya F. Levy-Odom ‘90 and
Edward Odom*
Cindy Lewis ‘79*
Andrea Libresco ‘89* and
Michael D’Innocenzo
Jacqueline O. LiCalzi ‘85*
Joseph L. Liebowitz ‘18, ‘19
Michael Liebowitz
Louis Henry Liotti ‘70, ‘74
Helen and Evans Lizardos*
Joan B. Loeb
George Lombardo
Mark Lukasiewicz
Joan and Robert Lunney
Jessica Lyons ‘06 and
Sunny Singh ‘06
Eugene T. Maccarrone ‘76, ‘82*
Ilene Mack
Douglas L. Maine ‘78
Michael J. Malave, Jr. ‘15*
Eric R. Marcus
Max T. Marcus ‘17
Carlo Massaro ‘93, ‘96
David J. Mattana ‘86*
Carole and
Anthony Mazzarella ‘72*
Forrest McMullen ‘51, ‘54*
Edward D. Meushaw, Jr. ‘93
Joanna M. Molfetta ‘96 and
Richard Justino ‘98
Christine and Ernesto Molmenti
Robert A. Monroe, Sr. ‘64*
Tita and Joseph Monti*
Mary Ann and Joseph Monticciolo*
J. Michael Moore*
Dawn and Scott Muggeo
Terese and Keith Mullin
Maureen O. Murphy
Hillary Serota Needle ‘89 and
Michael Needle ‘88*
Christopher W. Niedt*
James J. Nolan ‘06*
Charles Occhipinti, Jr. ‘12
David Oestreicher
Michael Palumbo
Maureen Paradine ‘89
Gregory Parisi ‘83*
Gina and Cosmo Parrella
Robert T. Parrinelli ‘00, ‘03*
Ann E. Parry ‘76*
Michele and Michael Paton
Barry J. Peek ‘77
Rachel Peel-MacAndrew
Daniel Pellegriti ‘00
Matthew F. Perettine ‘18
Anamaria Perez ‘73
Ronald T. Piervincenzi ‘93*
Emily S. Pines ‘72, ‘76*
Eric N. Piper ‘64*
Nicholas R. Polanco ‘09
Gregory P. Polli ‘85*
Jay I. Pomerantz ‘89*
Robert J. Proske ‘68*
Robert Pryor
Robert J. Quinlan ‘86*
Jill Rabin ‘75 and
Barbara Friedlander*
Wendy and Brian Rathjen
John T. Reicherter ‘15
Timothy Reilly
Ryan J. Rielly ‘15*
Nancy and John L. Rivkin*
Linda and George Roberts*
John A. Rodger, Jr.*
Jessica H. Rodgers ‘00
Michael L. Rogers ‘73*
Michael J. Romano ‘11*
Mary and David Rooney*
Beth S. Rosenberg ‘79*
Jill L. Rosenberg
Mary and Louis Ruggilo*
Catherine C. Samuels ‘79
Janine M. Santoro ‘07
Maryellen and Pat Santoro*
Edward G. Saueracker ‘78
Ashley Sauerhof ‘14 and
Samuel Jaffe ‘10, ‘13*
Steven Savona
Andrew I. Schepard*
Joseph W. Schier ‘76*
Lisa and Peter Schiff*
Kevin Schlosser ‘84*
Bernard Seibert
Beverly ‘70 and Charles Shaw*
Sara Ann ‘83, ‘88 and
Ronald Shindel ‘96
Varinder P. Singh
Renee ‘79 and Stephen Silver ‘66
Lawrence A. Sipkin ‘66
Bradley Smallberg ‘05
H. Brooks Smith ‘80*
Lawrence G. Smith*
Nancy ‘71 and
Frederick Smith ‘73*
Nathalie J. Smith ‘68*
Jonathan Somerstein ‘92
Michael A. Sorrentino ‘05*
Brian Spallina ‘00
Regina M. Spallina ‘00
Joyce Pinto Sparrow ‘75*
Mona Sterlacci ‘97 and
Marc Latman ‘97
Penny M. Stern*
Linda and Leonard L. Susman
Yana and John J. Squeri, Jr.
Panayiota ‘00 and
Michael Stefanakis ‘99
Steven A. Stella ‘98
Richard M. Steuer ‘70
Patti Ann ‘80, ‘84 and
Matthew Surico
Mark Sussman ‘69
Terrence Tarver ‘07*
Charles E. Tholen ‘63*
George F. Tischler, Jr. ‘91*
Judith and Kenneth Tripp ‘96
Shari and Jonathan Turell
Stanley Uk*
Harold Varmus
Lisa Vignogna-Barlas
Thomas A. Voelkel ‘17
Brigid ‘11 and Benjamin Vogt
Athan Vorilas ‘87
Nanette M. Wachter*
Ruth and Robert Waldbaum
Robert P. Weaver ‘90
Marni and Mitchell Weinberg ‘17*
Joyce and William Weir ‘85*
Marc S. Wenger ‘87
Jamie Whitfield ‘83*
Robert P. Williams*
William J. Wojcik
Jacqueline K. Worrall ‘17
Renee Pissk Worrall ‘79 and
Richard Worrall ‘77, ‘81*
Jeffrey A. Wurst ‘71, ‘74*
Barbara Brizzi Wynne
Kenneth R. Yashian ‘83*
Charles J. Yovino ‘79
Gail and Allen Zagoren ‘69*
Todd M. Zelnick ‘77*
Jerome Zollenberg ‘61*
Caryl and Herbert Ackerman ‘50
Gerard Agostinello
Miriam R. Albert*
Mohammed Alduayji ‘13
Mary and Lawrence Altmann
Steven H. Anderson ‘82*
Kim and Richard Appelbaum*
Theresa G. Barone ‘70*
Thomas J. Basile ‘97*
Karen C. Baswell ‘07
Dorothy Phillips Bendetti ‘57*
Vincent A. Benenati ‘95
Mindy Birnbaum ‘83 and
Barry Rutcofsky ‘83
Charlotte and Roger Blumencranz
David R. Bolnick ‘80
Marlene ‘80 and
Edward Borenstein ‘80
Kathryn L. Bourdeau ‘12
Joyce A. Brauer-Weston ‘77*
Leslie and John Brigham*
Joel Brochstein
John J. Budnick ‘71, ‘74*
Linda and M. David Burghardt
Alafair S. Burke
Susan and Robert Bush
Jane Butterworth*
Marivi Caban ‘08 and
Christopher Weidman ‘07
Philip W. Cadieux ‘77, ‘84
Jane E. Carleton
Linda Carmine
Mark J. Caruso ‘77*
Michael J. Caruso ‘08*
Diana T. Cecchini ‘85, ‘97*
Meredith and Paul Celentano*
Frank Chervenak
Nicole K. Chevalier ‘18
Sharon and Rob Chevalier
Joanne Chirico ‘86
Peter J. Clagnaz ‘73*
Daniel H. Cohen
Neal Coleman
Caitlin M. Connolly ‘05
Anthony E. Conrardy ‘10
Theresia Cooper-Schwartz
John A. Corrado, Jr. ‘61*
Marie Corrado ‘56*
Barbara ‘60 and Tom Cousins ‘60*
Denise S. Cunningham ‘97*
Malea Flis D’Amico
Deborah Dansky ‘77, ‘78 and
Joel Gerstenblatt ‘77*
Peter Davies
Frank Davis
Rashan L. Davis ‘20
Solange and Frederick Davis ‘85
William A. Delaney ‘86*
Corrina Delgadillo ‘16 and
Brett A. Schreiber ‘14
Tanja Ann Deutschmann ‘91 and
Justin Sendak ‘90
Denise J. DiMeglio ‘81*
Janet L. Dolgin
Orsola D’Onofrio
Charles Dotson*
Lisa M. Dresner*
Carla and Gerald Du Manoir
Neil F. Duncan*
Daniel G. Dyer ‘85*
Jessica A. Eads ‘96*
Shereen Frances Edelson ‘77*
William W. Edwards
Ginny Ehrlich-Greenberg ‘90 and
Glenn Greenberg
Bruce Eiber ‘77, ‘80*
Erica and Henry Emmet
Henry T. Emmet, Jr. ‘12
Nicole M. Epstein ‘15
Stephen J. Fallon ‘12
John J. Farley, III ‘73*
Timothy B. Farrell ‘93*
Kim R. and James Federman
Dolores and Anthony Filandro*
David J. Finkelstein ‘85
Reese Fitzpatrick
Marion P. Fleming ‘68*
Sheri and Richard Fleury
Tyler D. Fleury ‘18, ‘19*
Paul J. Flora ‘68*
Craig R. Forbes
Suzanne and Donald Forte
Eric M. Freedman
Robert K. Fricke ‘90*
Aaron Futterman ‘98
Linda Galler
Dominic Gallina ‘99
Patricia Galteri ‘80
Anthony J. Garafalo
Gwenae G. Garvey*
Lisa and Milo Gates
Kathleen Gatti
R. Gauthier
Bradley Gerstman ‘90
Chester J. Geveda, Jr. ‘68
Joseph R. Geyer ‘14*
Vincent Giambanco
Carol Gilbert and
Michael J. DeLibero ‘93
Joan M. Gilmore ‘77
Eric Goldstein ‘75
Robert A. Gordon*
Rosalind M. Gordon ‘73*
Peter M. Gottesman ‘69*
Bryan Graff
Howard Graf
Jonathan Guenoun ‘17
Calla Gutter*
Angela Scaringella Guziewicz ‘92*
Martine Hackett*
Lynne Gerhard Halik
Kenneth Hammer ‘81
Alexandra H. Hannon ‘11*
Bonita J. Hardwick ‘17
Evelyn M. Harrison ‘84*
Robert M. Harrison
Alan Hartman
Pamela Shaw Hawkesworth ‘88
and Kevin Hawkesworth ‘88
Norman L. Hicks ‘62*
Charles Hofmann
Peter Hollis
Stephen A. Horblitt ‘64, ‘66*
Patricia A. Hoyle
Seymour I. Huberfeld
Gerald D. Hubshman
Bridget T. Hunter*
Miriam Hyman ‘77*
Karen E. Ingvoldstad ‘67, ‘72*
Donna M. Iucolano ‘86, ‘88, ‘94*
Richard G. Johanson ‘75*
Jacqueline A. Jones*
Adam D. Kahn ‘13*
Jonathan S. Kaiman ‘84, ‘88*
Shaunen P. Kaiman ‘18
Evelyn Kalenscher ‘66, ‘89*
Christian H. Kampfl ‘88
Anna M. Kerekes ‘55*
Richard Kerins
Maureen P. Kiedaisch ‘93, ‘98*
Hope and Bill Kinnard
Andrew A. Kress ‘76, ‘79*
Branka Kristic*
Anuradha Kumar*
Gladys P. Kusterer ‘57
Constantine D. Kyropoulos ‘58*
Roxanne and David Lalama*
Judith Cain Lambert ‘65 and
Gerard Lambert ‘64*
Alice Janks Langholz ‘62*
Stephen S. Lawrence*
Jeffrey D. Lebowitz ‘76
Michael I. Lefkowitz ‘74*
Theodor S. Liebmann*
Karen ‘76, ‘79 and Wayne Lipton
Jason Lista*
Patricia Y. Love ‘70
William Low ‘98
Daniel Maccarrone ‘01
B. J. Magnani ‘72*
Michelle and Anthony Manto
Joseph Marino
Maria Markovina
Alston J. Mason ‘98
C. Jane Currie Matteson ‘66, ‘75*
Kathleen and Michael McCarry*
Catherine McCarthy
Sara E. McCleskey*
Kevin McElroy
Julie and Robert McIntosh
Samantha McGill McKevitt ‘98, ‘99
and Thomas F. McKevitt ‘93, ‘96*
Margaret McLaren
William J. McLaughlin ‘57*
Joan McNichol ‘79 and
James Coffman ‘70, ‘79
Susan and William Meddis ‘75
Tracey Mahoney Merritt ‘89 and
Thomas Merritt ‘89*
Nelson F. Migdal ‘75
Jonathan J. Miller ‘07*
Janet Barnett Minc ‘70 and
David C. Minc ‘68
Jennifer M. Mone*
Maria L. Morash
Sarah A. Mori ‘14*
Steven Mori
Kristen E. Mullarkey ‘00 and
Andrew Kelley
Val Musial
Christopher Napoli ‘10, ‘15
Ira Nash
Alan Neuschatz ‘59*
John L. Nickelsberg ‘75*
Michael L. Nimaroff ‘16
Christopher Nolan ‘01*
Patrick G. Noonan
Thomas E. Nothel*
Judith Nuss-Steele ‘60*
Michael D. Ogazon, Jr. ‘01, ‘04*
Jeanne L. O’Keefe
William Onyebeke
Samuel Packer*
Dorothy Sullivan Palma ‘70, ‘73 and
Ralph Palma ‘70
Nirav Patel
Michael G. Peco ‘82*
Jean C. Peden-Christodoulou ‘19*
Mathew H. Peretz ‘08*
Joshua Pines*
Laurie Pines*
Martha S. Pope*
Richard J. Potapchuk ‘77*
Sherri and Marc Powers ‘80*
John Prudenti
Ryan J. Quinn ‘13
Henry Ramirez ‘76*
Debra Rand*
George Record
Mary O. Regan*
M. Jennifer Romanello ‘87, ‘18 and
Stanislao Pugliese ‘87*
The Roppolo Family*
Judith Goldberg Rosenberg and
Richard Rosenberg*
Sylvia and Paul Rosenberger
Richard Rubenstein
Andrew Rumpelt ‘85
Ojeaga Russel ‘16
George Sandas
Veronica and Ozzy Santos
Elaine Saville and
Daniel M. DeStefano ‘69, ‘72*
Gannon and Michael Schaefer
Rich Schaffer
Michael P. Schenk ‘80*
Michael Schulder
Kristine Schwinn ‘01
Michael C. Sciacca ‘04
Adam P. Seeman ‘14
Marilyn Serota ‘61 and
Alan R. Plotz ‘58
Joanne Sharon ‘98
Denise ‘78 and Robert Sher*
Arthur Sillman
Richard A. Small ‘80*
Edward Smith
Joel M. Spiro ‘60
Helen Minieri Stacy
Kathleen ‘91 and
William Stanley ‘91*
Barbara J. Stark*
Bettie Steinberg
Richard S. Steinberg ‘76
Frank Stolfa
Jeffrey D. Straussman ‘66
Arthur Strunk ‘52*
Kristine Suapengco ‘09, ‘11 and
Ryan M. Watson ‘09
Priscilla and
Stephen Szachacz*
Arthur R. Szeglin ‘83, ‘88*
Barbara Szydlowski*
Anne L. Taylor ‘67
Robert Tengeler ‘75
Kevin C. Tripp ‘17, ‘19
Charles E. Vasoll ‘51, ‘60*
Kathleen and Edward Vowinkel
David Wagman ‘12
Alda and Hector Walcott*
Amanda M. Ward ‘16 and
Peter Guinnane ‘16
Jermain L. Warren ‘01
Lisa Warren ‘85
Judith Wasserman ‘67, ‘68*
Jeanne M. Waters ‘14*
Edward G. Watson ‘89
Kim and Russ Weissheier
Jan Weil and Amos Argar
Shelley Freilich Weinberg ‘69 and
Marc Weinberg ‘69*
Gary A. Weinstock ‘75*
Carolyn N. White ‘61*
Carolyn Reinach Wolf ‘79, ‘86
Anthony J. Zappone ‘14*
Amy E. Zwarico ‘82*
Denise Ackley-O’Sullivan ‘86
Jacob Addeche
Susan ‘09 and Ronald Alber ‘99
Frank J. Alberti ‘53, ‘59*
Jerry S. Alpern
Joanne Morse Anderson ‘73, ‘76*
Karen M. Anderson
Larissa A. Anderson
Pauline Andrews and
Daniel Okrent
Robert A. Anspach ‘02*
Rachel N. August ‘11, ‘14*
Michael J. Aumann ‘89
Gloria Baca
Ann M. Combes Baller
Richard Barakat
Rosalba ‘73 and R. Gary Barth*
Doreen Bartoldus
Carol Bartolotta
Shelley B. Beck ‘73*
Gail and J. Bret Bennington*
Marybeth and Peter Berczi
Mitchell Beres
Jared S. Berry ‘10*
Elizabeth and Robert Bielunas
Robert J. Bielunas ‘17
Christine ‘71 and
Kent Bjornstad ‘68
G. Lansing Blackshaw ‘58, ‘62, ‘66*
Liam Blohm ‘18
Jennifer B. Tillem Bogner ‘90
Robert A. Bonaguro ‘07
Stacey and Joe Boscia
Jeanne F. Boykin
Kristina and Joe Boyle
Grayson C. Braun ‘93
Cameron M. Brennick ‘17
Rita Brettschneider and
Bertram Cohn*
Dana J. Britton
Robert Bronzino
Paul A. Bruckner ‘14
Jon Bryan
Kevin J. Burke ‘80
Barbara ‘75, ‘76 and Peter Bye*
Laurence E. Campbell ‘77*
Rebecca Capozzi ‘13 and
Andrew D. Schaeffer ‘15*
James Caraccio
Leonard W. Caraccio ‘52
Douglas P. Carbonara ‘75, ‘77
Maria and Alex Carrillo
Yvonne Casner
Elena Cedar
Robert G. Chapman ‘75*
Michelle Cheong ‘92
Harris N. Cogan ‘78
Gail R. Cohen ‘59*
Judith ‘90 and Richard Cohen*
Margaret and Michael Cohen ‘81
Sarah K. Cohn ‘87*
Vincent Colatriano ‘16
Jacob Coleman
Robin J. Conversano ‘93*
Ilene Sherwyn Cooper ‘79 and
Mitchell Cooper ‘78
Baraka Corley ‘00
Andrew F. Corrado ‘92*
Patricia M. Costello*
Barbara A. Coughlin-Byrne ‘87
Mary Phinney Crabbs ‘70*
Cornell L. Craig
Christina Cuevas ‘01 and
Brendan M. O’Boyle ‘98, ‘02
Ronee D’Amico ‘70, ‘73
Carol Patricia Delaney
Steven DelVecchio*
Michael DeSanti
Lachonne Deveaux
Michael P. Devlin ‘89, ‘08*
Donna C. Diamond ‘86*
Silvana Diaz
Patrick Diener
Kathleen and
Michael DiFabio ‘75, ‘77*
Kenneth W. Dobert ‘68*
Gerry T. Donaghy ‘02, ‘05
Robert Donohue
Joan M. Dornemann ‘60*
Douglas G. Dourado ‘17
Christy Drickamer
Carolyn M. Dudek*
Jyy-Chiang John Duh*
Dimitri Dukhovny ‘97
Dennis Dunne ‘79*
Bridget Ebbert ‘20
Colleen and Thomas Ebbert
Ellen Efros ‘78
Marsha and Timothy Ehrsam
Timothy J. Ehrsam ‘14, ‘16
Erin M. Enderle ‘13
Linda and Alan Engle*
Linda ‘84 and Joel R. Evans
Saralee P. Evans ‘78
Stephen Fabiani
Carolyn R. Fairchild ‘60, ‘65*
Aloysius Falussy ‘87
Andrew Feng ‘19
Yong Xuan Feng and
Guo Yong Feng
Samuel J. Ferrara ‘94*
Joseph Fichtelberg
Matt Fishkind ‘00
Suzanne Fishman ‘98
Kevin Flynn
Kevin Foley ‘87
Barb and Tom Ford
Micheline Ford
Alexandra P. Forte ‘18, ‘20
Clair and Henry W. Foster, Jr.
Maryam Franzella
Leslie and John Froccaro
Mark Fuster ‘69*
Louis J. Gallagher ‘74, ‘76, ‘77
Nicholas A. Gallo ‘77*
Jian Ping Gan
Albert W. Garrigan ‘58*
K. Paul Gassner
Dolores Gebhardt ‘84
Veronica L. B. Genco ‘74
Kirsten Georgiana
Stephen M. Gershenson ‘62*
Stephen Giaccone
Dorita P. Gibson
Thomas K. Gill ‘80, ‘01*
Mark S. Ginsburg ‘73*
Laura Goff
Joe Gordon
Susan O. Grabel ‘75*
Pamela Greene and
Michael Dawidziak
Ryan Griffths ‘01 and
Philip J. Grosso ‘01
Dahlia and Martin Guigui ‘82
Linda ‘72 and Richard Halluska ‘73*
Gerald P. Hanley*
Linda J. Hantzschel ‘82, ‘88*
Erin Harding
George F. Harkin ‘88*
Robert M. Harper ‘07*
Faiz Hasham
Eugene A. Hawkins ‘92
George Hay
Leslie Hickis
Robert V. Hill ‘97
Lindbergh H. Hmung ‘15
Jack A. Hoffer ‘76
John F. Hoffman ‘86, ‘93
Pamela Hofmann
Marta Garcia Holliday ‘94*
Edward D. Houghton ‘69*
Flavia and Frances Iannaccone
Ram Jadonath
Henry R. Janiesch ‘57*
Scott Jefferson
Austin E. Jenkins ‘18
Marsha D. Jordan*
Patricia F. Jordan ‘89, ‘91
Dean Julia ‘90
Sharon Kahn-Bernstein ‘00
Jessica Kalbfleisch
Ronald M. Kanner
Philip C. Kantz ‘75*
Louise Kapner
Dianne Russo Karpowicz ‘79
David A. Kellman ‘74*
Robert Kelsch
John Kenneth Kendrick
Michael B. Kent ‘76
Stacey Kerins
Jonathan W. Kilmer ‘10
Mary Ellen and Carleton Kilmer*
Shaun R. Kimmel ‘07
Terry L. Kleid
Jessica C. Kleid ‘12
Harvey Kletzkin ‘68*
David J. Koehler ‘87, ‘91
Gloria ‘73 and Eric Koster ‘74
John J. Koster ‘75, ‘82*
Brenda ‘90 and John Kowalewski
Laurence Kraemer
Lauretta Kraemer
Joanne Bonello Krush ‘79
John A. Kuhn ‘77*
Thomas Kwiatkowski
Carol Lambert
Joan Layne*
Stefan H. Leader ‘65*
Geraldine Fishman Lehrer ‘71 and
Kenneth Lehrer*
Ivy L. Leibowitz ‘71, ‘88*
Alice Levine
Helen Lipitz Lewis ‘69 and
Harold Lewis ‘70*
Stewart D. Lipner
Carol and Andy Lipton ‘77
Ross L. Littauer ‘15
Sandra J. Lombino*
Nicole Lutfi
Dorothy Fischer Malings ‘81 and
Glen Malings ‘80
Alan Mantis*
Katarina Markovina
John A. Martin
Joseph Martirano
Anthony J. Mazzurco ‘97
Laurie and John McAnespie
Chantal and
Joseph McCullough ‘85*
Robert K. McDonald*
Tonie A. McDonald ‘00, ‘13*
Dawn McDonnell
Virginia and John McKevitt
Richard McNally ‘69*
Carol and William McPherson
Ryan M. McPherson ‘08
Laurie Mead
Sylvia D. Meade ‘62
Rosalie Maimone and
Craig Medwick
Carle-Marie P. Memnon ‘98, ‘13*
Matthew Meng
Risco Mention-Lewis ‘93
Margaret ‘87 and
Thomas Merle ‘71*
William G. Metzler ‘86
Perry J. Milman
John Minieri
William Minoff ‘83
Deanna Mirabile ‘92, ‘95
Mary C. Moder*
Randell Montellaro ‘82, ‘85*
Lisa M. Monticciolo ‘89*
Wayne M. Muchmore ‘62*
Dina Muldoon
Daniel C. Murphy ‘93*
John Nedd
JoAnna Nicholson ‘08
Carla and John Nolan
Richard M. Nuttall
Maureen O’Brien-Collins ‘84*
Betsy Katcher Oestreicher
Laura Miller Papa ‘82 and
John Papa ‘82
Vincent A. Parnell
Vincent J. Parrella
Raffaele Pascuzzo ‘96
Seri Pasmeg
Kimberly Rosello ‘96
Mark H. Patterson
Rosanna Perotti and
Mohammed Bouzaidi*
Karishma Persuad ‘03
Patrick T. Philbin ‘87
Brielle M. Pietrafesa ‘18
Staci and Anthony Pietrafesa
Paul O. Pink ‘87
Stephen D. Piraino ‘13*
Taylor R. Pirone ‘15, ‘17*
Louis Potters
Denise Pratesi ‘69, ‘71 and
Frank Cutolo
Ann Price
Gabrielle G. Prusko
Richard J. Puerzer*
Vanessa Pugh
Guy Ragault
Harry Rakovski ‘06
Marguerite Reali
Amy R. Reich ‘14*
Lisa Reuter ‘90
David M. Reynolds
Patricia and Frank Rich
Joseph J. Richetti ‘98
Kenneth C. Riscica ‘76
Gayle P. Roberts
Paul R. Rodzevik ‘81
Mark J. Rogers ‘80*
Paul P. Romanello
Paul Romano ‘11, ‘15*
Morris Rosen ‘55*
Amy ‘82 and
Howard Rothschild ‘81, ‘84
Steven E. Rubin
Heather Rudd
Joan and Donal Rudolph ‘17*
Joseph Sabol ‘92
Alice ‘62 and Nicholas Salerno
Elias Salmeron
Annabella Salvador
James J. Sample*
Richard E. Santee, Jr. ‘73
Anthony J. Santella ‘17
Keegan O. Santos
Stephen S. Sapega, II ‘75
Joseph R. Scardapane ‘83*
Janet and Victor Schachter*
Michael E. Schechner ‘17
Philip M. Schiliro ‘78*
Barbara A. Schmaltz ‘98
Doris and Stephen Schmaltz
Eric Schmiesing ‘01*
Scott Ian Schneider ‘84*
Jenny S. Schrager ‘02
Ryan A. Schreiber ‘94*
David P. Schultz ‘14*
Edward Scott ‘59, ‘65*
Annette C. Seirup*
Christopher G. Senior ‘92
Ralph C. Shelley ‘85
Karen Sheridan
Donna Oseff Shirreffs ‘75, ‘80*
Myra Shulkes ‘65*
Stacey I. Sikes
Martin Smagorinsky ‘61*
Michael S. Smith ‘94, ‘97*
Kevin Somerville
Charles A. Spector ‘68*
Eileen Speidel
Janet W. Starwood ‘78*
Rob Stewart
Colin P. Sullivan ‘09, ‘15*
Monica ‘77 and
Richard Sussman ‘75*
Linda Wax Swirsky ‘55*
Patrick Swords ‘73*
Emily Szachnowicz ‘19
Erin and Aleksy Szachnowicz*
Berndt Tausch
Stephen Taylor
Fran Terwilliger
Gerald M. Therrien ‘64*
Craig Thompson
Robert Tierney
Bryce Doublas Tolmie
Rhonda Z. Tomlinson ‘96
Nomi ‘61 and Frederick Trapnell*
Sean Trepeta
Timothy J. Treubig ‘06*
Beth A. Tripmacher ‘00
Richard E. Turnau ‘58*
Frederic J. Vagnini, II ‘86*
Karyn M. Valerius*
Lisa and Chris Ward
Patrick T. Watson ‘09
Richard H. Waxman ‘73
Lawrence Weber ‘71
Joseph S. Weiner*
Laura G. Weiss ‘78
Diane and Carlton Wenz
Neil T. West ‘71*
Sally and Bill Wheeler
Lisa M. Wiley ‘84*
Joanne M. Willey
Elaine Williams
Tracie and Robert Williams
Curtis Winkler
Robert Wishnew ‘73*
George F. Wright ‘54*
Patricia P. Wright ‘90, ‘93*
Lawrence J. Wurzel ‘76*
Barbara Young and Bennett
Edward Zaloba ‘83
Zelik Ziegelbaum ‘79*
Richard A. Zimmerman ‘83
Susan Zizza ‘87, ‘95*
Joseph R. Zoeller ‘75*
Mersema Abate
Jerry Accordino
Justin N. Accordino ‘12, ‘14
Beverly S. Adler ‘80, ‘85
Deborah Lorber Adler ‘94 and
Andrew Adler ‘92
Scott Lee Adler ‘76
Adam Albert ‘09
Serge Alerte
Glenda Allred
Donna and Doug Aloise ‘75, ‘84
Colby Alvarez
Elizabeth Murphy Aly ‘83, ‘89 and
Amr Aly ‘89*
Mariano Amador ‘93
Joseph Amandola, Jr.
Renee Amatulli
Warren R. Amendola ‘51*
Ronald Ammon ‘86
Frederick Amore ‘56
Joseph Amplo ‘01, ‘09
Maria J. Anastasio
Doreen ‘72 and
Alan L. Andersen ‘75
Amy and Carl Anderson
Valerie Anderson
William C. Anderson
Thrisha C. Andrews ‘02*
Owen Andruchow
Gregory J. Apgar ‘06
Richard Appell
Sterlyn Ardrey
Tiffany Ardrey
Carol A. Arent*
Dianne and Gary Arnold ‘82
Deborah Arnold ‘95
Vanessa Arrieta
Emily A. Arthur
Zerah Artinian
Tourai Assefi ‘65
Mark E. Astiz
Sunsierre Atkinson
Lori Ann Attivissimo
Joanne and
Stephen Auerbach ‘69*
Leonard B. Austin ‘77*
Allon M. Avgi ‘18
Abraham Ayrookuzhi
Timothy Baas
Claire Babanoury
Matthew A. Babel ‘91*
William A. Bader ‘84
Amy R. Baehr*
Tiffany L. Baker
Melita Balestieri
Michele and Michael Ball*
Rebecca Ballinger
Abigail R. Banegas ‘11
Patience O. Banister ‘74*
Keith Bantz ‘63
Paula and Philip Barbaccia
Angela Barber
Stephen G. Barbone ‘59
Dana Barclay
Althea T. Bardin ‘13, ‘17
Gaetano R. Barile*
Aimee M. Barrett ‘99
Joseph A. Battillo ‘82*
Anthony Battista
Takita ‘01 and Aaron Battle*
Denise D. Bauer ‘74*
James E. Bauer ‘93
Gloria Bauerle
Ruthee Bayer
Yxa J. Bazan ‘89*
Corey Bearak ‘77, ‘81
Arthur B. Behal, Jr. ‘88*
Gary Bell
Beth Friedman Benjamin
Margaret Benjamin ‘94
Gayle and Robert C. Bennett
Jennifer and Justin Bentivegna
Joseph Bentivegna
Margaret Berardelli
Jack A. Berczi ‘20
Catherine Fechtmann Berg ‘69
Steven G. Berg ‘74*
Amy ‘90 and Michael Bergen
Barbara Bergfelder
Linda Berkin ‘67*
Andrew E. Berman ‘13*
Francine R. Berman ‘00*
Lisa H. Berman*
Ronni ‘60 and Kenneth Berman ‘76
Thomas Bermel*
Gregory A. Beroza*
Tricia Berran
Balbinder S. Bhogal
Donald J. Bieniewicz ‘70*
Francesca Biggart ‘88
Judith Bilello ‘73, ‘82
Marta Binotto
John M. Bishop ‘85
Erica L. Blank ‘99*
Robert C. Blank ‘61*
Dianne Alper Blau ‘67 and
Michael Blau*
Alan R. Blayne ‘75, ‘78, ‘81, ‘84*
Randee Novick Bloch ‘67 and
Brian Bloch ‘66*
Alexander J. Blood ‘15*
June and Arthur Blumenthal
David Bluttman
Wendy and Richard M. Bochner
William Bodde, Jr. ‘61*
Nancy and James Boese
Charmain A. Bogue ‘07
Faith Bonareri-Rich
Darcy Bonaviso
Janet Bonelli
Charles Bonomo ‘87, ‘90
Cristina and Carl A. Bonuso ‘66
Jean Borgman
Meenekshi Bose*
Irene K. Bossert ‘64*
Lisa Boyd
Edward N. Bracht, Jr. ‘89
Patricia H. Brady ‘81
Calandra Y. Branch ‘91
Robert Brand ‘64*
Abigail S. Brauer ‘17*
Jane and Robert Brauer ‘75*
Christian N. Braunlich ‘75*
Patricia Brehm
Miriam Breier ‘82
Vivian ‘91 and Marc Breier ‘88
Heather Brener
Judith M. Brenner*
James J. Breslin ‘81*
Mary I. Bresnan ‘06
Eric B. Brettschneider ‘79*
Ronald Breuer
Roseanna Brewer ‘82
Frank R. Brindisi, Jr. ‘85
Danielle L. Brodnax ‘04
Andrew Brooke ‘01
Lynne Greene Brooke ‘66*
Natalie Brooks ‘77 and
Laurence Katz
Barry F. Brover ‘83
Amy L. Brown ‘82
Heidi Klein Brown ‘81 and
Kenneth Brown ‘79*
Omar Brown
Johnathan Brownlee ‘89
Mindy ‘60 and Stan Brownstein ‘59*
Adam L. Browser ‘91*
Emily A. Buch*
Keith Buckheit
Rosann Buffa
Carmen Bull
Ronald Burakoff
William J. Burke ‘72*
Ryan J. Burkert
Jan Burman
Kristen Burns
Wendy G. Burns ‘75, ‘79
Mary Jo Bursig ‘77
Josephine Buscaglia-Maietta
Jason M. Busch ‘08, ‘10*
Mark W. Busch
Keith D. Butler ‘88
Maria Byrd ‘05
David A. Bythewood ‘81*
Gina and Gregory Caburis ‘86
Allison Caffarone ‘98
Elizabeth A. Cafferty ‘69
Louise and Michael Cafone
Lisa A. Cairo ‘02
Renaldo A. Calabrese ‘71
Frank W. Calamusa ‘71, ‘83, ‘85*
Mario E. Calderon ‘00
Shane Calderwood
Brandon Calfe
Jeanbe Calias
Ann M. Callaghan ‘93*
Christine Callahan
Beatrice W. Cambridge ‘83*
Dorothy D. Cameron
John A. Cammarata ‘57*
Mary F. Campbell ‘73
Melanie Campbell ‘17*
Shannon Campbell
Edward F. Campis, lll
Susan Devine Canada ‘72 and
David Canada ‘72
Nadine and Neil Canter*
Amy R. Cantor ‘89
Ann Marie and Ralph Capozzi ‘72
Albert Cappellino
Linda Caputo ‘78, ‘90, ‘98*
Michael Cardello, III ‘86, ‘89
Laura R. Cardello
Dennis Carey
Amanda Carlson ‘05 and
Michael Schnipper ‘04*
Hilda Kurner Carman ‘53*
Edward Y. Carp ‘88
Deborah Carr
Martha Carr
Alexis A. Carrillo ‘20
Joseph Carroll
Elizabeth A. Carter ‘89*
Kelisha and Maurice Carter
Vicki and Richard Carter*
Laurie Casey
Siobhan and Keith Casey
Joan Sinatra Cassandra ‘71 and
Michael Cassandra ‘72*
Adam Castar ‘19
Amy Castar
Guilda Castro
Joseph S. Castro ‘86*
Mike Cavello
James R. Cavin ‘68
Don Celata
Rebecca Celorio ‘16
Susan Emery Chandler ‘75 and
Fred S. Chandler ‘73, ‘96*
Carmen Chapman-Reynolds
Florence ‘06 and
Dwayne Charles ‘04*
Cynthia G. Cheng ‘14
Brenda and Peter Cherry ‘70
Stephen S. F. Choy ‘77*
Anthony Christy
Jade Chu ‘19
Jimmy Chwe
Donald L. Citak ‘80
Catherine Clancy-Dumont ‘97, ‘00
Andrew T. F. Coen ‘02*
Elizabeth Colby Cogan ‘89 and
Peter Cogan, Jr. ‘87
Clifford R. Cohen ‘75
David L. Cohen ‘92
Annette Colantropo ‘97
Beth Collins
Patricia and Cornelius Collins ‘10*
John R. Concannon ‘18
Jason Kaplan Connell
Fanny Connolly
Michael W. Constantine ‘19
Warren Constantine*
Michael C. Contreras ‘75*
Michael D. Contreras ‘05
William T. Cooke*
Stephanie Cooper ‘82, ‘89 and
Cosby Smiley
Miriam Cooperman ‘78*
Betty F. Copeland
Laurie Corben
Jo Anne Corleto ‘79, ‘85*
Lisa H. Corr ‘94
Phoebe T. Corwin ‘52, ‘81*
John L. Cotronis ‘92
Karen Brucker Covitt ‘64*
Erik Covitz ‘87
Wayne M. Cox ‘15
Kenneth A. Crabbs ‘81
Eleanor and Alan Craig ‘56*
Joseph Crescenzo
Courtney A. Crews ‘12
Kenneth Crisafulli
Philip A. Crotty ‘73*
Margaret Crowley
Michael A. Cucci
Amanda R. Cudequest
Electra Cummings
AnnMarie Cuocci ‘87, ‘93*
Vincent J. Curran
Mary R. ‘88, ‘93 and
David Curtis ‘87, ‘93
Brandon Czechowski
Amy Dabreau
Michael ‘69 and Geri D’Agnes
Theresa Danielsson
Lawrence Dany
Jamie C. D’Arco ‘14
Ramona Helms D’Aulisa ‘85, ‘01
and Odina D’Aulisa ‘84
Jacqueline Davidson and
Stuart Feldman*
Andrea Shapiro Davis ‘84
Leslie Davis
Robert A. Davis ‘70*
Stephanie and Frank Davis
Timothy J. Davis
Christine DeFeo ‘05, ‘07
Rory F. Deignan ‘73, ‘74*
Susan M. DeFlorio
Lesley DeLia ‘79
Ray Della Porta ‘63
Philip V. DeLuca
Thomas J. De Mayo ‘73
Barbara Lum Dembinski ‘78, ‘82
and Kevin Dembinski ‘78*
Glenn S. DeMilt ‘77*
Madeline S. Dempster ‘62
Sagar M. Desai ‘11
Margaret Desimone
Iva Ellen Deutchman ‘74*
William H. DeVeer ‘51*
Edward J. Devereaux ‘66
Renee M. Deweese ‘90
Nancy Di Napoli Deutsch ‘66 and
Herbert Deutsch ‘56*
Harley D. Diamond ‘79*
Kim and Mike Diamond
Kathie Dickey
Regina DiGiovanna
Andris Dikmanis ‘03
Patrick Diluccio ‘87
Andrew C. Dinan ‘74*
Theodore DiPasquale ‘85*
Kathryn and Joseph DiPietro
Sophia M. Dipietro ‘19
Barbara J. Doctor ‘69*
Jeffrey A. Dodge ‘06*
Deborah V. Dolan
Eugene Dolgonos
Frances L. Donnelly ‘05*
Catherine and William Donnino
Robert L. Donofrio ‘60
Christine Donovan
Sara ‘90, ‘92 and
Kenrick Dookram ‘90
Thomas T. Doran ‘51*
Donna Dorso
Simon R. Doubleday*
Christopher Dougé ‘11
Connie Dovel
Chuck Downey
Edward J. Drapala ‘86
Eleanor ‘65 and
James Drayton ‘65*†
Nathan Drickamer
Eileen Amari Driscoll ‘69*
Timothy S. Driscoll ‘88
Shannon Ducas
Thomas N. Dufek ‘82
Marci Kronberg Duffy ‘86 and
Robert Duffy ‘86
Prinzipia Giunta Duggan ‘85, ‘90*
Chris Dunckley
Susan and Patrick Dunn ‘76
Joyce and Tim Durfos
Lisa A. Eberwein ‘16, ‘18
Carol Eckman
Erica L. Edwards ‘08
Donald Egge
Stanley Ehrlich ‘60
Robert F. Eisen, Jr. ‘76*
Beverly Eiserle
James W. Ekberg ‘81*
Almastella Ekong ‘20
Olga H. El Sehamy
Kenneth Elledge
Heather Elliott
Joseph J. Elliott*
Camille Emmett
Melinda T. Eng ‘99
Susan Enge
Viola Enos ‘75*
Michael J. Esposito
Ralph Esposito
Alan B. Ettinger ‘12*
Karen D. Everett ‘89*
Michelle Ewing
Sean G. Ewing ‘07
Robert M. Ey ‘74
Maxine S. Ezra ‘66
Kelliann Faber
Steve and Dave Fabiani-Mariscotti
David Fagan
Marion Fahnestock ‘56
Richard Faiella ‘92
Torre Failla
Brandon J. Falchiere ‘87*
Roberta ‘81 and
Michael Fallig ‘79, ‘91*
Emma Farmer
James Farrell ‘60*
Gabrielle Fastow ‘88 and
Steven Tesch
Gerard W. Fay ‘01*
Helene Fechter
Sigrid ‘87 and David Feder ‘87
Michael Feeley ‘01, ‘03
Ruth C. Feigen ‘55*
Alex B. Feinstein ‘18, ‘19*
Ellen D. Feinstein ‘80*
Leslye Fenton ‘74 and
Jonathan Moreno ‘73*
Mindy A. Feldman ‘85*
Steven M. Feldman ‘78*
Laurie Fendrich*
Eric Ferguson ‘15
Imelda Fernandez
Nicholas Ferrante ‘74
Tamara Ferrara
Tricia M. Ferrell*
Richard Ferrer ‘81
Thomas A. Ferro ‘87, ‘91*
Matthew Fiasconaro
Stephen Fields ‘61*
Sharron B. Figucia ‘82*
Mariann and Raymond Fink
Yvette Rolon Fink ‘77 and
Stephen Fink ‘68*
Dan Finnegan
Michael P. Finneran*
James M. Fiola, Jr. ‘00
Laura Fisch
David J. Fish ‘65*
Leanne Fisher
Heidy Fishkind ‘89
Pamela Fitton-Gale ‘84*
Ann M. Fitzpatrick ‘75*
Gerald M. Fitzpatrick*
Susanne Fitzpatrick
Irene Fizer
Joan and Edward Fleischer
Carol T. Fletcher*
Suzanne Fletcher
Alexa Melonopoulos Fleury ‘92
Anne Flynn
Declan Flynn
Megan Foard
Maureen ‘84 and Richard Fogel
Akilah Njeri Folami
Jean ‘66, ‘88 and
Salvatore Fontana
Dawn Lee Forgione ‘79
Joseph Forgione ‘01
Alice and Victor Fornari
Bethany L. Forrest ‘15
Charles J. Forrest, Jr. ‘09
Maria and Harry Fotiadis*
Dorothy Urban Francis ‘54 and
John Francis ‘54*
Winnifred Francis
Dianne L. Frank ‘75*
Douglas Frank
Michael B. Frank ‘77*
Merrie S. Frankel ‘80*
Nicole Franklin
Thomas J. Fratello ‘71*
Ann Frechette
Misean Fredericks
Simone M. Freeman ‘01, ‘07
William Freeman
John H. Frew ‘74*
Ethan D. Fried ‘18
Barry R. Friedman ‘84*
Peter R. Friedman ‘71*
Sandrea Friedman ‘84*
Raymond Froese ‘63
Jennifer and Peter Fruin
Erika M. Fuertes ‘11, ‘12
Mary Fuertes
Carl E. Fulwiler ‘78*
Dominick Gadaleta
Warren W. Gaggin ‘66, ‘72*
Joseph M. Gaito ‘91*
Joan ‘65 and
Robert Galante ‘64, ‘71
Judith Ann Galgano ‘75
Elizabeth Gallagher and
Arthur H. Sulzer, IV ‘86
Barbara Ann Gallo*
Elena ‘87 and
Christopher Galluzzo ‘87
Eric J. Gandras
Mary Alice La Giglia Gans ‘89 and
Glenn Gans ‘88, ‘91*
Bernice Garatti
Pamela A. Gardella ‘89*
G. John Gargiulo ‘74
Nicholas P. Garuccio ‘05
C. William Gaylor, III ‘06*
Francisca A. Gbenebitse ‘18
Wendy Kim Gelfand-Chaite*
William Gerber
Bret German ‘12
Harold and June German
Francis B. Gibbons ‘82, ‘87
Paul E. Gibson
Robert R. Gilbert ‘65*
Karen M. Gill ‘70
Samara B. Ginzburg
Joanne M. Giordano ‘05*
John M. Giordano ‘83
Karan and Scott Giordano
Cristina Givelechian ‘98
Samuel I. Glass ‘67
Amy Glawe
Ingrid ‘74, ‘75 and
Paul Glorioso ‘74
Grace E. Glover ‘77, ‘83*
Doreen and John Goehle
Alexis Goeke ‘20
Theresa and Austin Goeke
Douglas S. Goldberg ‘82
Ilene J. Goldberg-Schuss ‘80,
‘04, ‘07*
Saryn R. Goldberg
Stephen Golden
Steven D. Goldman ‘90, ‘95, ‘96*
Cathy ‘89 and Michael Goldsmith*
Luke Gomez ‘18
Beth Goodbaum ‘05
Peter W. Goodman
Mark L. Gottwald ‘72
Judith M. Graber ‘82*
Curtis B. Graham ‘13
Deborah and Philip Graham*
Roland E. Graham ‘80*
Jessica Granquist
Eduardo Grant ‘19
Thelma Grant*
Margarita Grasing
Howard E. Graves, Jr. ‘81*
Helen Greco
Jennifer Liddy Green ‘93*
Francine ‘92 and
Jeffrey Greenberg
Marian D. Greenberg ‘60*
Robin Greenwald
Daniel J. Greenwood
Thomas Stephen Gregory
Edwin Griffin
Pamela Griffin
Dorothea Grimes-Farrow and
John Frederick*
Zigfrid R. Grins ‘67, ‘75*
Matthew P. Grogan ‘13
Jill Grossman ‘85, ‘14
Evelyn Grubczak
Sara Guarascio ‘19
Ann and Thomas Guarascio*
Kathleen A. Gubitosi ‘89
Donna M. Guilbault ‘82
Yvette Guillen
Brian R. Gundich ‘09
Gerald Gundlach
Gary R. Guth ‘90*
John C. Guthman ‘92, ‘04*
Viviane Guyou
Eddie J. Guzman ‘85
David I. Habler ‘93
Donna and Daniel Hagerman*
Jodie M. Hagerman ‘11*
Alicia Halinar
Pamela Hall
Kathy and Ross Hallam
Judith and Thomas Hamann
Mary and David Hammond
Robin ‘73, ‘74 and
Eric Hananel ‘72, ‘74*
Nikki Hancock-Nicholson
Donna Lee Heinz Hanlon ‘60 and
Daniel Hanlon, III ‘59 ‘64*
Madeleine G. Hannon ‘11
Leonore and Richard Hansen ‘69*
Aaliyah J. Haqq ‘14
Harb Nidal Harb
Christopher W. Hardardt ‘16 ‘18
Shantie Harkisoon
Jennifer and Sean Harrington
Deborah W. Harris ‘81*
Laura R. Harris ‘77
Lee Harris
Michael Harrison
Robert L. Harrison ‘75
Scott B. Harshbarger
Kathleen L. Harth ‘81*
Ada Hass
Gretchen and Harold Hastings
Heather Hattie
Genevieve Haugen
Richard T. Haunss ‘70
Marva D. Hawkins ‘90*
Robert A. Hawkins, Jr. ‘65*
Victoria Hay
Raymond J. Hazel ‘74
Elaine ‘71 and James Healy ‘67 *
Robert J. Hefter ‘65*
Winifred Heggins
James Hegmann
William J. Heimerle ‘58*
Steven M. Helfman ‘93
Erika Herbert-Coble
Melissa A. Herley ‘94
Michael Hermann ‘05
Erin Hernandez ‘94
Ann Herring
Barbara Herzog
Steven and Tracy Hessing
Charles Hill
Rodney F. Hill*
Edward D. Hillel ‘87*
Natasha R. Hines ‘06
Peter A. Hinrichs ‘51*
Eileen and Mark Hirsch*
Jerrold E. Hirsch ‘82
Matthew Hirsch ‘19, ‘20
Katherine Hoey ‘95*
Richard A. Hollenberg ‘71*
Liama Holmes
Arthur W. Hombach ‘64, ‘69*
Eric A. Horn ‘95
Matthew O. Horowitz
Donald B. Hortenbach ‘63
Laurie Sayevich Horz ‘95 and
Bryan Horz ‘10*
Marianne Hovivian ‘65
Larry M. Howard ‘64*
Susan Howard
Prusiewicz Howe ‘80, ‘96*
Pat Howe
Changlong Hung ‘92
Dave Hunt
Justin Huntsman ‘20
Kim and Jeff Huntsman
Damir Huremovic
Ruby A. Hypes ‘12
Vito Iacobellis ‘18
Emily Iannielli ‘85
Edward P. Ichart ‘81*
Bruce Immerman ‘67*
Peter Ioppolo
Joe Ippoliti
Sasha-Shanna Irace ‘08
Jordan C. Iserman ‘73, ‘75
Robert A. Israel ‘54
Joseph Izzo
Sheila K. Jabalpurwala ‘91, ‘94*
Stacy Jackson ‘95, ‘97
Mark S. Jaffe ‘77*
Tiffany M. Jagrooph ‘18
Michael R. Jakob ‘84*
Jana Jarrell ‘17
Frantz Jean-Baptiste ‘01
Charles R. Jelicks ‘56
Christopher Johansen
Elaine Johnson
Karen Johnson and
Vincent Mickens
Nicole ‘94 and Ivan Johnson ‘94
Samantha ‘10 and
Dale Johnson ‘08
Miranda Jones
Melissa I. Jonker
Aisha T. Jordan ‘01
Kenneth Jordan
Jody Joy
Joe R. Kabel
Michael F. Kaczynski ‘88, ‘96
Cameron L. Kadison ‘03
Linda Kadluboski
Sofia Kakoulidis ‘91, ‘96*
Corey J. Kale
Jack B. Kaley ‘61*
Constantine H. Kallaur ‘66
Priscilla D. Kam ‘07
Barry Kames ‘74
Wanda F. Kammer
Lisa Kandl
Nicole and Gregory Kane
Patrick J. Kane ‘76*
Virginia Kane ‘97, ‘98 and
Jason McKenna ‘96
Renee N. Kantor ‘72*
Barry F. Kanzer ‘75
Jay P. Kaplan ‘65*
Erik J. Kapner ‘75†
Michael Kasperski
Jesse S. Kasser ‘10
Ina Katz
Meredith Katz
Michael Katzen ‘07
Robert I. Kaufman ‘77*
Diane Kaufmann
Robert W. Keith ‘57*
Katherine Kelly
Susan P. Kelly ‘78*
John G. Kennedy ‘91*
Kevin J. Kennedy ‘92*
Carol Lynn Kent ‘87
Gerard F. Kernis
Gregory D. Kershner
Gary D. Kerzner ‘91
Carol R. Keyes ‘86
Naseer U. Khan
Alan H. Kianoff ‘75
Kerry Kiddoo ‘13
Howard G. Kiedaisch ‘72
Stefanie Kiernan ‘07
Frederick K. Kieser ‘69
Dawn Kiesewetter
John D. Killian, III ‘50*
Christopher S. King ‘89, ‘91
Edmond Kirby ‘17
Alan M. Kirshner ‘59*
Frances Mortensen Kittelmann ‘63*
Patricia E. Klahn ‘64*
Robin Natiss Klar ‘93 and
Eric Klar ‘93*
Richard A. Klass ‘89*
Richard L. Klein ‘51, ‘52
Robert J. Klotz ‘78
Janice Koch ‘87*
Evan S. Koegl ‘09
Karen ‘73 and John Koegel ‘88*
Ileen ‘70 and Michael Koenig*
Jonathan Kolitz
Susan C. Kopher ‘70
Noreen Koppelman-Goldstein ‘89
Stephen J. Koshers ‘69*
Allen E. Koski ‘06*
Richard J. Koszarski ‘69*
Concetta L. Kowalski ‘70*
Daniel A. Kowalski
Kathiann M. Kowalski ‘76*
Rosemary and Ted Kozlowski
Margaret D. Kranz ‘83*
Adrienne R. Kravitz ‘14, ‘16
Stephan G. Kravitz ‘73, ‘74, ‘80
Timothy Kreider
Patricia A. Kreiser ‘10*
Linda Krieg ‘89
Michael S. Krolick ‘73*
Peggy Karlin Kroll ‘66*
Leonard and Helen Krulewich ‘69
Julian G. Ku
Alicia Kubeck ‘95
Jacklyn ‘07, ‘15 and
John C. Kuehn ‘01, ‘03
William R. Kugelman ‘83*
David M. Kuhl ‘85
Kristin Kuhn
Michele Kule-Korgood ‘93 and
Michael Korgood ‘85
Regina A. Kurz
Corinne M. Kyriacou*
Alexandra Labeck ‘13
Diane LaChapelle
Stephen M. Lagana ‘04*
Yadiry Lagombra ‘20
Jeffrey Lam ‘20
Eileen P. Lambert ‘90, ‘92*
James Lamberti ‘18
Katharine and Peter Lancy ‘66, ‘67*
Eric A. Landau ‘68*
Alton J. Landsman ‘78*
Jodie Lane
Jane M. LaRocco*
Hector D. LaSalle
Michele Latt ‘86, ‘89
Stuart J. Lava ‘77*
Louise Lawn
Steven Lawson
Ethna D. Lay
Erica Layne ‘17
Chris Layton
Katherine Layton
Rodney Layton
Ann Marie Quaranta Lazar ‘90 and
Hiram Lazar ‘87*
Ellen L. Le Noble ‘78*
Lorraine and William Leacock ‘90
Barbara G. Leass ‘71*
Patricia LeCompte
Richard S. Leddy*
Jonathan E. Ledesma ‘14
Kara Ledwith ‘95
James W. Lee
M. Christine and Renssalaer Lee
Paul Lee ‘11
Yeyoung Lee ‘10
Younghee Lee
Arleen Joyce Leeds ‘69, ‘83*
Nicole R. Lefton*
Jessica A. Leis ‘11
Barry D. Lemieux ‘61
Mary C. Lemp ‘20
Therese M. Lendino ‘78*
Robert Lepurage
Tanda J. Lerner ‘64*
Janet and Alex Levchuck*
Susan Levey ‘78
Myles R. Levin ‘55*
Mildred and Arnold Levine*
Ronnie Elaine
Freedman Levine ‘74, ‘76*
Gail and Harvey Levinson
Michael Levitz
Kim Levone
Susan Levy
Kenneth M. Lewis ‘86*
William Lewis
Steven P. Liantonio ‘85
Jeanette Lieber
Philipp Liedgens
Alexis Ligas
Charles F. Lipp ‘62*
Robert Lipper ‘74*
Shira Lipsey
Ileane Bayer Liss ‘96*
Joan Weil Litt ‘69*
Sandra Liu
Rebecca Lo Presti
Michele M. LoFaso ‘15*
Franklin C. Loh ‘72
Cathy Jo Lore
Jacqueline Lore
Lori Losco
Richard A. Lotano ‘70*
Nicole Gerrato Lutfi
Patricia and John Lupetin ‘75*
Meryl Steinberg Lutz ‘70 and
Dennis Lutz*
Brian S. Lyght ‘87*
Li Ma
Salvatore Macchia ‘19
Grace MacFadyen
William P. Mackey ‘83, ‘90
Jean M. Maddaloni ‘82*
Christine Maffucci
James R. Maguire ‘19
Ginny ‘95 and
Frank Mahr ‘94, ‘97
Birgitte Mahrt
Ole Mahrt
Ronnie S. Maibaum ‘72*
Jeanine Maiolini ‘03
David C. Malanga ‘96, ‘07
Evan Malings
Edward Malkus ‘69
James J. Malone ‘73*
Peter Mancini ‘01
Donna J. Mangan ‘82
Rosalie D. Mangels ‘68*
Georgeanne and
Roy Mangiamele*
Howard Mann ‘97
Barbara B. Manning ‘79*
Amy Manolis
Irina Manta
Patricia Margiotta Mantoan ‘93
and Domenic Mantoan ‘94*
Petre Manu
Fred Manzolillo
Cynthia Manzolillo
Joseph D. Maracich, Jr. ‘04
Lean Maracich
Robert A. Margolis ‘78, ‘92*
Jason R. Marino
Laurence S. Markowitz ‘74
Julia Markus*
Michael H. Marrell ‘57*
Michael D. Marsalis ‘95, ‘04
Melvin Marsel ‘63
Brian H. Marshall ‘96
Dana Marshall
Joseph G. Marshall ‘58*
Rosalie and Bruce Marshall*
Amy-Beth Martin ‘00*
Judith Hogan Martin ‘58 and
Richard Martin ‘58*
Kathy Stuckey Martin ‘76*
Maryann Martin
Rachelle Barjon Martin ‘04
Cira Martinez
Judith M. Martinez ‘80
Stevens J. Martinez ‘19
Jonathan K. Masa ‘06
Erin Mascaro
Stephen Masciarelli
Nechama Masliansky ‘78
Roy B. Massa ‘78, ‘86*
Milton Masur
Walter M. Mathews
Carl J. Matteo ‘71
Dawn Mattera
Marichel F. Matthews ‘99*
Susie and Tucker Mattox
Andrew J. Matzelle ‘82*
Victoria Mauri ‘12
Michele and Daniel Mayer*
Myra and Douglas Mayer*
Kim P. Mayo ‘82
Lucy G. Mazany ‘03, ‘08
Lisa and Kevin McCreesh ‘94
Charles D. McFaul ‘67*
Karen McAuley and
James Klausen ‘59, ‘62
Brendan McBrien
Matthew McCarthy ‘12, ‘13
Tiffany McCarthy
Dorothy McCartney
Mark A. McCaw ‘00, ‘06
Kathleen M. McClain ‘11*
Michele Anthony and
James McClain*
Jacqueline P. McCormack
Ray McDevitt, Jr.
Cheryl Lynn and
Sean McDonald
Irene McDonald ‘62
Michael McGinnis
Michael J. McGinniss ‘92
Michelle McGowen
Arleen and Douglas McGrath
Casey M. McGrath ‘07, ‘12
Christopher McGrory
Christina Visaxis McIntyre ‘62*
Arthur F. McLoughlin, Jr. ‘58*
Theresa M. McSweeney ‘86
Fernando A. Medina ‘86
Catherine and Steve Meehan*
Alexander J. Mehran ‘20
William G. Melone ‘69*
Theresa and Anthony Melosci*
Marc Ryan Meltzer
Anthony Mennella
Kelly and Chris Mennella
Bruce W. Menzies ‘76*
Nicholas R. Mercado ‘15
Linda A. Merklin ‘15
Lisa Merrill
Mary and Ernest Messmer*
Sharon Meyer
Alexandra M. Mezzanotte ‘14
Michele ‘81 and Peter Michaelson
Nicolette M. Michalowski ‘18
Victoria Mickens ‘19
Jonathan Mignola ‘19
Gregory Mikalauskas ‘77
Joann Bottiglia Mikowski*
Mark E. Mildner ‘80*
Daisy Miller ‘90
David W. Miller ‘82*
Harriet Sultan Miller ‘61 and
Stephen Miller ‘60
Mary Miller
Peter J. Miller ‘81, ‘87
Ryan B. Miller ‘07
Nicole Millette
Rose and Anthony Minutoli
Alexander V. Mirante ‘17
Petera Mary Mironchik ‘65*
Barbara J. Mishkin ‘62*
Yuki Miyazawa
Alysha Mohammed
Pierre A. Mommers ‘90
Mary and Michael J. Monahan
Richard E. Monath ‘72*
Gerald N. Mongeluzo ‘65*
Patricia A. Montagano*
Michael Monticciolo ‘97
Marion R. Moore ‘55, ‘64*
Alyssa M. Morales ‘18
Cheryl Moran
Kevin J. Moran ‘94
Kenneth J. Morgan ‘77
Cathie Caputo Morgani and
Joseph Morgani
David B. Morris ‘56
Michael H. Morris ‘59*
Traci Morris
Antonietta Morse ‘91
Stephanie Morse-Shamosh ‘78
Hope Motreuil
Robert W. Motta ‘73, ‘75*
Timothy Moye
Brett M. Moyer ‘08
Susan and James Mrozack ‘69*
Charles J. Mulhern ‘91*
Lisa Mulosmani ‘01
Robyn J. Murphy ‘85
Peggy and Michael Murphy*
Edward Murphy
Joyce A. Murray
Waldemar Musial
Laura and Michael S. Nager
Louis Najarian
Domenick Napoletano ‘80*
Lisa Napolitan ‘15
Jerry P. Nappi ‘81*
Harold Nash ‘64*
Arthur J. Nastre ‘68*
Blake Nation
Cecilia B. Nauck ‘64*
C. Scott Neff ‘98
Stephen J. Neiman ‘65, ‘66*
Naomi Neuwirth ‘76*
Elizabeth M. Nevins
Arlene C. Newman ‘72*
Lisa Newman
Chitose Nishitani
Masaaki Nishitani
Inna Nisimov ‘05*
Francie Nolde and
Hugh Fortmiller
Anthony Notaro ‘78*
Margaret Novak
Anthony Nunez ‘95*
Frederick G. Nurse ‘71*
Nancy O Neill
Robert O’Neill
Linda Rose Obedzinski ‘88 and
David Obedzinski ‘85*
Eugene O’Brien
Nadine and Peter D. Ochs
Kevin J. O’Connell ‘93*
Pamela LiCalzi O’Connell ‘85
Adrienne M. O’Connor ‘69, ‘96*
Elizabeth J. O’Connor ‘00
Daniel O’Connor ‘94
Michael J. O’Connor*
Suzanne O’Hare ‘81
Patricia Carroll Olds ‘81, ‘84*
Adriana B. Oleksiuk ‘71
Edward Oleske ‘70*
Gina Oliver
Sarah Oliver
Ludge Olivier
James E. Olivo ‘77, ‘81*
Kelly A. O’Malley ‘87
Kelly Ann O’Malley ‘87 and
George S. Tandy ‘88
Lynda ‘97 and Steven O’Malley
Lawrence M. O’Reilly ‘74*
Jess O’Rourke
John Orsen
Ronald G. Ort ‘75*
Elvie and Cesar Ortiona*
Rosemary S. Ortiona ‘12, ‘14*
Rose Ortiz
Megan K. O’Shea ‘16
Nancy and Kevin O’Shea
Ashira Ostrow
David Ozersky ‘68*
Christina R. Pacinda ‘06
Amanda Pagano
Frederick C. Paine ‘85*
Justin E. Paley ‘06
Leonie S. Pan ‘83
Judith and David Paris*
Thomas C. Parisi ‘90
Nadine Parisi-Macchia
Gregory K. Parke ‘91
Ellen and Daniel Parker
Wanda Parker-Jackson
Tiana M. Parrella ‘18
Raymond J. Parrington ‘73
Joann and Frank Passantino
Vivian Passuello
Vincent Paterno ‘20
Diane E. Paterson ‘88
Carol ‘71 and Michael Patoka*
Jospeh Patrovich ‘04
Margaret Doyle Patterson ‘65*
Nancy Patterson
Ernst Paul, Jr. ‘87, ‘17
Maria Paulsen ‘72
Sheryl Paulwell
William H. Pavony ‘60
Mary Ann Pazler ‘82*
Pamela Pearlman ‘91
Richard J. Pearson ‘74*
Mark Pedersen
Tim Pegelow
Vincent P. Pellegrino
Patricia Pensa
Cathleen and Tom Pepe
Irene Rabinor ‘63
Leonard V. Peres ‘69*
Trisha Perlman
David Perpich
Henry D. Perry ‘67
Arnold J. Perz ‘91*
Marie Amella-Pesko ‘88 and
Gary Pesko ‘87*
Harriet L. Peters*
Ann M. Peterson ‘75, ‘79*
Catherine Petrone
Evelyn D. Pezold ‘68*
Dorothy and Stanley Pierce ‘76*
Lisa A. Pieroni ‘90*
Robert E. Pipia ‘92
Laraine A. Pizzi ‘95*
John Pizzolato ‘01
Eric M. Plakun ‘68*
Keri A. Plassmann ‘95, ‘20*
Elliot Pleener ‘74
Michael Plumer
John J. Podsiadlo, Jr. ‘53, ‘58
Kevin W. Pohmer ‘82*
Joseph Pollack ‘61, ‘76
Lynda Pope
Anthony J. Porcelli
Barbara A. Porfilio ‘95
William J. Porter, Jr. ‘74, ‘77
Daniel M. Posener ‘89*
Kevin Post
Neil Poster
Neal and Jen Poston
Ian A. Poulos ‘14*
Amy Powers ‘90
Eileen Prendergast
Albert Prete ‘76
Matthew Prokopowicz ‘12
Sara Gail Prudenti
Dominic Pryor
Marc A. Puppo ‘98*
Paula Quattrucci
Martha and George Quinn
Ronald M. Quinn ‘57*
Joseph L. Quinto ‘78
Linda Sue M. Racano ‘65
Effie Rafaelides
Anoop Rai*
Anita Ramkarran
Philip H. Ramsey ‘68
James Rand
Ruth Rauch ‘74
Linda E. Rauch ‘77
Jada L. Rawlinson-Carter ‘20
Patricia H. Raynor ‘77*
Rachel E. Rea ‘20
Tania J. Redman ‘05
Kristen N. Reed ‘93, ‘96*
Daniel S. Reich
Lenore Davis Reilly ‘50, ‘59*
Maria S. Reilly ‘87*
Michael B. Reiss ‘98
David R. Relyea
Mary A. Rempe ‘81*
James M. Renehan
Ellen and Merill Resnick
David P. Resnick
Laura Restrepo ‘18
Richard W. Reutzel ‘74*
Dennis M. Reynolds
George A. Rhodes*
Christine Ricca
Elisa Riccio
David A. Rich ‘80*
Kenneth R. Richards ‘84*
Michael T. Ricigliano, Jr. ‘95
Bonita J. Ricks*
Arisleyda C. Riehl ‘94
Lawrence Ripak, Jr. ‘67
Alison L. Risko ‘85
Philip J. Rizzuto
Doug Roberts
Maria and Thomas Roberts
Brenda D. Robie ‘10*
Scott Robins ‘85
Maura Robinson
Tracy E. Robinson-Chu*
Sally M. Robles ‘84*
Stephen Roche
Dariely Rodriguez-Veny ‘06 and
Jason R. Veny ‘03
Joan and Robert Roehrig ‘68*
Sharon Roman ‘72*
Jonathan Romano ‘11
Linda and Leonard Roppa
Diana L. Rose ‘95, ‘99
Michael J. Roseingrave ‘71
Adam Rosen ‘95
Amanda L. Rosenberg ‘12
Cheryl M. Rosenberg
Catalina Rosenthal
Randi Feldman Ross ‘73, ‘80 and
Steven Ross ‘73*
Christopher V. Rotella ‘81
Ronald R. Roth ‘69
Taylor G. Roth ‘05
Jeanne Royar ‘50, ‘51*
Elizabeth ‘58 and
David Roycroft ‘59
Richard L. Rubenfeld ‘70*
Daniel R. Rubey*
Judith N. Eidenberg ‘95
Jody Rue
Jessica T. Rus
Carol and Walter Ruskiewicz*
John B. Russo
Donald L. Ryan
Howard J. Ryan ‘86*
Jennifer Ryan
Kieran A. Ryan ‘17
William J. Ryan ‘80*
Joanne Rynn
Christopher M. Sajewicz ‘02
Steven Salmon
Maria Salob
Marvin Salth ‘63*
Steven Sanders
Susan ‘87 and Frederic Sanders*
Philip A. Santopadre ‘99
Joan M. Santoro ‘88, ‘94
Michelle Santos
Grace and Michael Sapienza
Eric L. Saunders ‘20
Tracie Saunders
Robert J. Sayre ‘70*
Charles Scanio
Irene Vagnini Scavelli ‘85*
Andrew D. Schaeffer ‘15*
Marjorie and Alfred J. Schanstra
Eugenie and John Scharf ‘68*
Susan A. Scharf
Erika A. Schaub*
William Scheibeler ‘02*
Gerald C. Scheiner ‘66*
Robert D. Schimmenti ‘86
Elisabeth Schlegel ‘19
Charles L. Schleien
Lois C. Schlissel
Bette ‘90 and Paul Schneiderman*
Melissa Schoenberger
Maria and Jeffrey Schorr
Ellie Schotz ‘56*
Joseph B. Schubach ‘66*
Jed N. Schulman ‘79
Gail and Neil Schwab*
Corey M. Schwartz ‘80*
Roberta B. Schwartz ‘61, ‘67
Rudene Scipio ‘83*
Frank G. Scotti*
Alyssa Scully ‘11
Donald Seaman ‘55*
Annette ‘74 and
Donald Seaman ‘55*
Carol Sedwick and
Michael D. Patrick ‘78*
Brian L. Seesz
Courtney Seesz
Morris Seidman ‘52
Elaine M. Sekreta
Nicholas J. Sekreta ‘61†
Philip Selby ‘76
Leslie Selius
Ellen Semel ‘17
Ralph J. Serzo ‘83*
Hillary Sewell
Shila Shah-Gavnoudias
Irene Sullivan Shatz ‘59*
Erin ‘04 and David Shaw ‘04
Benjamin P. Shear ‘12
Philip R. Shenton ‘91
Linda Sherlock-Reich ‘04*
Theodore H. Sherman ‘75
Charmaine Sherriff-Wilson ‘83*
Virginia Shortell
William A. Shuart ‘92*
Paul R. Sibblies ‘91
Alex Sica
Nicholas Siciliano ‘60*
Victor R. Siclari ‘83*
Maria Sideratos
Jason Siegel
Joyce and Sheldon Siegel ‘64*
Joel Sikowitz ‘59
Joseph A. Silcott ‘68*
Meryl A. Silverman ‘77
Stephen Siminou
Gail M. Simmons*
Eileen G. Simons ‘87*
Tessa Sinatro ‘20
Prithi Pal Singh
Devoll I. Sino ‘96*
June Sison
Peter B. Skelos
Martin P. Skrocki ‘71*
Jesse Smiley
Carole ‘91 and Paul Smith*
Christine Smith ‘66
Darrin Smith ‘87, ‘92
Deborah Smith
Joyce Smith ‘77, ‘80
Thelma and Howard Smith
George E. Snizek
Carole J. Snyder ‘88
Brenda and Kris Solberg
Darrol B. Solin ‘59*
Jonathan M. Solomon ‘76*
Janet Somerville
Mariangela Sorace
Susan S. Soroka ‘68
Andrew Speacht ‘11
Anne Marie Spensieri-Fidis
Debra G. Speyer ‘80, ‘84, ‘88*
Charles Spiegel
Andrew C. Spieler*
Robert M. Spielman ‘73
Fern C. Spies ‘64*
Patrice Spingarn
Joan A. Spitsen ‘53
Mary P. Sprong
Carol J. St. Angelo*
Gabrielle St. Léger
Lydia St. Marie-Tommy
Brian Stamm
Claire Anne ‘99 and
Gregory Stanek ‘98*
Allison N. Stapleton ‘18
Candice Stark ‘76*
Martha and
Robert H. Stark, Jr. ‘80*
Gail Berkes Starkie ‘59, ‘65, ‘77*
Jeffrey Stavisky
Ann Stavola ‘69
Michael D. Stebel ‘76
Renee and Bruce Stegner ‘86
Alan I. Stein ‘70*
Rochelle S. Stein ‘71
Bonnie Steinbach
Krista R. Stella*
Katrina E. Sten ‘06
John Stergis
Hildy and Jeremy Stern
James K. Stern ‘85
Joshua S. Stern ‘06
Eileen C. Steward ‘74
John A. Stocker ‘86
Daniel S. Stollow ‘79*
Emily Stolzenberg and
Matthew A. Shapiro
Priscilla Ann Stomm
Janet ‘98 and Brian Stone ‘90*
Arlen M. Strongin ‘92
Linda Strongin
Sharon Strowbridge
William Strynkowski ‘63*
Denis G. Sukhodolsky ‘94, ‘97
Antoinette Sullivan
Richard J. Sullivan ‘87
Stacey Suto
Arun Swaminath
Bala Swaminathan
Jay P. Szerencsy*
Shawn Szkatulski
James J. Tagliaferri
Jacqueline Tahsuda
Norikazu Takebayashi
Howard Tarlow
Francine M. Tarpey
James Tarsitano
Patricia Tarzia
Barbara A. Taylor ‘89*
John Teehan
Lora Teichberg
Edward Marc Teitelbaum ‘90
Claire R. Telecki ‘89
Suzanne Tenn
Cary S. Tepper ‘80*
William M. Terrone ‘69*
Kathleen A. Theiling ‘75
Andrew W. Thiem ‘93, ‘99*
Elizabeth A. Thomas ‘72, ‘80*
Kristin Carter Thomason
Jennifer and Robert Thompson
Glen Tilkin
Karen A. Till ‘84*
Karen Timmermans
Mark Tipperman ‘73*
Carolyn Todd
Christopher Torres
Robert F. Toth
Shelley Treacy ‘90
Patricia Trebour
Catherine Trotta
David N. Tuchman ‘73*
John A. Tuominen ‘73*
Joan Werber Tweedell ‘55
Kristina M. Tzortzis, ‘18
Jamie Sue Ullman
Paula M. Uruburu
James P. Vafeas ‘90*
Ann M. Van Cleef ‘74*
Ellen Van Dunk
Jane Van Heteren
Evelyn Van Ness Laky ‘71 and
William Laky ‘59, ‘66*
William H. Vandewater, Jr. ‘56*
Jessen Vasquez*
Devin M. Velasquez ‘15, ‘18
Christian Jo N. Velez ‘18
Maria and Anthony Vella ‘82*
Eva and Arthur Venezia ‘50*
Joan T. Verdon ‘77*
William L. Veronese ‘98
Judy A. Vianest ‘97
Carlo Vigorito
Miriam T. Vincent ‘12
Frank P. Viola ‘74*
Marilyn ‘56 and Robert Vogel ‘54*
Thomas Vogel ‘13*
Joyce B. Wagner*
Marilyn Zaborowski Wagner ‘73
and John Wagner ‘73
Julie Waldkoetter
Kevin Walker ‘73
Robert G. Wall ‘59
Edward Wallace ‘80
Kathleen Wallace
David Walsh*
Kevin Walsh ‘74
Gregory Walter ‘72
Margaret Ann Walter ‘80*
Miriam Wanderman*
Kevin J. Ward ‘89
Loretta ‘56 and
Robert Warden ‘58, ‘59*†
Robert P. Warshauer ‘70*
Eric J. Weaver ‘73, ‘80*
Ross V. Weaver, Jr. ‘58*
Miles Webber
Richard B. Weber ‘73
Jesse A. Webster ‘07
Clifford R. Weidberg ‘69*
Laurie J. Weil
Rochelle L. Weinberg ‘74
Robert Weinstein ‘79
Stan Weinstein ‘64
Gerald B. Weiss ‘49
Kendra L. Weissberger ‘18
Robert Welch
Frederick H. Wen ‘03*
Anne Wentworth
Jacqueline Wentz ‘18
Diane R. Wenz
Harry Wescott
Judylynn Wescott
Matthew G. Wessinger
Brenda F. Westheim ‘64*
Carolyn M. Whalen ‘67*
Frank A. Wharton ‘80
David B. Wheeler ‘81
George H. Whitacre ‘57, ‘59, ‘69*
Daniel White
Karen White
Barbara Milsen Wiener ‘61*
Rob Wiest ‘95
Barry S. Wilder ‘68*
John F. Wilkens ‘79, ‘87*
Donna Willenbrock
Robert L. Willenkin ‘51*
Clement Webb Williams, Jr.
Nicholas Williams
Raymond A. Williams
Regina L. Williams
Tammy Williams ‘92
Walt Williams
Wayne Williams
David J. Williamson ‘83
Nelson H. Willick ‘76*
Collen M. Willigan
Louann Wilson
Rebecca M. Winer
Corey Winkoff
Emily ‘61, ‘67 and
Bernard Wiseblatt*
Laure Wisse
Edith Wolff
Fred P. Wolff ‘61*
Thomas S. Wolinetz ‘16
Dave Wood
Cynthia A. Woodhouse ‘91*
Julius Wool*
Rebecca N. Wool ‘12
Amber Wright ‘20
Kenneth J. Wunsch ‘72*
William Wyman ‘81
Yaniv A. Yardeni ‘13*
Diane Yaris ‘54, ‘55, ‘79
Christine Yarkosky
Anita and Rod Yates
Elizabeth and W. Brooke Yeager, III
Daniel D. H. Yee
Jay Yentis ‘70*
Cecilia Yeung
Robert Zabbia ‘90
Daniel R. Zabielski ‘18
Rita and Robert Zabielski
Tammy Zagaro
Timothy F. Zalak ‘74*
Francis J. Zampino ‘65*
Matthew Zampino
Pamela Zaremba
Richard A. Zaun ‘71*
Leila Zayas ‘85*
Charnita Zeigler-Johnson
Elizabeth A. Zembruski ‘97*
Stephen J. Ziegler ‘99
Hope S. Zimmerman ‘86
Lee Zimmerman
Diana L. Ziskin ‘10, ‘18 and
Nicholas Bassett ‘20*
Nicholas C. Zotto ‘19*
Stacey Sack Zuckerman ‘86
Jocelyn Zuppani
$99 and Below
Zinovia Abatzis
Michela Abbatiello ‘02
Paula M. Abbott
Gazang Y. Abdulla ‘19
Norihito Abe
Karen P. Abel-Bey ‘80
Jijin Abraham ‘20
Alex Abramowitz ‘17
Alexa Abrams ‘20
Benjamin H. Abrams ‘19*
Marie and Eric Abrams
Gregory Abruzzo ‘91
Tobie Accardi Ancipink
Matthew R. Accetta ‘16, ‘18*
Kathleen Acer ‘86, ‘90
Marc Acierno ‘05
Efraim Acker ‘15*
Jeffrey W. Ackerson ‘74
Benjie Acunis ‘02
Wylie A. Adames ‘01
Felix Adamkiewicz
Fred Adams
William G. Adams ‘79*
Remo Addabbo*
Elyse A. Adelberg ‘98
Jason A. Adelberg ‘04
Estelle Aden†
Shelli Aderman ‘94
Abiola E. Adeyemi ‘16
Joel E. M. Adler ‘61*
Andrew Adrian ‘20
Angela Affronti
Frank Affronti ‘16
Gabriel E. Agbim
Jorge Agudelo, Jr. ‘07
Sonia Aguiar
Christopher Ahern
Serina Ahmed ‘19
Toni Lee Aiello
Belkacem Ait-Ouamer
Gerald Ajayi
Tari Ajeh ‘19
Elaine Ajello ‘87
Susan F. Aksionoff ‘72, ‘79
Joseph A. Alameda ‘20*
Jennifer A.
Alexatos-Alarcon ‘08, ‘12*
Victor Albanese ‘72*
Thomas J. Albano ‘18
Karen T. Albert
James Albrechtsen
Gioia B. Aldrich ‘70, ‘76*
Lorraine Alduino
Damon Alexander ‘96, ‘98
Holly Alexander ‘20
Lindsey N. Alfano ‘16
Suliman Alghnam ‘08
Mohammed A. Alhoshan, Sr.
Nazihah Ali ‘20
Suzanne Ali
Peri E. Allen
Dorene Allen-England
Patti Ann Alleva ‘76, ‘79
Nadege Allison
Phyllis Almenoff ‘76, ‘79
Dennis J. Almodovar ‘90*
Isabella Aloysius*
Jessica Rosen Alpern ‘08
Tanyikia S. Alston
Julie ‘82 and Frank Altebrando ‘82
Iska S. Alter
Mark Alterio
David A. Altman ‘14
James M. Altmann ‘20
Joan E. Altman-Neumann ‘19
Emely Alvarez ‘20
Emily Alves
Isabella Amatulli
Ruth Ann K. Amberstone ‘76*
Dante Ameo ‘20
Edda Ameo
Maxine Ames ‘15 and
Alan Gandler ‘15
Shazeela Amin
Shivraj Anand ‘86*
Yanisa Mae Anaya ‘19
Carlee Ancona ‘18
Dylan P. Ander ‘16
Marsha Ander ‘84
Jean-Marie M. Andersen ‘94, ‘00*
Autumn T. Anderson
David Anderson
Erin Anderson ‘05
Judie Anderson
Sandra Anderson
Lori Anderson-Turczyn ‘19
Arnel L. Andrada ‘07
Maria Andrade ‘16
Diane Andriaccio
Robert Anen ‘11
Austin S. Angelo ‘19
Carol L. Angelo
Jaclyn Angelo ‘20
Ellen Ankelman
Dominic M. Annacone ‘76
Giovanni Annatelli ‘18
Maria and Vincenzo Annatelli
Camille and Rick Annichiarico*
Lori A. Annunziato ‘98
Imran Ansari ‘13
Laura M. Ansell
Brittany Antonacci ‘20
MaryAnn and
Pasquale Antonacci
Steven S. Antonoff ‘75
Stephen M. Anzalone ‘20
Joann Appleton
Julia Apsel
Hirra Arain ‘18
Sabrina Araujo
Cristina Arboleda
Sylvia N. Archampong ‘17
Laura J. Argento ‘69
Michaelle Ariste ‘20
Lorie Arms ‘96
Therese A. Armstong
Jeremy C. Arndt ‘16, ‘18
Terri Arnold-McKenzie
Christina Arnone ‘06, ‘09
Jan S. Aronson ‘91
Monica Arora ‘10, ‘20
Tyler Arsenault
Alex W. Arthur ‘20
Carol and Alex Arthur
Myriam Arvelo
Yajaira Arvelo ‘00
Denise Aspromonti
Gillian G. Atkinson
Alexa A. Atlas
Khadija A. Auguste ‘15
Mary Austin
Monica Austin-Vignier ‘02
Dina Avanzato ‘91 and
Martin Kelly ‘90
Meryl Avni
Adetayo A. Awe ‘07, ‘16
Linda Axelrod
Scott Axmacher
Arkadiy Ayvazyan ‘19
Angel Azoulay
Michele Azoulay
Kathleen ‘76 and
Daniel Babbao ‘81
Julia Babbo
Virginia Babine
Frank C. Bachhuber ‘20
Paula N. Bachhuber
Kathy L. Bachofer
Erik S. Backer ‘99
Evelina Backiel ‘20
Steve Backiel
Kimberly Badger
Tyler Badger
Asia M. Baez ‘17, ‘20
Emily Ryan Bahhar ‘99
Steven K. Baierlein ‘10
Melissa E. Bailey ‘19
Robbi Bailey
Tyler Bailey
Joseph B. Bakovsky ‘76*
Joseph S. Balbalian ‘56*
Michael R. Balboa ‘91
Jenna Careri Baldwin ‘06
Harold Ball ‘88
Madison A. Ball ‘15, ‘18
C. Douglas Ballon ‘72*
Mary K. Banahan*
Sean Banahan ‘19
Mary Bancroft
Leah R. Bank ‘13*
Pamela A. Bankey ‘91, ‘94
Renee Yvette Banks ‘80
Alyssa M. Banotai ‘03
John Barbone ‘82
Tapiwa Bare
Christy L. Bareijsza ‘98
Veronica Davis Barkley ‘04 and
Kehinde Barkley*
Emily Barkley-Levenson
L. Karen Barkman ‘66*
Jacalyn L. Barnett ‘73
Kenneth J. Barrett, III ‘15
Jennifer and John Barry
Julia B. Barry ‘18
Joseph P. Bartolotta
Mary and Nicholas Bartolotta
Claudette Barton
Sadie Barton ‘20
Matthew Barwell ‘20
Sean M. Bates ‘17
Dolores Anne Battalia ‘78*
Alicia A. Battinelli ‘06, ‘11*
Frank Bavaro ‘90
Alexander T. Baxter ‘11
Anna E. Baxter ‘19
Kayla M. Baxter
Les Bayer ‘66
Esra Bayram ‘16
Timothy B. Baysinger ‘09
Jean Michel Beau ‘12, ‘20
Linda-Lee Beauman ‘18
Bruce S. Beaver ‘60*
Diane Beck ‘87
Lindsey N. Bedard
Riddick Beebe
Martin L. Beer ‘17, ‘19
Amir H. Behnia ‘99
Vsevolod Belikow ‘14
Marc A. Belinfanti ‘96
Kalysia Bell ‘20
Loron and Ladonne Bell
Marisa Bellacosa ‘20
Janeita L. Bellamy ‘08
Joanne E. Bellissimo ‘84*
Vincent A. Bellissimo ‘14
Mark G. Bello ‘96
William Belloli
Kyle J. Benaburger ‘16*
Rosa and James Benaburger
Johanna R. Ben-Ami ‘20*
Diana L. Benavides ‘07*
James M. Benesh ‘12
Barbara Steinman Bengels ‘65 and
Dennis Bengels
Everette A. Benjamin ‘11
Amber A. Bennett ‘17
Patrick D. Bennett ‘70*
Famaine C. Benoit ‘08, ‘10*
Michael A. Benvenuti ‘18
Danielle Berardi ‘01
Joanne M. Bergbom ‘65, ‘85*
Lorraine and Clyde Berger ‘76
Linda ‘70 and Bruce Bergman
Bobbette Baskowitz Bergstein ‘58
and Martin Bergstein
Paula and Arnold Berkins
Sharon Berkins ‘09, ‘11, ‘13*
Melissa P. Berman ‘20
Judith L. Bernstein ‘84, ‘85*
Roger D. Bernstein ‘70, ‘76
Howard Berrent ‘72
Maura Berry ‘19
Sharon A. Berry
Barbara G. Berse ‘87
Roslyn Berson
Teresa Bertozzi
Barbara Besdansky ‘89, ‘97*
Krystal M. Best ‘05, ‘08
Nancie Beste
Alejandro Betancourt-Ramirez
Elizabeth J. Beyer*
Rishab Bhatnagar ‘20
Nitigna J. Bhatt ‘16
Jackie Biancamano
Max Bidna ‘15
Lois A. Biello ‘72, ‘76
David M. Biemer
Jolyn Bien
Joseph E. Bifulco ‘94*
Carole and Daniel Bilodeau
Maria Bilodeau
Sinem Binici ‘04
Bonnie Birmingham
Steven R. Birnbaum ‘67, ‘70, ‘74*
Carmine Biscardi*
Becky Bisesar ‘05
Aditya A. Bissoonauth ‘16
Frank Bitetto
Scott E. Bitterman ‘09
Kathryn Pfeifer Bittner ‘84
Daniela Bivona
Stanley Bjurbuck
Carol Katchmar Blach ‘80 and
Tadeus A. Blach ‘80
Judith N. Black ‘15*
Mindi Sue Black ‘91
Marcus Blackstone
Deanna Goldstein Blafer ‘60*
Nikkol Blagmon
Catherine Blaisell
Trevor Blaisdell
Susan Blakeley
Lisa A. Bland ‘90, ‘93
Carolyn L. Blatt ‘62*
Samantha M. Blecher ‘13
Katerina Blejec ‘19
Simone R. Blejec
Michael Blisko ‘01
William R. Bloom ‘74
Edward Bochynski ‘82
George Boden ‘71
Carie Bodo ‘88, ‘06
Victoria Bogacki
Maria Boggs ‘19
Doris Bogoje ‘18, ‘20
Robert Bohack, Jr.
Shannon Bohack
Brian K. Bohl ‘08, ‘10, 17*
Debra Jayne Bolton ‘81, ‘86
Joanne Y. Bonasera ‘73*
Alison Bonaviso ‘18
Candace L. Bond ‘13, ‘18
Veronica M. Bond-Leskowits ‘70
Gabriella Bonitto
Dennis Bonn ‘89, ‘91
Nathan Boockvar
Myrna and Robert D. Bookbinder
Sam Boone
Damian M. Booth ‘04
Joseph A. Booth ‘15
Tara Booth
Michael Bordwell ‘02, ‘04
Monica Boretsky ‘20
Phyllis Boretsky
Victoria A. Boretsky ‘14
Daniel W. Borneman ‘17
Sara Bornstein ‘20
Meg Borowski
Michael Borut ‘59, ‘62*
Edward C. Boruta, Jr. ‘78*
Steven Boscia
Robert C. Bosco ‘66*
Kevin E. Boston-Hill ‘93
Ruth Botwinik ‘69, ‘75
Matthew Bourgeois
Sheila Warren Bouwman ‘58
Andrew Boyd
Harrison S. Boyd ‘20
Thomas Boyd
Ashley Bradish ‘20
Linda Bradish
David Brady
Florence Anne Brady ‘84*
John E. Brady
Patricia Brady
Theresa A. Brady ‘86*
Gina-Marie Brahms ‘92
Raquel Brainard
Michael Brancazio ‘16, ‘18
Patricia and
George Brandeau ‘59, ‘62*
Judith S. Brantley
Thomas Brassil
Gerald Brauer ‘71
William J. Braun ‘57*
Melissa L. Braunstein
Andrew M. Braverman ‘94
David Braverman ‘92
Rachael A. Braverman
Alisa I. Brayman ‘74
Marlena and Patrick Brazill
Seamus M. Brazill ‘20
Jacqueline Linitz Bregman ‘76, ‘99
and Gene Bregman
Matthew Bregman ‘20
Maureen A. Brennan ‘72
Seth Bressman ‘75, ‘77
James Breth
Raven A. Brewington ‘20
Dexter A. Bridgeman ‘84
Kestrel Bridges
Dennis A. Briggs ‘83*
Paulette Brinka ‘04
Ariana Brisport ‘18
Steven W. Brockett ‘86
Tina M. Broderick ‘98*
Elisheva Yael Brodie ‘20
Peter W. Brodsky ‘71
Dena M. Brody ‘20
Ellen and Jonathan Brody
Helane Bronfeld
Carol Vickerman Bronzo ‘54*
Angela A. Brooks ‘20
Lenora Brooks
Robert Owen Brooks ‘58, ‘65
Jesse T. Broome ‘03*
Janet Leung Brosky ‘99
Angela and Barry Brown ‘60
Barbara A. Brown ‘63
Deborah R. Brown
Eric Brown
Georgia Brown ‘89 and
Karam Govens ‘85
Justin R. Brown ‘18
Karen Brown
Lorraine Brown
Monique Brown
Tyler J. Brown ‘20
Lorraine M. Browne ‘97
Darren W. Brownlee ‘09, ‘12
Michael G. Brundage ‘75*
Edward P. Brunet, Jr. ‘04, ‘15
Joseph P. Brunetta ‘66*
Trish Brunner
Joyce Bryk ‘79*
Ezron Bryson ‘09
Mary Agnes Buatti ‘77
Kathleen Bubbeo ‘76
Andrea Bucci ‘87
Eleanor G. Buchman ‘65
Carrie Gray Buchmann ‘11*
Ellen A. Buck ‘18
Victoria Buckley-Murawski ‘19
Jenna L. Budd ‘19
Ian Budding ‘19
Andrew W. Budris
Syed Bukhari
John Burcin
Daria G. Burge ‘19
Adam A. Burke ‘20
Colleen Burke
Margaret G. Burke ‘90, ‘04
Nicole M. Burke ‘18
Stacy Burke
Rosann M. Burke-Petruzzi ‘71*
Ann Maria Burlein
Norma R. Busching ‘73*
Regina Butcher ‘20
Arthur Butler ‘86
Donna L. Butler ‘85, ‘03
Jewel L. Butler ‘05
Tyler M. Butrica ‘19
Sagar Buttan ‘20
Jonathan R. Butterworth ‘19
Kalani M. Butts ‘20
Emma Butz ‘20
Genese Byrd
Karen Byrne
Lori ‘94, ‘99 and
Carlos Cabana ‘97, ‘06
Patricia Cabeche ‘18
Angelo A. Cacciatore ‘83
Adriana Cadavid ‘89, ‘91
Geraldine and Kenneth Cadieux
Matthew Cady ‘92
Natalie and Brian Caesar ‘00
Sean P. Cafferty
Kathleen ‘67 and
T. Taylor Cahill ‘66
Timothy J. Cahill
Canhuang Cai ‘19
Alexander P. Cain ‘17*
Jennifer and
Christopher Calabrese ‘94
Lauren N. Calderaro ‘14, ‘16
Gabriel E. Calderon
Mayda and Miguel J. Calderon
Raymond D. Calderon ‘99
Heather ‘00, ‘04 and
Brian Caligiure ‘00, ‘05
Barbara A. Callahan
Barbara Callahan
Hannah Joy Callahan
Anna Camacho ‘08
Caitlin Cameron
Maureen Cameron
Linda and Joseph Camolli
Paul J. Camolli ‘20
Andrew Campana ‘07
Gregory R. Campbell ‘10
Jacqueline Campbell ‘07
Kimorine Campbell ‘12
Kristina R. Campbell ‘09, ‘13
Ronald Campbell
Fernando Campo ‘67*
Jordan Canik
Allison M. Cannavina ‘90, ‘91
Marissa Cannella ‘20
Frank G. Cannistra ‘71*
Pam Cantor
John Canzoneri
Jessie Cao
Jeffrey Capeci ‘87
Thomas D. Capobianco ‘15
Joseph A. Capone ‘20
Nancy and Anthony Capone
Susan Hale Capone ‘85 and
Peter Capone ‘85*
Nicholas Capozzo
James A. Capraro ‘82*
Larraine and
Joseph E. Caprioglio
Corey J. Caputo ‘14
Clarissa M. Caraballo ‘19
John J. Cardello, Jr. ‘62
Michael Cardello, IV ‘19
Diane Sass Cardena
Eduardo Cardena ‘20
Marielena L. Cardinale ‘64, ‘67*
Nancy Lindley-Carey
Eileen ‘64 and Richard Carlsen ‘64*
James A. Carlucci ‘84
Joan Schuppel Carman ‘45, ‘74*
Colleen ‘90 and Eric J. Carmeli ‘89
Allison J. Carmody ‘14
Frank L. Carollo ‘76*
Ashley Carpenter ‘20
Danielle Carpentieri ‘19
Carolina Carrera ‘18
Zachary A. Carrillo ‘20
Suzanne E. Carson ‘87
Carol D. Carter ‘15, ‘19
John H. Carter ‘58*
Iyna B. Caruso ‘80
Natalie Casale
Anastasia N. Cassisi ‘16
Justin A. Castellano ‘20
Michelle and Gerald Castellano
Donna Castelli ‘72 ‘76*
Darren T. Castelluzzi ‘06, ‘07
Connie Anderson Castilla ‘20
Marie and Ernest Catanese*
Laura Catapano
Kamille Catchings
Antonella Catricala
Veronica C. Catricala ‘20
Johanna and
Joseph A. Ceccarini
Daniel Cecere ‘19
Andrew Cecora ‘20
Graceanne Cecora ‘91, ‘17*
Kelly Cefanoli
Paul A. Ceglio ‘13, ‘20
Francesco Celano ‘20
Margaret A. Celano*
Elizabeth Cepelik ‘19
Kaila Cerbone ‘20
Lisa Cerbone
Timothy J. P. Cereste ‘81, ‘82*
Lauren Cerillo
Matthew Cerillo ‘20
Maria Cerqueira ‘20
Yvette Freeman Cetasaan
Helen R. Chambers ‘80, ‘83*
Michael Chang
Patricia Channer
Nicole Chaplik ‘19
Diane Chappel
Erin Chappel
Joseph M. Charchalis ‘06, ‘10
Kaihil Charles
Patrick A. Charles ‘04
Juliette L. Charles-Pierre ‘93*
Alexis Charlton
Elizabeth A. Chase ‘89
Usman Chaudhary ‘11
Isma H. Chaudhry ‘16
Noor A. Chaudhry ‘20
John Cheddar ‘98
Linda C. Cheek
Marie Chemas-Grgas
Guiqiang Chen
James Chen ‘11
Justin Chen ‘17
Lynne Chen
Xi Chen ‘20
Zhiwei Chen ‘20
Laurie Chenoweth
Kathleen Cheraso
Robert Cherniak ‘60*
Choi Nai Cheung and
Gregory L. Mitchell
Julia Chiacchiere ‘16
Dolores M. Cianciabella ‘66*
Leah Mary Chiappino
Donald W. Chichester ‘55*
Jacqueline Chin
Alan Cho ‘19
Kevin Choi ‘17
Ralph Choi
Rownak J. Choudhury
Catherine Ann Christian ‘85
Heidi Christie
Evangeline Christodoulou ‘06
Rosie M. Christopher
Dorothy Chung ‘16*
William Chung
Justin Chupungco ‘20
Michael Cianciaruso ‘82
Jacquelyn Ciarcia ‘20
Marion Ciarlo
Rebecca Cicero
Alexander Cigna ‘12
Cheryl L. Cincotta ‘01
Debra Ann Cipolla ‘86 and
Greg Minafo
Maria Cipriani
Rachel Cipriano
Peter J. Cirona ‘81
Ana Cisneros ‘17
Elizabeth Civetti ‘20
Michelle Civetti
Nicole R. Clarity ‘01
Alena E. Clark ‘20
Adrienne ‘05 and
Charlotte H. Clark
Dorothy E. Clark ‘20
Justin Clark ‘16
Lori and David Clark
Mercedes Henderson Clark ‘97
Toni Clark
Kanisha Clarke ‘16*
Taneisha Clarke ‘20
Taylor Clarke ‘20
Jade Clavier
Lora Clifford
Nicholas Coacci ‘18
Toni and Nicholas Coacci
Vincent G. Coacci ‘20
Paulo Coelho
Lesley Coffey
Mary Virginia Coffman
Adam Cohen
Bonni Cohen ‘95
Erin Cohen
Jason Y. Cohen ‘01
Bonnie Cohen-Greenberg ‘78
Kimberley N. Coke ‘02, ‘16
Joseph Colangelo ‘19
Natalie and Anthony Colangelo
Christine M. Colao ‘86
Adriana Cole
Daniel D. Cole
Imani Cole ‘20
David E. Coleman ‘87
Elizabeth E. Colgan ‘20
Kristen and Michael Collat
Meredith Collat ‘20
Linda and Joseph Collica*
Roberta and Robert Collins
Athelene A. Collins ‘92
Donald F. Collins ‘76*
Catherine Colmenares
Danielle Colombaris
Ronald J. Colombo
Deborah L. Comm ‘94
Charlie Cona
Avalon Condzella ‘20
Valerie Condzella
Phaedra Confident ‘18
Ryan M. Conlon
Susan M. Connolly ‘74
Taryn Conolly ‘97
Ian M. Conover ‘13
Kenneth Conrade ‘90
Kenneth Conrade ‘20
Eileen T. Conry ‘79*
Emily M. Considine ‘16
Wendy Constant ‘00, ‘06
Kathleen A. Conti ‘16
Inmar N. Contreras
Rosemarie Contreras
Michele Conway
Susan and James Conway
Edward E. Cook ‘04, ‘10
Jessica R. Coombs ‘18, ‘19
David P. Coonan ‘04, ‘08
Alessia Cooney ‘20
Diane W. Cooney ‘63*
Aliya Cooper
Anita Cooper ‘72
Devon Cooper
Linda Caprio Cooper ‘67 and
Richard Cooper ‘65*
Jonathan Cooper ‘19
Jeannine Coppola ‘06
Maria Corbet
Richard Corbet, III ‘20
Joseph M. Corcoran ‘82
Gloria W. Cordeiro ‘58*
Paul R. Cordella ‘97
Julie Cornfeld
Alexander D. Cornwell ‘86*
Christopher M. Correia ‘95*
Eric Correia ‘20
Maria Correia
Mary R. Corva*
Rosalyn Cosme ‘17
Salvatore J. Cossentino ‘80*
Danielle Costa ‘20
Karen A. Costa
Grace M. Costantino ‘77
Anissa Costello
Vincent Costello ‘20
Alisa and Robert Cotter
Natalia L. Cotto
Daphne Cottone ‘07
Brian D. Cox
Lisa K. Craig ‘03
Amanda Cravo ‘19
Lois Crawford-Pruden ‘79*
Thomas Crespo
Cynthia Crici Malouin ‘88
Nicole Crisafulli
Isobel and John Criscuolo
Robert W. G. J. Croddy ‘14
Brandon Crofts ‘20*
Dana Crofts
Tanya M. Crosbourne
Lori Crosby ‘87
Victoria E. Crowley ‘20
Iberth Cruz
Migdalia Cruz ‘93
Joshua-Ronald Cruz
Marrakech Cunliffe
Staci Cunliffe
Kevin P. Cunningham ‘20
Meryl Cunningham
Sean F. Cunningham ‘18
Lauren Cuomo
Christine Cupaiuolo
Nicolette L. Curcio
Anya Curtis ‘20
Mark Curtis ‘76
Christopher Cusack ‘13
Charlotte L. Cutler
Alec F. Cvecic ‘20
Linda Cvecic
Michelle A. Cyr ‘87
Christopher E. Czerwonka ‘13
Joann Czerwonka-Lisa
Janet M. Daigle ‘86*
Syreeta Dais ‘01
Corivana Dalaya
Dina and David Dale
Jordan Daley
Maureen P. Daley
Jordan Dalmedo ‘18
Denise M. Dalton
Laurie Dalton
Carmine D’Ambrosio ‘95
Tyler D’Amico
Lizel Dammes
Makeyla Daniels
Yuri Danilov
Karen and Richard Dansereau
Kristen Dansereau ‘20
Anthony B. Dardis
Kathy and Steve D’Argenio
Tamara L. Darien
Irene Darmetta
Natalie C. Datlof ‘74*
Marcus V. Daugherty ‘84
Prakash Daulatani
Devang Dave
Parth Dave ‘20
Chantell A. Davidson ‘18
Jennifer Davidson ‘95
Marjorie Davidson ‘73*
Robin Davidson ‘84
Ryan Davies
Adeline Davis
Charlene Davis
Christina P. Davis ‘85
Hanna Rose Davis ‘19
Harrison Davis
Jerry B. Davis
Margaux Davis ‘20
Mark V. Davis ‘04
Stephanie Davis
Viola Davis
Wilbert Kyle Davis ‘20
Walter Davis
James DaVolio ‘13
Robert C. Davolio ‘14
Julia De Lellis
Deborah E. Deasy ‘75
Joseph DeCarlo
Richard Decaro ‘00
Caitlin Decoster ‘14, ‘17
Jennifer and Michael K. Degree
Eric DeHaemer
Leah DeHaemer
Jamie K. Deklin ‘96
Christina Del Gais
John Del Vecchio ‘96
Jerome H. Delamater*
Marli Delaney ‘20
Wayne A. DeLeo*
Alissa Delgado ‘20
Stacey A. Delgado
Daniel N. DellaMonica ‘12
Lauren DelliBovi
Stanley Delman ‘63*
Thomas DeLorenzo ‘84
Schuyler W. DeLuca ‘14
Mary Jean Delzotto
Michael Demarco ‘85
Robert T. DeMarco ‘70
Kieran DeMaria
Thomas A. DeMarinis
Jonathan M. Demars ‘18
Carole and John F. Demek, Sr.
Erasmo DeMeo
Margaret E. DeMicco ‘79*
Ingrid ‘63 and
A. Bradford Demilo ‘63
Dale L. Demner ‘64, ‘67
Victoria R. Dempsey ‘18, ‘20*
Richard F. DeNigris ‘65, ‘71*
Mary DeNisco*
William A. DeNisco ‘10
Michele Denman ‘95
Eileen Dennis ‘20
Deandra Denton ‘20
Keith G. Denton ‘77*
Darren P. Deoraj ‘14*
Bianca A. Derrick ‘15, ‘17
Alex Dersh ‘20
Grace K. Dervin ‘85*
Jeanne Desario
Jamed DeSautelle
Cecelia DeSimone
Frank DeSimone ‘76, ‘82
Yrene DeSousa
Benjamin W. Detweiler ‘19
Andres Devia
Ligia Devia
Allison Devia
Maria DeVito
Jack Dewing
Rupinder K. Dhaliwal
Sukhjit K. Dhaliwal ‘19
Wanshu Di ‘15
Elisa Di Bari
Justin J. Di Bari ‘20
Stanley A. Diamond ‘77*
Elisabeth M. Diana ‘17
Melisa M. Diaz ‘07
Wilbert Diaz ‘20
Leslie A. DiBernardo ‘93
Matthew J. DiBernardo ‘17, ‘18
Anthony DiCandia ‘71
Gregory DiCarlo ‘20
Kristina DiCarlo ‘20
Thomas B. DiCarlo
Iva and Philip DiChiara
Maryellen DiCioccio
Robert Dicker
Susan M. Dickes ‘15
Lori Dickinson
David Di Conza ‘95
Denise DiCristofalo ‘98*
Judy E. DeDamenico
Norman Dietzel
Schuyler J. Dietzel ‘20
Peter M. DiFiore ‘73, ‘84*
John L. DiGaetani*
Lydia DiGennaro ‘99
Alexandra DiGiovanni
Andrea DiGregorio
Daniel Dimijian
Chong Ding ‘19
Christopher Dippel ‘11
Matteo B. Distefano ‘18, ‘20
Rose and Giovanni V. Distefano
Suzanne DiStefano
Anthony M. DiTaranto ‘15
Mark DiTaranto
Shaquana Divers ‘99, ‘01
Carla Dixon ‘79
Manni Doan ‘20
Brian P. Doane ‘78
Alexander Dobrecevic ‘14
Adam Docar ‘06
Patricia Doerner
Michael Doherty
Thomas Doherty
Sandra Doig ‘65*
Marley and Michael Dolente
Emilie Doleshel
Gregory Domond ‘01*
Norah A. Donahoe ‘18
Allan Donefer
Hao Dong ‘20
Ruoying Dong ‘20
Zeyu Dong ‘20
Diane Donnelly ‘80
Linda Elliott Donnelly ‘89
Scott A. Donnelly ‘92
Alicia Donohue ‘83
Megan Donovan ‘20
Lauren C. Doodian ‘18
Sean P. Doonan ‘13*
Karen Doornebos
Samantha Doornebos
Patricia A. Dorilio ‘77, ‘80
Marie L. D’Ostilio ‘79
Michael Dostillio
Daniel H. Dougherty ‘20
Matthew J. Dougherty ‘13
Ruth Dougherty
Linda and Cale Douglas ‘62*
Ann Semineri Doxsey ‘78*
Joseph Doyle ‘97
Luke Doyle
Diane Inserra Drew ‘66*
Neil Drzewiecki
Heng Du ‘17
Mary Lou Dudley
Laura Dugan ‘11, ‘12
Arianna D. DuManoir ‘17
Kaitlyn Dumont
Sharon H. Dumont ‘74*
Judith Blatt Dunn and
John Dunn*
Ryan R. Dunn ‘07
Brigid M. Dunne ‘19
Francis E. Dunne, Jr.
Christine A. Duplessis ‘97
Fred G. Duprez ‘79
Michael F. Duprez ‘08
Keisy Duran ‘06
Zeneida Duran
Gary Duszynski
Jacques Duverna
Kaiya Duverna
Priya Duvvuri
Michele Dyer
William Eagen
Luisa F. Echeverry ‘15*
Scott L. Eck ‘80
Scott M. Eckers ‘18
Katherine A. Economou ‘93
Gary Edelman ‘16
Marquette Edmond
Miranda Edson ‘17
Andrea Marie Efthymiou
Susan and Thomas Egan ‘71*
Seth D. Egert ‘14
Gloria L. Egland
Paula Ehlenberger-Zottoli ‘80
Michael A. Ehrenpreis ‘08, ‘12*
Edward Ehrlich ‘78
Kristen C. Ehrling*
Warren E. Ehrmann ‘60*
Rona Pearl Eimer ‘77*
Christian A. Einnatz ‘18*
Jeff Eisen ‘83*
Christopher Eiserle ‘20
Ella Eisman
Francine ‘72, ‘75 and
Merton Ekelman
Sarah El Bouzaidi ‘19
Youssef El Bouzaidi ‘17
John R. Elarde, III ‘17, ‘18*
Matthew Elder
Jeffrey Elie ‘05
Bonnie Elkaim ‘90
Lucas Ellaboudy
Marie Ellin
Diana Elyahou ‘04
Jonathan D. Ellis ‘20
Mike Ellis
William F. Els
Sarah M. Elsayed ‘15
Iman Elshazly
Alice Elste
Mohammad Elzanaty ‘20
Christine M. Emanuelli ‘08, ‘10
Charles T. Endy ‘69*
Joan M. Enea
Margaret Engel
Claire E. English ‘13
Jay Ennesser ‘80
Tatiana Gamarra Enriquez ‘08
Sydni E. Epps ‘16, ‘18
Cindy Epstein
Lawrence J. Epstein ‘75
Sarah Epstein
Amanda Erdly
Amelia J. Erdly
Ryan O. Espineli ‘17
Gabriella S. Espinoza ‘19
Salvatore M. Esposito ‘77*
Anthony J. Esposito ‘15
Julia Esposito ‘20
Margaret Eckhardt Esposito
Sue and Ed Estey
Mary Carmel Etienne
Josh A. Ettinger ‘13*
Zachariah R. Evangelista ‘04
Patricia Evans ‘92 and
Gerard Martin
Xavier Evans
Xavier H. Evans ‘18
Toby Everett ‘64*
John A. Facchin ‘86
Heather Facey
Toby Facey
Gail Fach
Patrick D. Fagan ‘95
Caroline Fahey
William Fahey
Michelle Faiella
Theresa M. Falletta ‘09*
Gabrielle Fallon ‘20
Mikayla Falon ‘20
Paul Fallon
Wendy and Daniel Fallon
Tammy Falk ‘93, ‘96, ‘00
Frederick J. Falteisek ‘60*
Derek R. Farber ‘14, ‘18
Jonathan Farber ‘15
Zachary Faretra
Andres Farfan
Jennifer N. Farrar ‘20
Samantha A. Fassman ‘20
Gloria Cardona Favetta
Anthony P. Fazzone ‘92*
Patrick Feeney
Monica Feijoo ‘19, ‘20
David Feldman ‘89
Kathryn Tripp Feldman ‘63
Hans E. Feldmann ‘61*
Susan M. Felice ‘04
Laurie Felix
Robyn S. Felix ‘00
Steven Fendell ‘78*
John S. Fendley
Donna and Richard Ferguson
Gabriella M. Ferguson ‘20
Jessica Ferguson ‘18, ‘20
Kayla Ferguson
Brianna Fernandez ‘20
David Fernandez
Maritza Torres Fernandez
Michael Fernandez ‘19
Nathalia Fernandez ‘11
Sylvia Fernandez
Alana R. Ferrara ‘20
Amy Ferrara ‘18
Joseph P. Ferrara
Neil Ferrara
Lauren Fallon Ferruzzi ‘03 and
Michael Ferruzzi ‘03
Diane and Thomas P. Ferry
Christopher S. Festa ‘08
Jonathan C. Fidis ‘20
Joan Lois Filderman ‘66
Courtney File ‘20
Richard File
Laurel A. Files ‘60
Lisa Filippi
Daniel Filippone
Samantha Filippone ‘20
Elaina Marie Finger ‘78
Steven M. Fink ‘16
Deborah Lynn Finkel ‘79
Geoffrey J. Finkel ‘89
Susan and Joseph Finklestein
William J. Finnegan ‘14*
Katherine Fiola
Sydney Fisch
Danielle T. Fisenne ‘18
Felix Fisher
Nicole K. Fisher ‘15, ‘18
Marjorie S. Fishman ‘69
Brenner M. Fissell
Barbara ‘88 and Michael Fissene*
Brigid N. Fitall ‘20
Moira Fitall
Cora Fitzgerald
Judith Fixler ‘69
Lilian Flaim
Jill Flatley
Robin A. Flaton ‘81
Anna Fletcher
William Fletcher
Victoria A. Florczyk ‘17
Stephanie Flores
Derrick Flowers ‘91
Kevin M. Fogel ‘98
Johanna Fogle ‘19
Callahan Foley ‘17
Emily Fontanetta
Elizabeth M. Ford ‘79, ‘83*
Kevin J. Ford ‘12
Michael Ford
William Ford ‘83
Jacqueline Johnson Fore ‘80
Adam P. Forman ‘11, ‘17
Audrey and Ira Forman
Lenora and Jerome Forrest ‘49
Brittany Foster ‘17
Alexander Fotiadis ‘19
Isabel Foulkes ‘81*
Joseph M. Fowler ‘90*
Michael Fowler ‘79*
Spencer Fowler
Mary Foy and Grits Morris
Alexander Foye ‘20
Heidi S. Foye
Jonathan Fozard
April C. Francis ‘03, ‘07, ‘15
Collen Francis
James R. Franco ‘14
Rita Frank ‘01, ‘03
Sydney P. Frank
Hilary F. Franklin ‘11
Johanna N. Y. Franklin
Regine M. Franklin ‘00
Valentina Franzetti
Frank R. Frasca ‘58
Florence T. Frazer ‘74
Richard S. Frazer ‘69*
India Frazier
Sharon Frechette
Emma L. Frederick
Ondie L. Frederick
Virginia Ann Frederick ‘76*
Eileen ‘75 and Bruce Freedman*
Rachael Freedman ‘16
Jordin Freeman ‘20
Stefan Freeman
Karla A. Freire ‘18
Katya R. Freitas ‘20*
Aishah French
Melvin French
Dania Fresnel ‘05
Kathleen Fretthold
Ann and Jonathan Freund
Gabriella Freund ‘20
Isabel ‘09 and Gene Frey ‘05*
Patria Y. Frias-Colon ‘94
David R. Fried ‘82
Gary E. Friedman ‘89
Mitchell Friedman ‘81
Steven R. Friedman
Kelly E. Fries ‘17
Sandra J. Friscia
Constance Froehlich
Paula Frome ‘74
Christopher M. Frumusa ‘16
Xiang Fu*
Barbara and Daniel Fuchs
Brandon M. Fuchs ‘20
Keiko Fukushima
Yoshihiro Fukushima
Marianne Fulfaro ‘64
Shannon Fullam ‘19
Charmaine Fuller ‘96
Diane E. Fuller ‘72*
Rebecca Fulman
Barbara Callahan Fusco
Livia Futterman
Emil Fuzaylov ‘18
Jamie Gabel ‘98
Katherine D. Gagnon ‘10
Deborah Gaines ‘92
Sean E. Gaita ‘82
Ismenia Gaite
Angela and Mario Gaiti
Nicholas Gaiti ‘20
Elizabeth Galarza ‘18
William Scott Galasso ‘74*
Evangelos Galatas ‘02*
Olivia Galati ‘14
Analiese H. Gale
Jessica K. Gallagher ‘01, ‘03
Nicole Gallagher
Elisa Gallaro ‘80 and
Mark Marchand
Gerard Galletta
Maria Galletta ‘20
Frank T. Gallo ‘65, ‘73
Fred Gallo
Lucille A. Gallo ‘74
Mamtha Gally
Hans C. Gamlien ‘88
Joanne and Alan G. Ganek
Niamh M. Gannon ‘20
Robert P. Gannon ‘82
Francesa L. Garay ‘10
Kamilah Garces
Angelica Garcia ‘19
Naomi Gardberg
Grace K. Garemore ‘20
Holly Garemore
Robin Garfield ‘94
Janet ‘87 and Charles Garone ‘87
Lauren and Steven Gartenstein
Tricia Garvey
Terri Garvin
Megan Gaskin
Stuart L. Gastwirth ‘59
Carol Gath
Joanne Paul Gatland ‘62*
Frank P. Gaughan
Carmen ‘86 and Robert Gawronski
Diane L. Gayer*
Ermonela Gega
Jessica Geiersbach ‘18
Mireille Genadry ‘76
Jean Zimmermann Genovese ‘76
and Andrew Genovese ‘74
Anthony Genualdo
Edson Georges
Eleni Georgiadis ‘20
Madison R. Georgiana ‘20
Daniel Gerardi ‘19
Melodye Gerdeman
Mary K. Gerety ‘20
Veronica M. Gerosimo ‘08, ‘12
Rick Gershberg
Mallorie L. Gershowitz ‘20
Deanne J. Gerstel ‘81
Stacy and Daniel Gerstenblitt ‘83
Robyn Gertner ‘07 and
Adam Doyno ‘06
Judith D. Geyer ‘69*
Jennifer Giaccone
Laura Giannotti ‘20
Maria Bocci Giannotti ‘90, ‘94 and
Oliver Giannotti ‘90, ‘96
Mary C. Gibbons ‘04*
Sarah E. Gibson
Jean Dobie Giebel and
Timothy Giebel
Eric J. Giglio ‘16
Karen E. and Dennis Giglio
Mary Gilbert
Douglas Gillies ‘12, ‘17
Jenna C. Gillis
Courtney M. Gilmartin ‘20
Arlene and Barry Ginsberg
Derek W. Ginsberg ‘11
Richard D. Ginsburg ‘81
Daniel E. Giordano ‘82
Donna F. Giordano ‘84, ‘90
James Giovanniello ‘97
Vincent E. Giovinco ‘91*
Dawn M. Giudice ‘85*
George A. Giuliani*
Andrew J. Gladding ‘04, ‘18
Lydia Gladstone ‘74
Ronni B. Glass ‘77
Dara E. Gleeson ‘20
Lois and Martin Gleeson
Rebecca B. Gleeson ‘18, ‘20
Gingold Glucksman ‘77, ‘78*
Aleksander Glut ‘20
Mark O. Glut
Diana ‘86 and Alan Glynn ‘87, ‘91
Kosmas Gogos
Iliana Gogos ‘18
DawnMarie Goins ‘93
Arielle Goldberg ‘20
Jane Goldblatt
Laura Heend Goldfeld ‘60*
Carl Goldman
Sharon Goldman
Sherry R. Goldman ‘80*
Shoshana Goldman ‘19
Marc D. Goldsmith ‘07*
Dawn E. Goldstein ‘87
Laurie A. Goldstein ‘65*
Elaine Sack Goldstein ‘61 and
Paul Goldstein ‘55*
Joyce Lee Goldstein ‘62
Lilia Golia
Jodi Gollin
Zachary Gollin ‘20
Katrina Maria Gomes ‘18
James Gonedes, Jr.
Cristella Carrera Gonzales
Donna Gonzalez
Rosann Petrella Gonzalez ‘69
Victoria Gonzalez ‘20
Yenifer Gonzalez
Jane Abbott Goodenough ‘79*
William H. Goodenough ‘13
Katherine Goodine
Judith Goodman ‘71
Bianca Gordon ‘20
Christopher Gordon
Howard Gordon
Kathryn E. Gordon ‘98
Ronald A. Gordon ‘71
Susan Gordon
Katherine Gorlesky ‘01, ‘03
Kaitlyn E. Gorsky ‘18
Rebecca and William Gould ‘72*
Barbara Gouveia
Andrew C. Governali ‘50*
Chase Graff
Kathryn L. Grafton ‘20
Mary Ann Grafton
Neva A. Graham ‘09*
Theresa Graham ‘19
Regine Breton Grandmougin ‘01
and Benoit Grandmougin ‘11*
Justin A. Grant ‘17*
Jeffrey A. Grass
Maxx T. Grass ‘18
Rhea Grate
James Gratta, Jr. ‘20
Cecilia Gray
Elizabeth M. Gray
Lindsay Gray ‘18
Tracy and Rick Gray ‘76*
Brendan A. Grech ‘16
Angela Madison Greco
Brenda and Bryan Green
Earl Green, Jr. ‘77
Emily Bryn Green ‘20
Makeda A. Green ‘19
Martha Sweeny Green ‘68 and
William Green ‘67
Treisha M. Green ‘98
Shari Greenberg
Susan and Brian Greenberg ‘68*
Gillian E. Greene ‘20
Lori Greene
Ron A. Greenfield ‘85*
Russell Greenspan ‘91
Lisa Orns Greenwald ‘95, ‘07 and
Steve Greenwald ‘98, ‘09
Max Greenwald
Kelsey E. Gregerson ‘15, ‘16
Benjamin C. Gregory ‘19
Claire and Dave Gregory
Allan Gremli ‘20
Marylynne Gremli
Susan M. Gressler
Carol and Joseph Grice
Joseph E. Grice ‘20
Dolores C. Grieco ‘57
Timothy Grief ‘19
Bertha M. Griffin
Lorraine Griffin
Michelle L. Griffin ‘88
Kristen A. Griffith ‘19
Lisa D. Grifftith
Nikita Griffith ‘20
Ileana Patricia Griffiths ‘84
Anthony B. Grillo ‘20
Anthony L. Grillo
Elisa Grimaldi
Lucia and Joseph Grimaldi
Avery M. Grimes-Farrow ‘17*
Michael E. Gross ‘62*
Laura G. Grossman ‘86
Sharyn H. Grossman ‘66, ‘74*
Ruth Groves
Richard P. Grucela ‘75*
Allison Gruder
Kerri Grunenwald ‘03, ‘08
Ann-Louise Gruener
Kirsten L. Gruener ‘18
Luke Gruener
Laura Gruer ‘11
Daniel Grundei ‘16
Alexandra Grzesik
Jeffrey R. Grzesik ‘93*
Yu Gu
Lucille Guarascio
Salvatore A. Guardino ‘17*
Elyssa Guarnieri ‘20
Carolyn Gubell ‘18, ‘19
Janet and Barry Gubell
Subbarao L. Guddati ‘05
Elvira Guerra
Ruth Anne Guerrero ‘75, ‘96
Linda D. Guggino ‘75, ‘83*
Christina Guido
Molly Guinen
Angela Grasso ‘93
Anthony C. Gulotta ‘81
Matthias Gumbrecht ‘06
David A. Gutierrez ‘16
Elizabeth Gutierrez ‘20
Melida and Axcel Gutierrez
John F. Guy ‘57, ‘60*
Howard J. Guzik
Daniel Gwyther
Nathan Ha ‘18
Steve Haar ‘63
Michael Haber
Ruth Carol Haber ‘79*
Gabriel Haberberg
Julia Haft
Diane Haight
Ryan Haight ‘18
Jolita L. Gudaitis Haigis ‘82
Margot ‘86 and
Donald A. Hall ‘56
William E. Hall ‘58*
Kristin E. Hallam ‘20
Nancy E. Halliday*
Heather Halpern ‘98
Adrienne Hamilton
Derrick Hamilton ‘19
Louise B. Hammond ‘86
Michael Han ‘04
Nicole Haney ‘95
Kelly Hanlon ‘98
Ariel Hannanian ‘18
Emily Hanrahan ‘20
Agnes and Alfred Hans
Margaret G. Hans ‘20
Haley Hansberry ‘20
Suzette M. Hansberry
Neal M. Happel ‘69
Sarah Haq
Ryan Hardin
Yousef Harhash
Stuart Harker ‘88
Janet Harkins
Samantha Harr
Stephen Harrington
Edna Harris ‘83*
Maury S. Harris ‘79
Nancy J. Harris
Philip S. Harris ‘73
Georgene Harrison ‘73
Robert E. Harrison*
Michele Denise Hart ‘82*
William J. Hartmann ‘83*
Danielle Harvey
Eric Harvey ‘11
Sayyida Hasan
Cayla Hasner ‘20
Cherylanne Hasner
Stacey Hatchett
Robert W. Hauser, Jr. ‘04, ‘14
Diane S. Hayes ‘74*
Nadia Hayes
Carol A. Hayle
Kristen Hayle
Carl M. Haymes ‘59*
Gretchen Louise Haynes ‘74
Holly Haynes ‘15
Derek R. Haynie
Marnie Hazelton ‘17
Arpita Hazra ‘19
Joseph Heaney ‘53*
Christine Peterson Hedman ‘55
and Edward Hedman, Jr. ‘55*
Bonnie and Lars Hedstrom
Jeanne and Mark Heend ‘66*
Marielaine Hegel ‘74*
Joan M. Heide ‘73*
Susan Heilig
June L. Heinecke ‘54*
Julia Hekimian
Alisa Helfgott-Nerenberg
Sharlene and James Helfgott ‘79
Margaret Helstowski
Sandra Hemans
Marion W. Henderson
Kelani A. Hendricks
Sara R. Hendricks ‘16*
Linda Lee Hendrickson ‘69*
Ryan Hennessy
Patricia Henry
Marc L. Herbert*
Valerie Heredia
Saori W. Herman
Danielle A. Hermann
Maximus Hermann ‘20
Cesar Hernandez
Emilia Hernandez
Logan Ava Hernandez ‘20
Pablo Hernandez ‘20
Brian Herold
Sandra Herrmann
Alexander R. Herron ‘19
Mark Herron, II
Ann L. Hersh ‘69, ‘70
Norman R. Hershkowitz ‘67*
Richard H. Hershman*
Lauren J. Hertan ‘18
Tara L. Hertz ‘18
Amy Herzog
Stephanie M. Hesselbarth ‘11
Alan D. Hetherinton ‘18
Amy Widlitz Heumann ‘73*
Patricia Verdon Hickey ‘81*
Mary Jeanne
Hurley Hickey ‘50, ‘55*
Brittany Hickey ‘20
Christine B. Hickey ‘90
Colin M. Hickey ‘11, ‘17
Elizabeth Sullivan Hickey
Kathleen S. Hickey ‘16
Matthew Higgins ‘20
Timothy Hill ‘01
Jan Christelman Hill ‘72 and
William Hill ‘68, ‘77
Louise Halpin Hillen ‘63 and
Jon Hillen ‘61, ‘62
Bonnie Hiller ‘61*
Robert C. Hiller ‘76*
Kimberly A. Hillier ‘08
Jayne Hinchcliff
Susan and Michael Hinchcliffe
Pearl A. Hinds ‘13*
Philip W. Hinds ‘18
Alex K. Hirsch ‘20*
Barbara Riemer Hirsch ‘53*
Karen Hirsch
Adrienne H. Hirschler ‘77, ‘83
Susan R. Hirschstein ‘67*
David Hirschwerk
Gary H. Ho ‘16
Charles and Rae Hodge
Eric W. Hoell ‘89
Stephen T. Hoernig ‘83
Kristina Hoffer ‘20
Monika and Richard Hoffer
Christopher N. Hoffman ‘17
Daria and Charles Hoffman ‘86
Laura A. Hoffman ‘73*
Samantha Hoffman ‘20
Douglas E. Hoffmann ‘67*
Diane Hogan
John E. Hogan
John J. Holden, Jr. ‘85
Doris B. Holdorf ‘55
Aidan Holland
Hannah Holland
Kenneth E. Hollenbach ‘80
Janine Holmes
Melissa Holtzer-Jonas ‘05
Sarah A. Holzberg ‘15*
Doni-Melissa ‘07 and
Matthew Homenick ‘05
John R. Honkanen ‘85
Clinton Honkomp
Barbara Hoover
John J. Hornik*
Stuart D. Horowitz ‘75, ‘76*
Graham R. Howe ‘15, ‘17
Angela Howell ‘06
David D. Howell ‘85
Robert J. Hower ‘66*
Yue Huang ‘16
Mathilde Demisay Huckins ‘52*
Marie Huebner-Diamond
Amanda L. Hughes ‘13
Donna Hughes
Renee B. Hughes ‘91
Roger W. Hughes ‘64*
Thomas M. Hughes ‘70
Alanna Huling
Marilyn Diane Hull ‘69
Tanya Huller
Sabeen Humayun ‘19
Toni Humrich
Kimberly Hunter
Justin Y. Hurdle ‘15
Maryam Hussain ‘18
Colby P. Hussong ‘17
Brandi Lynn Hutchinson ‘18
Christina Huynh ‘20
Adam Hymowitz ‘18
Ji Yeon Hyun ‘13
Allison E. Ianni ‘07
Sylvana Ibrahim-Toma ‘10
Salvatrice Ifasi-Williams ‘02*
Ameera Iftekhar ‘20
Shehla Z. Iftekhar ‘12
Marco A. Imperiale ‘13
Shinichi Inaba
Steven Incarnato ‘12, ‘15
Samuel Ingardia
Charles Ingulli, Jr. ‘98
Francis C. Inserra ‘82*
Richard Ioannou ‘14
Diane Iscenko ‘20
Sayeedul Islam ‘12
Maryam Isles
Adele Iwachow*
Asia Jackson ‘16
Nicole Jackson ‘19
Sallymae B. Jackson ‘69
Sandra and Ted Jackson
Ashley Jacob ‘20
Leland Jacob ‘57, ‘79
Dawn and Scott Jacobovitz
Steven Jacobvitz ‘20
Ely Jacobs ‘05
Kendall Jacobs
Mary Beth Jacovides*
Richard A. Jagel ‘73*
Caroline Jalbert
Delece James ‘92
Erica James
Lorna I. James ‘84
Jacob James-Vogel ‘15
Monika Janiec
Ronnie M. Jaramillo ‘17, ‘19, ‘20
Lamont L. Jarman ‘05
Ingrid Jean-Pierre ‘20
Marie E. Jean-Pierre
Christine Jenkinson
Hayley D. Jennings ‘12
Ricardel Jerome ‘01
Melissa Jerreld
Tulsi L. Shyamsundar Jipp
Michael Jillson
Jeffrey John ‘14, ‘18
Jillian R. Lamanna ‘20
Kathryn M. LaManna
Joseph T. Lamantia ‘93
Thomas Lamb ‘20
Garrett Lambert ‘19
Joann and Joseph Lamberti*
Victoria Lamberti ‘19
Barbara Lamont
Lisa Landau
Paul H. Landes ‘69*
Susan I. Landesberg ‘72
Ashley Landi ‘08
Ashley E. Lane ‘08
Daniel Lang
Olivia Lang ‘20
Jonathan D. LaPearl ‘07
Marilyn Lara
Cindy Laraia
Michael T. Larkin ‘84
Cheryl A. Larosa ‘02*
Christine Larsen
Ronald L. La Serra ‘75, ‘77
Zoran Lasic
Deborah J. Lasky ‘82
Joann C. Lassus ‘82*
Amanda N. LaStella ‘20
Katya Pizarro La Torre
Victoria Lau ‘04
Richard V. Laue ‘53*
Lisa A. Lauletta ‘95
Bepty Antoine Laurencon ‘02, ‘04*
Micheline Laurent
Michael Lauria
Janet E. Lauro ‘80*
Nicholas Lavacca ‘89, ‘99
Kimberlee LaVecchia ‘95
Kathleen and John Lavin
Yvette Lawal
Alisa Lawrence
Nicole Lawson
Krizia R. Layne ‘13*
Andrew Lazo
Sandy Le ‘17, ‘18
Arthur Dumouchel Le Ricle
Carol Lea
Caroline Lea ‘20
Lisa Leake
Ian Leary ‘15
Max Lechich ‘19
Joseph S. Lechowicz*
Brandon Lee
Enoch Lee ‘20
Kristen J. Lee ‘10
Melanie Lee ‘05 and
Michael Coates ‘08
Jean Rachel Espina Lee ‘14 and
Wilson Lee ‘01
Sandra G. Lefkowitz
Ashley J. Legerretta
Thomas Leggett ‘19
Robert J. Leggiadro
Alyssa M. Legnetti ‘14, ‘16
Catherine Legnetti ‘09 and
John F. Olsen ‘07
Allyson and Ian Lehrer
Margaret McCormack Lehner ‘67*
Elaine Lemieux
Kenneth F. Lemp ‘85
Susan M. Lempel ‘66
Amy Leo
Aleana L. Leon ‘18
Jamie Leon ‘20
Nelo Leon
Alysa Leonard
Alice J. Leonardis ‘67
Keng Hei Leong
Elaine and Steve Lerikos
Howard C. Lerner ‘64*
Michael LeRose ‘68, ‘86
Gregg P. Lettini ‘14
Karen and Pat Lettini ‘80, ‘84
Mallorie B. Letts ‘12
Iris D. Levin ‘74
Phillis Levin
Thomas A. Levin
Amy A. Levine ‘10
Brittany M. Levine ‘15, ‘17
Joseph Levine*
Marilyn and Jay Levine
Cindy Levinson
Michael Levitt ‘60
Robert A. Levitz ‘85
Jose Levy
Ashley and Jon Lewis
Cynthia A. Lewis
Irene F. Lewis ‘63*
Jessica L. Lewis ‘12
Nancy Lewis
Stephanie and Bruce Lewis
Tracy Lewis
Vinson Lewis ‘81
Elena M. Lewnes ‘92
Huifei Li
Jiayi Li ‘14*
Mingjing Li ‘20
Qihao Liang ‘20
Amanda C. Liantonio ‘20
Kim and Steven Libal
Zachary Libal ‘20
Howard Liberman
Barbara and Albert Libman
Alexandra Licata ‘19
Salvatore Licata
Benjamin A. Lichy ‘19
Erika Lichy
Douglas M. Liebman
Frances Wiener Liebman ‘51*
Joshua P. Liebman ‘00
Andrew R. Liebowitz ‘10
Murray Liebowitz
Stephen H. Liebowitz ‘15, ‘17
Lisa and Mark Lillis
Michael W. Lillis ‘18
Stacey R. Lim
Samuel Lin ‘16*
Glenn K. Lindquist ‘81
Doreen and Dennis Linehan
Matthew D. Linehan ‘18
Alise M. Lingenau ‘12
Barbara and Joseph Lingenau
Veronica Lippencott
Caren Cook Lipsey ‘87
Steven Lipsky
Zane Lipson
Jessica Lisa ‘20
Susan Liskowicz
Cong Liu
Pei Chao Liu
Yuchen Liu ‘15
Georgia LoCicero ‘65*
David A. Locke ‘70*
Alyssa T. Loftus ‘19
Charlotte U. Lohr ‘16
Mary and Anthony Loiacono
Rosemary Loiacono ‘20
Brianna Lombardi ‘20
James A. Lombardi
Robert F. Lombardo ‘12, ‘17
Joseph J. Lombino ‘02, ‘09
Nicole Lombino ‘02
Juliet Lompa
Kristin ‘91 and Craig LoNigro ‘92
Maureen E. Loonam ‘65, ‘70*
Declan Looney
Kiana Lopez ‘20
Michelle A. LoPiccolo ‘19
Tina Loria
Cynthia Ann LoRusso
Michael LoRusso ‘20
Diana Lourenso ‘01
Susan R. Love ‘94
Clare N. Lowell ‘90, ‘92, ‘00 and
Lawrence Etri ‘89
Jiawei Lu ‘14
Yu Lu ‘20
Nikia Lubin ‘10, ‘12
Jenna Lucarello
Anna Luciano
Catherine Ludlam
Sabrina Lugo ‘20
Kristina ‘65 and Norman Luka ‘65
Angela ‘69 and
Chester Lukaszewski
Nathaniel Luke
Luke Lumma
Jingyi Luo
Jennifer Luongo and
Daniel Schmidt
Dave Lustberg
Aman Luthra ‘19, ‘20
Brittany J. Lyman ‘12
Jessica Lyman ‘20
Robert Lyman
Patricia B. Lynch ‘61*
Yimeng Ma
Kristin M. Maccarrone ‘09, ‘19*
Catherine MacCarthy ‘20
Dulcinea MacCarthy
Vincent Macchio ‘82
Kimberly MacDonald
Janine A. Macedo ‘95*
Olivia M. Macedo ‘18, ‘20
Emily Canter Maceira and
Mark Maceira*
Justin T. Maceira ‘15
Leticia Machado ‘20
Andrea Macias
Catherine MacKinnon
Jonathan R. Macy ‘13*
Kathryn L. Maddock
Liliana Hinojos Madrid ‘18
Anuradha ‘87 and
Michael J. Magee ‘88, ‘90
Brian J. Magerl
Briana M. Maggi ‘14
Angelina B. Mah ‘20
Eilish Maher ‘20
Susan C. Maher
Thomas Maher
Summer Mahmoud ‘19
James Mahon ‘87
Elaine M. Mahoney
Lauren E. Mahoney ‘20
Patrick H. Mahoney ‘86
Michael S. Mahoski ‘17, ‘19
Bente Mahrt
Laura L. Maitland
Jacqueline A. Majka ‘87*
Omer F. Malik ‘07, ‘11
Lee P. Malin ‘06
Jeffrey S. Malkin ‘88, ‘89
Helen Mallous
Nancy Malloy
Ryan Malloy ‘20
Tracey Malloy
Daniel Malone ‘20
Deirdre and Thomas Malone
Saumya Mamgain ‘18
Yipeng Man ‘14
Jack S. Mandel ‘71*
Laura Manfre
Tracy Mangal ‘17
Donna Mangiapane
Victoria Mangiapane ‘20
Jaclyn Mangone
Kathryn and Philip Mangum
Lawrence E. Manton ‘65
Mary Manwaring
Jola A. Marcario ‘60*
Lysa Marcouillier
Justin Marcus
Dorothy and Edward Marczak ‘91
Emily Marczak ‘20
Melanie A. Mardirossian ‘06, ‘10*
Holly Marenna-Hurley ‘81
James C. Markakis ‘17, ‘19
Renee Markakis
James Markey
Marina Markovic ‘11
Trudy and Steven Markowitz
Hayley M. Marks ‘17
Marilyn Marlow
Adria C. Marlowe ‘17*
Fatima Sow Marquis ‘12 and
Brian Marquis ‘11*
Janelle-Ashley Marrero
Joseph W. Marriott ‘67*
Glenn A. Marrus ‘72
Emily M. Marsh ‘14
Mary and Michael Marsh*
Morton J. Marshack ‘76*
Michael Marsigliano ‘13
Michael Marti ‘19
Anna M. Martin
Annalise Martin ‘19
Cheryl A. Martin ‘07
Christina A. Martin ‘09
Connor V. Martin ‘18
Jacob Martin ‘20
Jacquelyn Martinez
Julia M. Martinez
Laura J. Martin†
Ryann A. Martin ‘20
Richard A. Martinez ‘11
Yvette Martinez-Hochberg
Ellen A. Martino ‘88*
Lawrence Martino
Georgina and
Patrick Martorella ‘80*
Irwin Marvald ‘62*
Jennifer A. Marx ‘09, ‘11
Dawn M. Marzella ‘91, ‘02*
Deana M. Marziliano ‘20
Lori Anne and Michael Marziliano
John Masamori
Stefan Masciarelli
Joseph J. Mascolo ‘91*
Caron Mason-Patterson and
Lloyd Patterson
John Masterson
Barbara and Harold B. Matles ‘57
Alexa Mattera ‘20
Newley and Frank Mattera
Kim Mattheson
Carolyn and John Matthews ‘52
Meghan Matthews ‘20
Matthew J. Matusiak ‘14
PeggyAnn V. Matusiak ‘11*
Bruce Matuson ‘73*
Olivia Maus ‘18
Antony J. Mavroudis ‘08
Irene and Gustas Mavroudis
Colette L. Mayer ‘70†
Craig T. Mayer ‘10
Anna and Giuseppe Mazzei
Esme Mazzeo ‘10, ‘16
Robert J. Mazzola ‘68*
Theresa A. McEnery ‘75*
Brian McFadden
Erin F. McAnespie ‘20
Shea M. McAvoy ‘18
Jennifer McCabe ‘19
Sarah McCaffrey ‘20
Sherry McCaffrey
Wendy McCaffrey
Brianna McCarthy ‘20
Debra S. McCarthy
Dawn McCarthy ‘96
Tyler McCarthy ‘19
Marc McCluskey
Cigi T. McCollin ‘06
Dana ‘91 and
Michael McCreesh ‘ 90, ‘94
Dave McCulloch ‘86
Andrew L. McCurtis ‘09, ‘11
Kelly A. McCutchan
Rose E. McDaid
Akilah McDaniel
Jamillah McDaniel
Darcey McDermott ‘97
Joanne McDermott
Letty McDermott
Matthew McDermott
Maureen McDill
Meghan A. McDonald ‘95
Sami McDonnell
Diane L. McDonough ‘73*
John McDonough ‘20
Michael G. McDonough ‘72*
Geraldine ‘74 and Edward
Tasha M. McGann ‘19
Susan McGarvey ‘83, ‘05
Ashleigh McGee ‘14
Michael J. McGinley ‘89*
Steven J. McGlinchey ‘19
Pauline McGlone ‘19
Antonietta C. McGoey ‘98
John P. McGovern ‘75, ‘84
Brittany M. McGowan ‘20
Mary McGowan
Raymond McGrath ‘63
Alida M. McGuire ‘69, ‘75
Carol M. McGuire ‘65
Kayla McHugh
Pauline F. McInnis
Mary Pat McKay
Patricia McKechnie
Daniel P. McKenna
Lydie McKenzie
Raymond J. McKeough ‘77*
Brian McKinley ‘94
Sevion D. McLean
Jody-Ann McLeggon ‘16
Carole and Gregory McLenithan
Eric McLenithan ‘20
Renee Mcleod-Sordjan
Ashley McMikle ‘91
William J. McNamara
Sylvia M. McPartland
Sherry McPherson ‘92 and
Stuart D. Berg ‘18
Kelly A. McTigue ‘18
Merry E. McVey-Noble ‘95, ‘00*
Erin Meaney ‘20
Margarida Medeiros
Juliet and Ric Medel
Riane Jacey Medel ‘20
Drashti Mehta
Carlos Mejia
Keith Mekeel ‘03, ‘05
Patricia T. Melendez ‘73*
Gary R. Melillo ‘78*
Akeem C. Mellis ‘10
Tedd S. Melnyk ‘81, ‘90*
Zhaolong Men ‘19
Andrew S. Mencher ‘15
Rosalie and Jose Mendes
Zenae M. Merchant ‘18
Lauren Merdinger
Erick C. Merino ‘20
John A. Messina ‘20
Pauline Messina
Lynn J. Meyer
Nicholas Meyer ‘19
Samantha R. Meyer ‘19
Megan R. Meyerback ‘16, ‘19
Michael J. Meyerback ‘18, ‘19
Kerry Meyers ‘18
Lois ‘72, ‘09 and
Christopher Miceli
Ritika Michael
Louise Michael-Duncan
Sabrina Michael-Duncan ‘20
Michele and Frank Middleton
Troy A. Middleton ‘19
Dominika Mierzejewski
Taylor Mignanelli
Matthew Mihalich
Laina Milazzo ‘18
Mary F. Mille
Beverly S. Miller ‘84*
Catherine D. Miller ‘05
Charles Miller
Deborah L. Miller ‘96
Ellen Miller ‘87, ‘89, ‘02, ‘13
Harry S. Miller ‘80
Jordyn Miller
Kathleen J. Miller
Krista C. Miller ‘14
Marjorie D. Sivin Miller ‘71
Maryann Miller ‘63
Nancy B. Miller ‘74
Nicole Miller
Peggy Miller
Regina Miller
Terry S. Miller ‘79*
Tova N. Miller ‘18
Ahmeir Mills
Donna Mills ‘08
Margaret Tumino Mills ‘96
Ramon N. Mills ‘81
Alyce Milman
Marcia Milne ‘57
Jackie and Anthony Milo
Joseph Milone, Jr. ‘14
Melanie B. Milove ‘93, ‘95
Richard C. Minchik ‘84
Richard Miner
Steven J. Mines ‘73
Melissa Ming
Vicki L. Mingin ‘97, ‘06*
Christopher Miniaci
Ashley Mirabile ‘17
Manuel Miranda
Jackson Mirmina
Yeriz Miron
Frank J. Mirovsky ‘77
Thomas J. Mistretta ‘19
Esta S. Mitchell ‘64*
Gianna Mitchell
Jane L. Mitchell ‘17
Mason Mitchell ‘20
Ross E. Mitchell
Shelby Mitchell ‘20
Susan Grimes Mitchell and
Paul Mitchell*
Ryoji G. Miyajima ‘20
Yasushi Miyajima
Momina Miyan
Sarita W. Mlawer ‘83
Andrew G. Moawad ‘12
Sahar S. Mohamed
Salim A. Mohammed ‘02, ‘11
Adam S. Mojica ‘11
Rolf M. Moller ‘54
Dora Molnar ‘98*
Leah Monack ‘20
Susan A. Monahan ‘74*
Angelica M. Moncada ‘05
Amanda Mondello ‘19
Alexandra Montana
Terry-Ann Montaque ‘18
Silvia Ann Montemurro
Antoinette Montes ‘20
Jocelin Montes ‘20
Rafael Montes
Teresa C. Montes
April N. Montgomery ‘07
David A. Monti, Sr. ‘77*
Alex A. Moore
Kelly A. ‘93 and John Moore ‘02
Lisa Moore
Terrence M. Moore ‘07
Dana Moore-Fellini ‘11
Maria Mora-Catanzaro
Theresa M. Morale ‘04
Dennis J. Belen Morales ‘20
Dioris Morales
Barbara A. Moran
Blake Moran ‘11, ‘12
Sean Moran
Helen Morante ‘84
William J. Morgan, Jr. ‘57, ‘63
Patricia Morgana
Gerald Morganelli
Alayne Morgenthal
Stephen Morich ‘15
Michelle Morin
Winifred L. Moroney ‘73*
Peggy Angeline Morowitz ‘65*
Helene Morris
Keith Morris
Maureen Morris
Jeffrey Morstein ‘71
Sandra Mortazavi
Megan R. Mortenson ‘19
Martha Morton ‘20
Eliza J. Moseman
Rachel I. Moskowitz ‘17
Masashi Motokura
Delores A. Mounsey
Jacob Mount ‘20
Karen Mount
Shari Moyer
Maliyka A. Muhammad ‘02*
Patricia A. Mulderig ‘86*
Liam Muldoon
Jillian Mulholland ‘16, ‘17
Dannielle Muller
Nicole Ann Mullin
Daniel P. Mulvey ‘16
Taylor L. Mumley ‘18
Kathleen M. Mundy ‘94
Sue Gilcher Mundy ‘78*
Marilyn ‘64, ‘75 and
Gregory Munson*
Maura Munson-Pritchard ‘15
Caitlin R. Muraca
Erina Muraca
Joseph L. Muraca ‘14
Rachel M. Muratore ‘91
Anthony Murillo ‘13
Mary Lou ‘98 and
James Murphy ‘81
Bri A. Murphy ‘20
Frank Murray
Gregory M. Murphy
John F. Murphy ‘70*
Joseph Murphy ‘19
Kevin B. Murphy
Mary Carmel Murphy ‘74, ‘88*
Mary Regina Murphy ‘18
Bobbi C. Murray
James Murray, III
Penny and Rob Murray
Timothy Murray
Francis X. Murtagh ‘78, ‘81
Holly Musetti ‘18
George T. Musgrave, III ‘77
Margo Nabors
Gladys Hertzendorf Nadel ‘66*
Zileen Nageer
Sunil V. Nair ‘05*
Michael R. Najjar ‘13
Keiichi Nakayama
Alexander A. Nantsis ‘17, ‘20
Haider Naqvi
Tehseen Naqvi ‘20
Victoria Nardulli
Theresa and Michael Nastri*
Nicole T. Nasta ‘05
Doug Nastro ‘74, ‘79*
Emily M. Natale ‘16
Sid Nathan ‘18
Rebecca S. Natow
Maureen Naureckas
David W. Navolio
Dee Navolio
Edward Nawrocki
Natalie A. Naylor*
Emily L. Nebenhaus ‘15, ‘18
Michael P. Neely ‘10, ‘13
Claudia Negron
Braelin Neikam
Robert G. Neill ‘94
David Nekava ‘00
Max Nelkens
Victoria Nelkina
Charles Nelson ‘76*
Deandra Nelson
Ida S. Nelson ‘16
Jeffrey Nelson
Olivier Netzy
Anita Nester
Sheryl ‘09 and
Donald Neubauer ‘05
Allison Neuwirth ‘20
Susan and Stephan Neuwirth ‘85
Lisa Newcomb
Carly Newman ‘20
Melissa Newman
Connie and Gene Nicholas
George P. Nicholas
Angelo Nicholes
Lauren A. Nichols ‘12*
Todd Nicholson
Carolyn Nickerson
Margaret Carey Niebuhr ‘94*
Randy Nieo
Kim Nielsen
Christopher Nieves ‘15
Rebecca Nieves
Richard Nieves ‘14*
Kavita Nigam
Ujala A. Nigam ‘20
Michael J. Nigro ‘06
Amanda P. Nikias ‘20
Charleen and John Nikias
Akira Nishitani
Dolores Nisito ‘97
Michael L. Nissenbaum ‘88
Daniel Nokelty ‘20
Mary Jean Nokelty
Nicholas P. Nolan ‘13*
Susan L. Nolan ‘81, ‘89*
Heather L. Noonan ‘00, ‘04, ‘17*
Luke M. Noone ‘15
Birgitta Noreus
Kristin Norton
Lauren Norton-Lerner ‘96
Lola Nouryan ‘73, ‘75
Shawn Novatt ‘00
Larson S. Nowydwor ‘07
Donna Nyhan
Chibogu Nneka Nzekwu ‘13, ‘16
Clifford O’Brien
Edward O’Brien
Jen L. O’Brien
Judith O’Brien
Meghan O’Brien
Roberta O’Brien
Sean P. O’Brien ‘20
Kim O’Byrne
Dan O’Connor
Debra J. ‘94 and
Kenneth O’Connor
Elizabeth O’Connor
Joseph O. O’Connor ‘82
Ricky O’Connor
Charles S. Oddo ‘79
James O’Donnell ‘67*
Yasmine Ogando
Lydia S. Oh ‘20
Theresa Okin ‘06
Oluwadahunsi A. Okunlola ‘17
Jack Olden
Theresa Oldham
Jeanette O’Leary ‘63
Stephen Oling ‘91
Alan D. Olinsky ‘64, ‘67*
Brenda Oliva
Corey Oliver ‘19
Diana Olsen
Dayna Olson ‘95 and
John Ingrassia ‘95
Nicole L. Olson ‘16*
Tammy and Robert Olson*
Peter J. O’Mallley ‘20
Isaiah U. Omeike ‘20
Vivian Omeike
Sarah Omodt ‘19
Eugene Oneill ‘73
Christina Onuorah ‘20
Ngwanma V. Onyeuku ‘14
Bonnie I. Optekman
Deborah Ann Organ ‘81
Premier Orion ‘15
John O’Rourke
Meghan E. Orsino ‘17
Crystal T. Ortiz ‘19
Larry Osbahr
Nicholas D. Osbahr
Carolyn Oseep ‘19
Wendy Oseep
Steven B. Ostreich ‘81
Maureen C. Outlaw
Bernadette Overby
Stacey Overton
Kenneth R. Pacheco ‘79
Navneet Padda
Rita Padden ‘77
Madalyn Padio
John Pagiazitis ‘20
Stamatia and George Pagiazitis
Layla Paine ‘20
Barbara M. Pallo
Jared J. Pallo ‘20
Susan and Jeffrey Pallo
Jillian ‘18, ‘19 and John Pallone
Deon D. Palmer ‘20
William K. Palmer III ‘04, ‘07
Dimitrios Pamboukes ‘78*
Li Pan ‘19
Yiao Pan ‘20
John J. Panarese, Jr. ‘65, ‘75
Dona K. Pandele ‘20
Michele G. Pandolfi
Nicolas Panduri ‘18
Maria G. Papaioannou ‘08
Susan ‘88 and George
Nicholas C. Papayani ‘63*
Manuel C. Papazoglou ‘75, ‘81*
Alex R. Paradiso ‘20
Marci Paradiso
Lorraine E. Paretta*
Elizabeth ‘97, ‘99 and
James Parisi ‘97, ‘99
Sungbin Park
Mary Parker ‘08
Tania V. Parker ‘11, ‘16
Jewell Parker-Moody
Kaitlin Parnahay ‘19
Katie A. Parnell ‘18
Alyssa Parrella
Zachary Parrish
Michael Partenio
Jacqueline Pasaoa ‘11
Chris Pasqueralle
Cassandra Passantino ‘20
Barbara D. Passero ‘84*
Jean P. Pasternak ‘92
Vimala C. Pasupathi
Kevin G. Patalano ‘17
Stefanie and Gregg Patalano ‘86
Nikita Patel ‘19
Bridget Paterno
RoseMarie Paternostro
Alexei D. Patokin ‘15
Liudmila A.
Patokina ‘00, ‘01, ‘16, ‘20
Mike Patrovich ‘08
Sharolyn Paturzo
Amy Patynski
Maria Isabel Paucar
Paula Paucar ‘20
Audrey Pavey ‘81
Jessica Pavlick
Kristen ‘01, ‘03 and
Kevin Pechin ‘01, ‘03*
Mayra Peguero-Bueno
Denise F. Pehrsson-Strothman ‘80*
Jake Pellegrino ‘17
Keilani Pellerin ‘20
Liza Pellerin
Irene Pellicane
Paul B. Peloquin ‘68
Luke M. Pelton ‘14, ‘18
Susan and Russell Pelton
Meilik Pemberton
Christine Pendola ‘92
Vincent G. Pennisi ‘89
Joseph Pentz ‘15
Lida Pereira
Cynthia M. Perez
Jaime Perez
Nathaniel A. Perez ‘20
William Perez
Cheryl Pergolizzi
Miah J. Pergolizzi ‘20
Judith Perlman ‘75
Kaliopi and Terry Perperis
Nicole Pereris ‘01
Edward Perry
Michael E. Perullo ‘04
Michael A. Pesce ‘09*
Christaline N. Peters ‘18
Maureen Y. Peters ‘90
Kenneth A. Peterson ‘75*
Mark N. Petosa ‘16
Leah Petraglia ‘19
Tammy A. Petragnani ‘88
Lisa M. Petrocelli ‘94
Robert Petrowsky
Antonio B. Petruccelli ‘97
Sasha Pezenik
Halie M. Pfister ‘18, ‘20
Tina and William Pfister
Darren R. Phane ‘18
Grace Janet Philip ‘20
Susan Phillips ‘94 and
Michael Grochocki ‘05
Jill Phillips
Raymond B. Phuong*
Joseph Pianka ‘91
Krista Piarulli ‘20
Sal Picataggio ‘88
Annalisa Piccolo ‘19
Matthew Pieper ‘05
Linda C. Pierce ‘72*
Robin ‘77 and Fred Pierce ‘74
Mirthyves Pierre
Julie A. Pietrzak ‘06
Jordan Pietrzykoski
Suzanna L. Pike*
Benjamin Piltch ‘81*
Juan Pina-Colon
Brian E. Pinard ‘10
Roberta Pincus
Alexander M. Pineda ‘15, ‘17
Carla ‘06 and Jose C. Pineda ‘06
Jacob Pintek
Leticia M. Piper ‘07
Kevin Pires ‘10
Joanna K. Pirnat ‘17
Angelo Pittas
Yanni Pittas ‘19
Melissa Petruzillo ‘97
Dominick D. Pizzano ‘19
Susan and Dominick Pizzano ‘84*
Jean Marie Pizzariella ‘92, ‘94
Renee Pizzella
Eric Platenyk ‘10
Robert S. Plath
Neal R. Platt ‘78
Kerry A. Plattel ‘93
Karen L. Plesh
Geraldine Plinio ‘19
Mitchell I. Podgorowiez ‘18
Olivia M. Poff ‘20
Pamela Poff
Richard Pokress ‘69
Jeanette Politano
Martin Polizzi Jr.
Carmen V. Pollack ‘65
Joann C. Polo
Julianna Polo ‘20
Jennifer T. Popescu ‘19
Rosa M. Popolizio ‘19
Florian Popp ‘14
David Porinchak
C. M. and Douglass Porter
Lindsay B. Porter
Meryl A. Porter ‘85
Robin Poster
George Pottanat ‘15
Catherine Poulson
Juvanissa Powell
Catherine and John J. Powers
Matthew Powers
Ronnie Powers ‘73, ‘75
Sneha Prabhu
Paula Praefcke*
Judy K. Prainito
John Prato ‘07
Janet E. Preslan ‘64
Melissa Singer Pressman
Sharmon Priaulx
Arthur Price ‘82*
Carla V. Price ‘69*
August H. Pries, III ‘61*
Angel Prince ‘99
Charlene A. Prismy ‘10*
Kathleen and
George Prochaska ‘66
Denise Provost
Emily E. Provost ‘20
Raffaele Provvisiero ‘02
Anthony Prudenti
Emily Prunty
Leeann Prussak
Lisa Puffer
Andrew C. Puglisi ‘99, ‘02
Concetta Puglisi-Mikovic ‘86, ‘89
Nicole A. Purdy ‘03
Lola S. Purdy ‘67
Joanne Kruscn Python ‘81*
Yiduo Qian ‘20
Ying Qiu
Hongbo Qu ‘12
Ciaran R. Quinn ‘18
Melanie Quinoes
Patrice B. Rachlin ‘78*
Denise Radicone
Jovia A. Radix ‘18
Robert Raffaele ‘20
Domenick F. Rafter ‘06
Vinesh R. Raghoo ‘17
Rasel N. Rahman ‘17*
Sharzil Rahman ‘08
Tahminur Rahman ‘20
Adam Rahmanan
Lee B. Raifman ‘02
Diane Rainess
Arthur Raisfeld ‘89
Rohith Rajagopal ‘18
Ambrose Rajendran
Raymond O. Ramirez ‘03
Samantha Ramirez-Ellin ‘20
Chelsea Ramjeawan ‘20
Cheryl Ramjeawan
Alyeah E. Ramjit ‘15*
Rhina M. Ramos ‘95
Harita D. Rampersaud ‘20
Mary Randazzo
Alice M. Ranero
William J. Raniolo ‘00
Frances Ranzie ‘95
Anne and Harvey C. Rappaport
Marissa Rappaport ‘18
Cynthia B. Rasmussen
Jeffrey Raspe ‘88
Priya Rastogi ‘06
Jamie L. Rasulo ‘04
Johanne Rateau
Miranda N. Rausch ‘19
Anna E. Rawlins ‘10
Susannah Ray
Joan Razzante
Logan Read
Sandra R. Read ‘19
Arden Reamer
Christine M. Reaves ‘03*
Maria Reccoppa
Domenico Recine
Celeste Reck
Michael Reck
Angela Z. Reddin ‘68*
Kimberly J. Redka ‘19
Elena Redlich
Katherine Ona Reed ‘19
Madison Reed ‘19
Cheryl Sobeski Reedy ‘92
Marina K. Regolizio ‘18
Tiffany Mary Rehr ‘12
Lisa D. Reilly ‘18
Meghan E. Reim ‘20
Robert T. Reim
Barbara E. Rein
Brynn A. Reisbord
Cheryl Reisbord
Alicia Renda
Elizabeth and Andrew Reno
Andrew Renzetti ‘20
Steve W. Renzetti
Julia Flanigan Repeta ‘57 and
Bernard Repeta ‘55*
Susan and Joel Resnick
Emily Resnik
Katie Restrepo
Robert R. Resurreccion ‘96
Rosebud Reubel ‘66
Samantha Reuter
Alana M. Reyes ‘20
Alida Reyes*
Kim L. Barge Reyes
Margaret R. Reynheer
Joyce A. Ribar ‘87*
Robert E. Ribbe ‘71
James Ricciardi
Linda C. Riccio-Doyle ‘92, ‘97
Sheldon M. Rich
Corinna M. Richards ‘98
Jennifer Richards
Allie Richardson
Donald R. Richardson ‘65*
Edwina Richardson-Mendelson
Anita P. Richichi ‘98*
Anthony Ricigliano
Vincent A. Ricigliano ‘09
Jeannine Rinaldi
Jenna Rinaldi ‘14
Jean Michelle Ripley-Grier
Michael V. Riscica ‘17, ‘18*
Margaret L. Rishe ‘79
Lisa and John Rispoli ‘79
Mary Ann Rispoli ‘91*
Lois A. Riss ‘58
Taylor Ritzert ‘19
Hada Valdivia Rivera ‘80, ‘88
John A. Rivera
Johnny Rivera ‘89
Lesly Ann Rivera ‘19
David J. Riviere ‘08, ‘16*
Nicholas A. Rizzuti ‘18
Yolanda L. Robano-Gross ‘00
Rachel G. Robbins
Barbara Robert
Jennifer Roberts
Maria C. Roberts ‘99, ‘06*
Michele Roberts ‘90*
Roberta G. Roberts*
Bernard Robinson ‘19
Debra Robinson
Karli Robertson
Patrick E. Robertson ‘19
Shakera J. Robinson ‘14
Tyler Robinson ‘20
Richard A. Rocha, Jr. ‘16
Barbara A. Roden ‘86*
Christine Roderick
Ryan Roderick ‘09, ‘11*
Elaine M. Rodrigues
Julia Miguel Rodrigues ‘20
Ana Sofia Rodriguez
Ann M. Rodriguez
Anthony R. Rodriguez
Claudia L. Rodriguez ‘13
Gloria C. Rodriguez ‘96 and
Kevin C. Panchmia ‘96
Jesenia Rodriguez
Liana Rodriguez ‘16, ‘18
Maureen K. Rodriguez ‘94*
Sebastian Rodriguez
Michelle D’Amelio Rodriguez ‘91
and Luis Rodriguez ‘92
S. M. Rodriguez
Matthew V. Rogers ‘07
Norm L. Rogers
Timothy Rohan ‘03
Brittany M. Romain ‘14, ‘17
Jeremy Roman
Lucelenia Vasquez Roman ‘82 and
Ferdinand Roman ‘81
Steven A. Romano ‘15
Karin A. Romans ‘04
Peter M. Rommel ‘18
Noam R. Ron ‘20
Yael Ron
Nora and James Ronan*
Janice Ronga-DeLalio ‘75
Nastassia Rooche ‘19
Alonso Rosado
Dina Rosas ‘09, ‘11
Karen L. Rose
David Rosen ‘19*
Howard M. Rosen
Marc J. Rosen ‘13*
Paula Rosen
Barbara ‘80 and Milton Rosenberg
Brian Rosenberger ‘20
Alexander S. Rosenthal ‘15
Mark S. Rosman ‘99
Benjamin Rosner
Jessica D. Rosner ‘10
Michael H. Rosoff ‘79
Alyssa Ross ‘20
Eric Ross
Jenna Ross ‘20
Joette Ross ‘92, ‘96
Lisa B. Ross ‘03
Tina Ross
Lilly Rosser
Carmela Rossi ‘10
Marilyn Rothbard ‘65
Deborah A. Rothenberg
Emily A. Rothenberg ‘20
Jerold Rothkoff
Liza G. Rothkoff ‘20
Joshua Rothstein ‘13
Richard H. Rottkamp ‘82*
Jacqueline A. Roughan ‘18
Danielle E. Roughan ‘19
Catherine Rountry ‘57*
Doris E. Rouse ‘50, ‘52, ‘57*
Bradley D. Rowe ‘19
Abigail Roy ‘20
Kimberly Roy
Laurie ‘73, ‘75 and Bob Rozakis ‘73
James D. Rozakis ‘76*
Jeffrey Rozanski ‘20
Daneal O. Rozman ‘20
Robert L. Rua ‘63*
Peter Ruben
Jill Rubenfeld
Harriet Rubenstein ‘79*
Barbara Rubin and
Michael Walstedter
Nancy E. Rubin ‘83*
Sara Rubin ‘11 ‘12
Christian D. Rudolph ‘17*
Kathleen M. Ruel ‘00
Serena M. Ruel ‘17, ‘18
Bonnielee Ruge ‘65, ‘68*
Cody C. Ruggirello ‘14, ‘19
Marie and Sheldon Ruggles
Theresa M. Ruggles ‘14
Mario M. Ruiz
Richard L. Ruiz ‘18
Joseph J. Rumore ‘98
Mary Jo and Scott Runkle
Sean M. Runkle ‘20
John Rup ‘20
Suzanne M. Rup
Carol Ruppieko
Carson E. Russell ‘67
Stephanie Russo
Craig Rustici
Matthew T. Rutchik ‘14
Austen Rutella
Rochelle Goldberg Ruthchild ‘62*
Aoife Maher Ryan ‘20
Barbara M. Ryan ‘63, ‘69
John W. Ryan ‘20
Kelley Ryan ‘90
Kolyn Amanda Ryan ‘20
Mary Frances Ryan
Kaitlyn Ryder
Paris Ryder
Roy Ryder
Lou Sabatini ‘97
Abdul Saboor
Jacqueline Saborio ‘01
Franca ‘06 and Steven Sachs ‘05*
Marisue Sack
John W. Sadowski ‘76*
Alessandra Sager
May-Lorie A. Saint Laurent ‘08
Seth Saint Vincent ‘99
George Sakis ‘90, ‘93
Gayle Saldutti
Jade and Lewis Salgado
Ramshaa Salian ‘20
Matthew Saline
Monica Ann and William Salis
Betty May and Albert Sallitt
Joann Iwachiw Salsbury ‘75 and
James Salsbury ‘76
Andrew C. Saluk ‘91
Anthony Salvucci ‘20
Jennifer Sampson
Melanie and David Samuels
Nadine S. Samuels ‘99
Heather G. Sanders
JeanneD’Arc Sanbar ‘17
Katerina and Samir Sanbar*
Mary Ellen Sanders ‘64*
Patrick Sankar
Tim Sanker
Joshua Sankowski ‘09*
Antonino Sansone
Frank Sansone ‘20
Melissa Sansone ‘03 and
Mario Telesca ‘99
Cullen SantaMaria
Elvira Santeramo-Davis ‘82 and
Thomas A. Davis ‘80
Gina Santillo ‘19
James Santora ‘68, ‘73*
Stanley D. Santoro ‘74*
Cynthia Sanz
Emma E. Sanz ‘20
Jason K. Sapia ‘09
Makayla R. Sapienza ‘18
Christine Saputo
Anthony P. Saravanos ‘98, ‘02
Kristi Sarchi
Denise A. Sarian*
Robert S. Sarli ‘73*
Gail Sarner ‘96*
Jay Saul ‘01, ‘06
Madison Sauve ‘19
John R. Savalli ‘02
Brett P. Savoie ‘17
Patricia Sawicki
Nancy B. Saxon ‘76, ‘81
Vera Scalingi
Linda Scarano
Cira M. Scarpulla ‘98*
Lisa Polese Scatamacchia ‘71 and
Vincent Scatamacchia ‘71, ‘81*
Paul L. Scauzillo ‘74
Michaela M. Schaaf ‘20
Jason J. Schaefer ‘14
Will Schaefer ‘85
Michael R. Schaeffer ‘92, ‘10
Jeffrey S. Schaffel ‘74
Risa Schaffer ‘94
Jamie A. Schagat ‘01
Megan J. Scharf ‘95
Monica L. Schauss ‘15
James M. Scheller
Rachel L. Scher ‘13
Linda K. Scherer ‘64*
Robert J. Schertzer ‘73, ‘75*
Laura E. Schiff ‘12
Marlene and Matthew Schiff
Ann M. Schioppi
Laura A. Schioppi ‘15
Anthony Schiraldi
Neil C. Schloth ‘14*
Lorraine D. Schmaler ‘89
Corey Schmidek
Amanda Schmidt
Jennie and
John E. Schmidt ‘98, ‘12
Martha E. Schmidt ‘65*
Michael T. Schmidt ‘12
Jackie R. Schmitt
Kathleen T. Schmoyer
Debbi Schmucker ‘87
Paula Cohen Schneebalg ‘70, ‘74*
Breanna Schneebeli ‘20
Chester H. Schnepf ‘74*
Heather E. Schnepf ‘14*
Leonard M. Schnitzer ‘53
Robert Scholl
Roger Schore ‘70*
Elena L. Schorr ‘18, ‘20
Samantha Schour ‘01
Todd L. Schrager ‘90*
Laura Anne Schratt ‘87
Gina Schratz
Caroline M. Schreiner ‘12
Caroline ‘12 and Eric Schreiner
Gabrielle Schroeder
Jean A. Schubert ‘76*
Rita Schulman ‘60, ‘80
Laura R. Schulte ‘89*
Andrea Schulters
Imani K. Schulters ‘20
Mitra and Larry Schusheim
Stefanie Schusheim ‘19
Tabea D. Schutt
Dana Schwab
Dona Schwab ‘83*
Darren S. Schwartz ‘20
David H. Schwartz ‘79, ‘81
Henry S. Schwartz
Jill F. Schwartz
Lily Schwartz
Rachel Schwartz
Sherry N. Schwartz ‘75
Allyson G. Schwartzman ‘16, ‘19
Joseph S. Scioscia ‘65*
Kayla L. Scordo ‘19
Angelyce Scott
Elizabeth A. Scott ‘93
Kristina M. Scotto ‘18
Kristine C. Scotto ‘09
Mackenzie Scott ‘20
Mark Scott
Spence Scott ‘19
Christian Lawrence Scovell ‘18
Toon Fabrizio Scrocca
Andrea and Joseph Scuderi
Nicole Scuderi ‘20
Amanda N. Seekamp ‘18
Christine I. Seely ‘96
Sharon Seemadray ‘01
Leia Anjali Seereeam ‘19
Patricia A. Seery
Frederick L. Segal ‘73
Anthony J. Segesti ‘66
Loretta G. Sehlmeyer ‘90*
Pauline Seibert ‘19
Katherine Seidner ‘70*
Martin L. Seidner ‘68*
Katie M. Sell
Pamela L. Seltzer ‘92
Shelley September
Christopher S. Serio ‘20
Ivanka Serio
Harriet A. Serota ‘64*
Linda G. Serrano ‘20
Debra ‘03 and
Paul Servinskas ‘88, ‘92
Martha and Allan Sexter
Xiao E. Sha ‘19
Victoria M. Shadle ‘15
Jibran S. Shah ‘16, ‘18
Anamika Shahi ‘20
Peter Shakalis ‘77
Ralph Shamah ‘19
Mariyam Ajmal Shami
Weina Shan ‘16
Courtney Shapiro ‘20
Debra and Jason Shapiro
Drew H. Shapiro ‘18
Sheryl Eden Shapiro ‘91
James J. Sharkey ‘61*
Kevin T. Sharkey ‘81
Vandana and Harry Sharma ‘93
Tim Shay*
Brendan J. Sheedy ‘90
Jenna A. Sheerin ‘09 and
Lukasz Kwiatcowski
Leah Stillman ‘97
Steven C. Sheinberg ‘90
Jeanne-Michelle Shelley
Kevin Shelton
Meryl Sheppard ‘65, ‘69*
Ann Sheridan
Diane M. Sheridan ‘92
Kathleen M. Sherman ‘69*
Rachel S. Sherman ‘15*
Diane E. Shevlin ‘84, ‘88*
Jin Y. Shin
Shirley R. Shinder ‘66
Zoe Shipenberg
Duane Shippey ‘03
Rosemary Shmavonian
Rona L. Shor ‘78
Donya J. Short ‘00
Harold L. Shotwell
Patrick W. Shoureas ‘16
Virginia E. Shoureas ‘89
James R. Shuart*
Samantha L. Shuart ‘18
Mark A. Shulman ‘77*
Matthew Shulman
Sarah Shulman
Danielle E. Shure ‘11
Matthew M. Siano ‘17
Jennifer E. Sidi ‘18, ‘20
Andrew Siegel
Maxine B. Siegel
Carolyn and Sandy Siff*
Richard Ciro Signorelli ‘97
Joseph Signorile ‘91
Joseph J. Signorile ‘17
Adam Sills
Allison M. Silva ‘20
Jan and Victor Silva
Jesse M. Silver ‘99
Jessica Silver ‘03
Linda B. Silver ‘76*
Eileen L. Silverman
Jeremy Silverman
Marc E. Silverman ‘16
Stephen Silverman ‘80
David L. Silversmith ‘07, ‘12
Benjamin F. Silvey ‘19
Cynthia B. Simmons ‘89
Jeffrey L. Simmons ‘94*
Richard Simmons ‘72
Tate E. Simmons ‘20
Nina Simon
Alfred Simoncini
Denise Simone ‘90
Theresa Simpson
Christie L. Sinacori ‘18
Amrit Singh
Annisa Singh
Ashley Singh
Priyanka Singh ‘14, ‘15
Raishme N. Singh ‘20
Rishav Singh
Surendra Singh
Ashish Singhal ‘06*
Morris Sinkowitz ‘51
Patricia E. Sinkus ‘90*
Astrid Swenson Sipos ‘67, ‘71,
‘97, ‘10 and Allan Sipos ‘79*
Rorrie Sisk
Dennis Skiadas ‘90
Jeremy N. Skiba ‘19
Maria Skiba
Bree K. Skinner ‘07
Marisa D. Skurka
Janet B. Slavin
David J. Sloane ‘85
Lacy Slone
Judith A. Small ‘86, ‘89
Lauren E. Small ‘19
Tammy J. Smiley
Alicia E. Smith ‘01, ‘09
Amy J. Smith ‘18, ‘19
Amy K. Smith*
Annmarie E. Smith ‘16
Arthur M. Smith ‘59*
Beverly A. Smith ‘66*
Dana Marie Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Elizabeth A. Smith ‘12
Gabrielle Smith ‘92
Garrett Smith ‘11
Joan ‘73 and John Smith
Julie Smith ‘94
Katherine A. Smith
Katherine J. Smith ‘13
Michael D. Smith ‘80, ‘84
Patricia J. Smith
Reid Smith
Stephanie Mouzakis Smith
Shannon Smith
Sophia A. Smith ‘20
Susan Smith
Eliazar Smith-Harllee
Ruth and Edward J. Smits ‘55*
Anne Myra Snow
Kimberly Snyder ‘20
Lesley A. Snyder ‘06
Scott A. Snyder ‘83
Sabrina G. Sobel*
Evangelia Sofronis ‘10, ‘20
Michelene Sohnen
Samantha Sohnen ‘16
Edward J. Sokolowski ‘84
Ronald E. Solano ‘79
Kipling Solid
Michael Solinas
Tamar Solnik
Janet E. Solomon ‘75*
Emma V. Soloway ‘18
Sharon Solowitz ‘88
Kristin M. Soltis ‘20
Theresa Soltis
George I. Soltys ‘59
Vincent J. Sombrotto
Daphine Somerville ‘67*
Costantinos Sofronis ‘09
Timothy Sontag ‘02, ‘04
Andrea Sookchan ‘16
Max Soria
Paris Soria
Christian Sorisi
Michael J. Sorna ‘11
Audrey ‘75 and Wayne Sosin ‘75
Terry Soto
Liane Dias Sousa ‘20
Veronica and Fred Soviero
Dolores V. Spagnoli ‘84*
John Spagnuolo, Jr. ‘20
Maria L. Spagnuolo ‘04
Gabrielle Spann ‘19
Minda J. Spann ‘85
Lisa A. Spar
Brianna Sparano ‘20
Deidre Sparano
Philip J. Spatola ‘17, ‘18
Andrew D. Spatt
Carolyn Feldman Spector ‘69 and
August K. Spector ‘71*
Katrina Speller ‘95
Maribeth Spellman
Nicole and William Spellman ‘92*
Francine Spencer ‘72
Maryann R. Spencer ‘78
Jason A. Spiegel ‘11
Harriet C. Spiegelman ‘69*
Elayne Spiegler
Shari Spiegler ‘20
Robert B. Spieler ‘64*
Evelyn M. Spina ‘70*
Laura Spinks ‘16
Amy L. Spintman ‘85*
Robert Spitz ‘69*
Andre Spitzer ‘91, ‘92
Stuart T. Spitzer ‘77
Steven C. Spronz ‘78
Bonnie Sprung ‘81
Laurie S. Spurrell ‘84
Jacob Spychalsky ‘20
Jonna and James Spychalsky
Jason A. Squitieri ‘02
Barbara A. St. Louis ‘03
Robert L. St. Onge ‘00
Sandra L. Stacki
Florence C. Stadtlander ‘88, ‘89
Frieda A. Stahl ‘57*
Brett M. Stambolian ‘05
Nicolas A. Stanziani ‘91
Elaine D. Stark ‘69, ‘75
Mark Starr ‘65*
James P. Stathopoulos
Nikos Stathopoulos ‘20
Claudia I. Steel ‘20
Graciela Steel
Eva Rubin Steen ‘77*
Amy R. Stein ‘18 and
Michael Moskowitz ‘82
Daniel J. Stein ‘10
Joan H. Stein ‘52
Kerianne Stein ‘08
Philip B. Steinberg ‘17
Aimee Steineker
Erin Steinert
Whitney A. Steller ‘19
Linda J. Stenn ‘59
Tamara Stephen ‘96*
Denise Stergakos
Tara Stahman Stergis ‘88
Larissa-Roxana Stergiou ‘18
Felicia T. Sternbach ‘66
Miriam R. Sternberg ‘14
Danielle A. Stewart ‘00
Molly Stewart
Nancy Meschi Stewart ‘94*
Micki Beth Stiller
Wendy Stoudt
Gail C. Strauss ‘85
Douglas Sturim
Patricia Stush ‘98
Linda Ellison Sugarman ‘62, ‘67*
Patricia Suits
Shaun Sukul ‘07
Brandon Sulikowski ‘04
Barbara and Martin Summa
Jordan A. Summers-Marcoui ‘20
Leigh ‘12 and
Jeremiah Sumter ‘06, ‘17
Ruth E. Sussman
Rebecca Suydam
Mary Alice Swartwood-Patton ‘62
Jill S. Sweeney ‘02*
Ruth E. Sweeney*
Helen Bauman Sweitzer ‘68*
Eric Swenson
Burton Swerdling ‘61, ‘64
Shazrah Syed ‘16
Melissa Symeon ‘95, ‘98
Zoe Szczotka ‘19
Elizabeth Szczupak ‘98
Brenda Szydlo
Sybil Tabuteau
Mana Tadbiri ‘19
Michael Tagliaferri
Sheeza Tahir ‘19
Andrea Taiano
David V. Takseraas ‘06
Robert F. Takseraas ‘06
Vividh Talwar ‘18
Peter Tamigi
Celia Tang
Elizabeth I. Tarasewich ‘59
Geoffrey Tarson
Ross H. Tartell ‘74
Cynthia and John Tate
Lindsey E. Tate ‘11
Patricia ‘85 and
Edward Tateosian ‘77
Alexander E. Tateosian ‘20
Cheryl Taurassi
Theresa Tauro
Richard L. Tax ‘66
Rachael Teacher
Saul Teichman ‘57
Daphne E. Telfeyan*
Gayl F. Teller*
Michael D. Templeton
Barry Tenser ‘54
Ralph Thomas ‘15
Alex Thomas ‘20
Andreana D. Thomas ‘15
Jordlee L. Thomas ‘07*
Lori Thomas ‘86
Teresa Thomas
Theodore J. Thomas ‘12
Dianna C. Thomas-Palmer ‘16
Robin Thomas-Tatum ‘96
Blair Erin Thompson
James Thompson
Joann V. Thompson
Amy and Stephen Thorne
Jayne Thorsen
Ensaf Thune
Jordan L. Thurman ‘15
Taylor J. Thurmond ‘19
Seth B. Tierney*
Steven J. Tietze*
Kristine Colette Tiezzi ‘19
Hannah M. Tight ‘19
Yash Tilva ‘20
Wendy Timana ‘20
Patricia A. Timp ‘91
William W. Tims ‘68*
Kymberly A. Tinsley ‘03
Satoshi Toda
Alaina M. Todd ‘20
Colleen P. Todd ‘20
James A. Tonjes ‘62
Marielle Tordone ‘05
Laura G. Torff ‘12, ‘17
Nafessah Torpey
Arlene Torres
Denise Torres
Luz M. Torres
Marianne Torres
Talisa L. Torres ‘13
Paula M. Tortorici-Scheff ‘18
Maureen A. Tosto ‘85
Adriana and Christopher Totaro
Julia M. Totaro ‘20
Melissa and James Toth
Yumiko Toyomasu ‘09
John Trachten
Mygan S. Tran ‘20
Thu N. Tran
Tracey Tran ‘18
Paula M. Trauner ‘89*
Elisabetta Tredici ‘94
Matthew Tremblay ‘05
Vera Trenchfield
Robert W. Trester ‘69
Linda S. Tricarico
Joan C. Trocchia ‘66
Amy Trotta*
Salvatore Trovato ‘73*
Enedina Trucios
Jamie Trussell
Leonidas Tsartsalis
John Tsiforas ‘10
Daisuke Tsuda
Francie Tumsuden ‘78
Nancy Tunnessen
Gary M. Turk ‘78*
Harlan Turner
Wendy Turner ‘70
Emily L. Turrini ‘20
Beth Tynes ‘87
Haley P. Tynes ‘13
Robin A. Y. Tyrrell ‘97
Emtiaz Uddin ‘17
Linda ‘88 and Lance Ulanoff ‘86
D. Clancy and Joseph Ulianelli*
Michael C. Ulianelli ‘10, ‘12
Alecia Underhill
Linda M. Unterstein ‘75
Alyssa T. Urban ‘18, ‘19
Christine and Robert Urban
Nicole Urban ‘20
Ignacio A. Urbina ‘08
Daniel Uribe
Taylor M. Urisko ‘16, ‘18
Naledi L. Ushe ‘18
Mary ‘97 and Alan Uszynski ‘02
Ann M. Utke ‘04
Thomas J. Uva ‘79*
Valentine Uwode
Larry J. Vadala ‘78*
Catherine A. Valarezo*
Lorena Valedes
Frances Carol Valerio ‘67*
Lilian Hernandez Valladares
Pamela Vallejos
Olivia Valley
Jeffrey Vallillo ‘96
Joseph P. Vallone ‘92*
Daniel Valverde ‘19
Marcus W. Vanderberg ‘08
John P. Vanfossen ‘18
Wendy and John M. Vanik
Clayton Eric VanNortwick ‘04
Julisa E. Vargas ‘20
Stanley Varghese ‘20
Thomas Varghese
Grace Varnum
Vanessa Vaughn ‘14
Elizabeth ‘88 and Manuel Vaz ‘82
Aris and William Vasquez
Allison Vega
Courtney Veinotte
Yancy Velasquez ‘09
Roberto C. Velez ‘04
Keith W. Velia ‘98
Mina Nevradakis Venezia
Karen G. Vera
Doris E. Verity ‘67*
Joellen Verity
John Verdone
Lisa Vespa
Robert W. Vestigo*
Scottie Vickery
Ivonne Viders
Andrew Viesta
Donald J. Viewig ‘73*
Suzanne E. Viggiano
Antonella A. Vigliotti ‘20
Maryann Vigliotti ‘91
Aihra Villarreiz
Benjamin Vimont ‘18
Charles Vingoe
Dorothy Vinsky
Steven M. Vissichelli ‘74*
Americus C. Vitale ‘63
Alissa Vitale ‘20
Antonietta Vitale
William J. Voelker ‘61
Thomas J. Vogel ‘16*
Claire Juliette Vohs ‘66, ‘69*†
Kara L. Volland ‘20
Steffanie L. Volland
Ginger Vollmar ‘79*
Betty J. Volpe ‘70*
David Wahab ‘01
Gavinpreet Singh Wahala ‘20
David B. Waite ‘66*
Hannah L. Walcoe ‘18
Hazel A. Walcott
Johnisa J. Walcott
Richkisha Walcott ‘20
Richard Walczewski ‘86
Jerry A. Waldkoetter
Karen J. Walker ‘90
Robert Walker
Jenna Walkiewicz ‘13
Carol Wallace†
Kelly Walles ‘02
Vera Wallmann ‘53*
Kylie Walrod
James R. Walsh ‘97*
Michael P. Walsh ‘05, ‘06
Kathleen Walter
Andielynn Walters ‘16
Genevia Walters
Kim Walters
Nancy L. Walton
Samantha R. Walton ‘20
Robert M. Wanderman ‘77*
Ellie Wang ‘14
Huae-Min Wang
Mingqian Wang
Wei Wang ‘20
Ou Wang-Hartline ‘14
Cephas Ward
Shari and John Warner
Barbara Warren ‘77, ‘83, ‘87, ‘89
Aijaz Wasay
Andrew S. Wasserman ‘08
Frances E. Wasserman
Lise Wasserman
Tianna Watkins
Joiashanti S. Watkis ‘19
John J. Watras ‘77
James Watson ‘82, ‘84
Frank E. Watson*
Grace Watson-Carr
Kristina Wayne ‘06
Margaret L. Wayne ‘18
Sari ‘87 and Peter Weber ‘84, ‘85*
Barbara Wassmer Weidman ‘62
and Robert Weidman ‘57*
Jillian R. Weinberg ‘20
Zena ‘74 and Michael Weiner ‘74
Andrew Weingarten ‘13
Karen ‘96 and Seth Weingarten ‘96
Paul Weinstein ‘20
Gladys C. Weisberger
Barbara Joan Weiss ‘60
Matthew Weiss ‘19
Kevin R. Weissheier ‘15
Matthew R. Weissheier ‘17, ‘19
Brent G. Weitzberg ‘10, ‘13*
Rita and Brent Weitzberg*
Richard Weksberg ‘77*
Florence and Moses Weksler ‘68*
Kristen M. Welch ‘16
Patricia Welch ‘68
Lawrence Welner ‘72
Claudine S. Welti ‘92
Faith Wender ‘76
Peter Wentworth
Karen M. Wenz
Jody Ann Wesgate ‘89
Flor West ‘90, ‘93
Grace West
Michael West
Susan and Tommy R. West
Kevin B. Westley*
Jil and Mitchell Wexler ‘82*
Elizabeth G. White
Irene White
Latesha L. White ‘15
Mary Ann White ‘05*
Patricia Dainet White ‘78
Nadine V. White-Boyd ‘93
Adriana Whitlock
Amittha Wickrema
Charith R. Wickrema ‘20
Raymond and
Gloria M. Widmer ‘47
David Wiener ‘19
Irene and Lutz Wierzbicki
Diana Torraca Wikstrom ‘77 and
George R. Wikstrom ‘65, ‘73
Benjamin Wilke ‘20
Roma L. Wilkinson
Samantha Wilkinson
Debra A. Willett ‘98
Aretha Williams
Brandon C. Williams, Sr. ‘20
Brooke N. Williams ‘19
Cheryl and Edward Williams
Joseph Williams
Karl J. Williams ‘08
Kevin E. Williams ‘16
Mary Williams ‘99
Nicole B. Williams ‘09
Monica L. Williams*
Sarah L. Williams
Veta Williams ‘03
Xavier W. Williams ‘19
Evan Wilner ‘07
Diane Wilson
Gloria L. Wilson ‘73, ‘77*
Joyce Wilson ‘62
Mari M. Wilson ‘14*
Therese Wilson and Mark Friedman
Rochelle Winderman ‘69*
Teresa M. Winger ‘16
Diane and Gary Winkler*
Garrett J. Winkler ‘12*
Linda S. Winters ‘61*
Mary M. Wirth ‘71*
Michele Wise
Arlene Wites
Christopher M. Witkowski ‘17
Sara Witmer ‘06
Landon Witz ‘19
Christina Wizlor
Suzanne Riccio Wolfe ‘98 and
Matthew Wolfe*
Richard Wolff
Rona S. Wolfson ‘73*
Andrew W. Wong ‘18
Susan Wood
Sharon K. Woodridge
Joan Kenyon Woods ‘86
Charmise P. Woodside-Desire ‘19
David Woolwine
Odolph N. Wright ‘94*
Angela Wright
Herb Wright
Jacqueline Wright
James K. Wright ‘90*
Madison Wright ‘19
Chengdong Wu ‘20
Haoyang Wu
Rena Wu ‘18, ‘19
Irene E. Wymes ‘13, ‘15
Winifred ‘15 and William Wymes
Tara Wynne
Jill Percival Wynns ‘68*
Wendy Jingru Xu ‘17*
Siqi Xu
Han Xue
Deborah and Richard Yackel
Lyndsey Yackel ‘20
Christina Yanaros
Rosemarie Yancosek ‘86*
Betty Yang ‘11
Junwen Yang ‘20
Elizabeth C. Yarbrough ‘72, ‘73*
Connor Yaryura
Richard C. Yasso ‘97
Dongli Ye ‘17
Geyang Ye ‘15
Yang Ye
Frank J. Yee ‘19
Zachary M. Yingling ‘20
Eric and Michele Yingling
David York
Elinor Yovanovich
Caitlin Yuen ‘20
Irene Wenzek Zaccor ‘82 and
Albert Zaccor ‘82*
John Zacharia ‘18
Evangelia Zafiropoulos ‘20
Jessica L. Zagacki ‘20
Timothy J. Zagacki
Phyllis Zagano*
Khyati Zala ‘15
Maria F. Zaldivar Rabago ‘19
Stacy L. Zalewski
Wendy Zambrano-Mah
Robert Zanella ‘85
Neil M. Zang ‘59*
Rich Zaremba
Richard A. Zaremba ‘77, ‘80
Bruce R. Zarett ‘04*
Michelle E. Zarifis ‘18
Carol A. Zarzycki
Linda Zeeble ‘72
Alessia Zegarelli ‘20
Christine M. Zegarelli
Sasha and Joshua H. Zeises ‘10
Shawna A. Zeisner ‘20
Tonia Zeisner
Laurie Zelinger ‘93
Robert J. Zellner ‘12*
Samuel Zewde
Chandler Zhang ‘14, ‘16
Weiyi Zhang ‘14
Jinlong Zhao
Shiyu Zhao ‘15
Hui Zhou
Yue Zhou
Michael T. Zick ‘07*
Bari A. Ziegel ‘80*
Patricia Ziegler ‘64 and
Richard Brennan
Linda Zimmerer
Jordan Zinke
Edith ‘55 and
Charles Zipperlen ‘75
Elena C. Zota ‘09
Nicholas P. Zotto*
Arnold H. Zudick ‘71*
Cynthia K. Zumbrun ‘92
Heather M. Zuniga ‘12
Yiming Zuo
Janet C. Zwiebel ‘78
Gifts in Kind
Susan Ball
Susan and Steven Ball
Philip A. Bonanno
Sean Chamberlain
Group USA Inc.
HX Salon Hair and Nails
Eleanor and
Pascal Imperato
Joan B. Jacobs
Edna and
Monroe Kornfeld
Alan Lipton
Michael Lipton
Massage Envy
Carolyn Sanchez and
E. David Woycik, Jr. ‘77, ‘80
Leadership Committee
As parents of a daughter, Aliya (Hofstra Class of 2023), we hope you will continue to make a difference in the lives of students by making a gift to Hofstra. We choose to be involved and give back to Hofstra as a way to show that we are proud of the many strides Hofstra has made – from the establishment of new schools and the construction of new buildings to the renovation of academic and athletic facilities. Hofstra has provided Aliya and her classmates with the very best education, practical experiences, and career guidance. We give back to show our thanks.

In addition to annual gifts, you can support your Hofstra student’s experience and enhance your own by taking an active role at the University. Activities range from contacting parents of newly accepted or admitted students and being an ambassador of the University to providing internships, summer and full-time employment, and sharing career advice. When your child chooses Hofstra, you become part of the Hofstra Pride as well.
For more information on how you can become involved with the Hofstra Parent Fund Leadership Committee, please contact 516-463-5027.
Corporations & Foundations
A & M Fried Family Foundation
The Berlin Family Foundation
The Carl Marks Foundation
Carol and Alan J. Bernon
Family Charitable Foundation
Charitable Lead Annuity Trust under the Will of Louis Feil
The David & Sondra Mack Foundation, Inc.
The Donald and Barbara Zucker Family Foundation
Dowling College
Estate of Bruce A. Lister
Estate of David G. Kelman
The Family of William Entenmann of the Long Island Community Foundation
The Fay J. Lindner Foundation
The Hemlocks Fund in the
New York Community Trust
Joseph & Libby Shapiro Family
Laurence T. Ginsberg Charitable Lead Annuity Trust
The Lawrence Herbert Foundation
Lee & Jeffrey Feil Family Foundation, Inc.
Long Island Beech Trust A of the Long Island Community Foundation
Long Island Community Foundation of the Charlie’s Long Island Fund
Martin & Toni Sosnoff Foundation
Northwell Health
The Pitcairn Donor-Advised Fund (NPT)
Roberge Family Foundation
Unity Church of Hempstead
Broadridge Foundation
Coleman Fung Foundation Inc.
Estate of Frank Calderone
Estate of Joseph Dionne
Hesselbirg Family Fund of
Fidelity Charitable
James D’Addario Family Foundation
The Klar Family
Klar Family Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund
Long Island Jewish Medical Center
Nassau Healthcare Foundation, Inc.
The Randy & Barbara Ann Frankel Foundation
The Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, Inc.
The Samuel Ramos and Family Fund of the Ayco Charitable Foundation
The Sanzone Family Foundation
Sweet Tuna Foundation
The Weiler Family Foundation
The Zarb Family Fund, Inc.
Abrams, Fensterman, Fensterman, Eisman, Formato, Ferrara, Wolf & Carone, LLP
AccessLex Institute
Bertram L. Podell Charitable Giving Fund
CPX Interactive
Estate of Paul F. Conte
Flushing Bank
Jodi & Robert D. Rosenthal Family Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Jovia Financial Credit Union
The Julio and Heidi Portalatin Charitable Fund
Lipsay Family Charitable Foundation
Marilyn and James Simons Charitable Fund
Nassau County AHRC Foundation Inc.
Northwell Health
Medical Staff Society Inc.
The Philip and Janet Shapiro Family Foundation Inc.
Rechler Philanthropy, Inc.
Rosenthal Family Foundation
Roy J. Zuckerberg Family Foundation
Ruth and Elliott Joseph Charitable Fund
RXR Co. Property Management LLC
VOYA Foundation
The Witkoff Group, LLC
Alisha C. Levin Memorial Fund of the Philadelphia Foundation
Apple Bank for Savings
Bethpage Federal Credit Union
Boule Foundation
Breslin Realty Development Corp.
Burner Law Group PC
Cameron Engineering & Associates, LLP
Capital One Services LLC
Certilman Balin Adler & Hyman, LLP
Christian Keesee Charitable Trust
Cornelia T. Bailey Foundation
Forchelli Curto Deegan Schwartz Mineo & Terrana, LLP
Goldman Sachs Gives
Henry Nias Foundation Inc.
The Joe Namath Charitable Foundation
Joseph Ferriso Memorial Scholarship Fund Inc.
Kenneth and Cora Mae Rood Charitable Fund
Leo and Freda Keller Fund-LI Community Foundation
Lewis Johs Avallone Aviles, LLP
Long Island Neurosurgical Associates PC
Long Island Real Estate Group
Marshall Family Foundation Inc.
Meltzer Lippe Goldstein & Breitstone LLP
Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP
Morrison & Foerster, LLP
The New York Bar Foundation
Nodiff Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Rehabilitation
PJI Foundation
Raymond J. White
Revocable Trust
The Sidney & Pearl Kalikow Foundation
Sterling Equities Funding Co.
Structure Tone, LLC
TWG Management LTD
The Whitmore Group, Ltd.
Aaliyah Memorial Fund Inc.
Alite Flooring LLC
Axis Construction Corp.
Barclays Capital
The Cerrato Family
Charles J. O’Shea
Funeral Homes, Inc.
Collage Giving Fund at the Chicago Community Foundation
Columbian Lawyers’ Association of Nassau County, Inc.
Cross Country Construction LLC
Dell Inc.
Diamond Hill Investments
Charitable Foundation Fund of the Columbus Foundation
E.W. Howell Co., LLC
Empire BlueCross BlueShield
Ernst & Young Foundation
Estate of Jill Marmorek
Farrell Fritz, P.C.
Gannett Foundation
Harris Beach, PLLC
Henry Schein, Inc.
HLW International, LLP
Horowitz & Rubenstein, LLC
Hunter Roberts Construction Group
Intracoastal Abstract Co. Inc.
Jeffrey & Michelle Hecht Charitable Foundation
John D. Miller Fund of the Long
Island Community Foundation
Kingdom Associates Inc.
Kushner Companies Charitable Foundation
The LandTek Group, Inc.
Lincoln Land Services LLC
Lizardos Mechanical & Electrical Engineering
Loeb Family Foundation, Inc.
Loews Corporation
Long Island Contractors’ Association, Inc.
Lynda and Richard Murphy Family Foundation
Marcum Foundation, Inc.
Mary Madden Family Charitable Fund
MasterCard Matching Gift Program
The Meeker Rom Family Foundation
Morsel Charity Fund
National Wrestling Coaches Association Inc.
New York State Court Officers Association
Nixon Peabody
Northrop Grumman Foundation
NuHealth Foundation
Once Upon A Time Foundation
Patricia K. Wamser Irrevocable Trust
Paul R. & Nancy R. Saueracker Family Fund
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Pavemaster, Inc.
Pine Road Asset Management, LLC
Powder Run Fund
PSEG Long Island LLC
The R. Shapiro Family Foundation
The Rita and Alex Hillman Foundation
Robert B. Catell Charitable Fund
Robert W. Buckner Revocable Trust
Russo, Karl, Widmaier & Cordano, PLLC
Ryan Family Foundation
S J Electric Inc.
S&E Bridge & Scaffold, LLC
Samuel A. Ramirez & Co., Inc.
Schaeffer & Sam, CPA, P.C.
SUEZ Water Long Island Inc.
Sustainable Growth Advisers, LP
TLC Starfish Foundation
TT Mechanical Corp.
WAC Lighting Co.
3 M Foundation
A.C. Desk Co., Inc.
Advanced Neurosurgery
Associates PC
Advocates of Silenced Turkey Inc.
All Pro Horticulture, Inc.
Alumni Association of Nassau
American Recycling Management, LLC
Aufiero Painting Industry Inc.
Ayers Saint Gross, Inc.
Bank of America Charitable Foundation
Blue & Gold Lacrosse Camp Inc.
Brad and Roberta Karp Family Fund
Briscoe Protective Systems, Inc.
Brooklyn Law School
CABS Home Attendants Service, Inc.
Carter, Deluca & Farrell LLP
The Cedarmore Corporation
Charles H. & Beverly E. Shaw Foundation
Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company
ClearView Building Services, Inc.
Com Bell Systems, Inc.
Compass Group USA Inc.
Consigli Construction
Craftsman Storefronts & Glass, Inc.
Crest Hollow Country Club
CSC Holdings LLC
David and Laurie Finkelstein Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Deloitte Foundation
Deputy Chief Raymond Downey Scholarship Charity Fund
Detkin Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable
DiFazio Power & Electric, Inc.
Dimensional Communications Inc.
Dolnick Family Fund
DVVA Carle Place Restaurant, Inc.
Dynamic Sports Marketing LLC
Eagle Capital Management LLC
EAI, Inc.
Edgewood Management LLC
Electric Consulting Group LLC
Elevator Refurbishing Corp.
ERASE Racism
ExxonMobil Foundation
First Long Island Investors, LLC
The First National Bank of Long Island
Fordham University School of Law
Friends of Judi Bosworth
Genser Cona Elder Law
Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Giuffra Diaz Charitable Trust
Goldman Sachs & Co. Matching
Gift Program
Gotham Drywall Inc.
Grant Thornton Foundation
Gutman Mintz Baker & Sonnenfeldt LLP
Hanna Carpets Inc.
Harold E. Hirsch Foundation Inc.
Heather Cohen Media
Hempstead FD Chiefs Contract 2020-2021
Hillary Needle Events, Inc.
Hofmann Family Charitable Fund of the Community Foundation of New Jersey
Hussain Bibi Memorial Foundation Inc.
IBM Corporation
Imperial Dade
Independent General Contracting LLC
Innovatix LLC
International Union of Operating
Islamic Center of Long Island
Island Photography
Jackson Lewis P.C.
Jacqueline LiCalzi Giving Fund
The Jaffe Family Foundation
Jeca Associates, Inc.
John A. Rodger, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
The John J. Conefry, Jr. Foundation
Jzanus Home Care Inc.
Kelly Construction Co., LLC
Kelson Group
Knockout Pest Control, Inc.
Korean American Association of Queens New York
Korg USA, Inc.
L I Links Inc.
LaMay’s Tree Service Inc.
Law Office of Carmine E. Esposito
LearnerPal Corp.
Lever Manufacturing Corporation
Lighthouse Financial Network
Local 1102 RWDSU
Local 338 Charities, Inc.
Local Union 290 of UBC & JA
Lori Lapin Jones PLLC
The Loyola Foundation, Inc.
Magnitude Capital, LLC
Matco Service Corp.
The Mazars USA Philanthropic Fund
Meadowbrook Women’s Initiative
Michael and Martha Liebowitz Gift Fund
Nancy & Richard Freedman Fund
The Nancy Aries and Elliot Sclar Fund
Nassau County Women’s Bar Association
Nassau Financial Federal Credit Union
New York City Trial Lawyers Alliance, Inc.
New York Life Insurance Co.
New York University
New York/USA Wrestling, Inc.
Newsday, LLC
Niats Realty Corp.
Pace University
Parkinson Voice Project Inc.
Peek Services, LLC
PepsiCo Foundation
Playstation Cares
Premier Healthcare Solutions, Inc.
Presidio Networked Solutions LLC
Press Club of Long Island
The PRFreelancer Inc.
Professional Group Plans Inc.
Progressive Emergency
Physicians PLLC
Prospect Sports Partners LLC
Pyramid Foundation, Inc.
Reflection Window Company
Richard A. Worrall Memorial Fund
The Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation
Rick Gerety & Assoc., Inc.
Romano & Associates
Rubenstein Associates Inc.
Ruskin Moscou Faltischek P.C.
The Schiff Foundation
Scotto Bros. Woodbury Restaurant, Inc.
Soil Mechanics Drilling Corp.
Sorrentino Media LLC
St. Brigid R.C. Church
Sterling National Bank
Tarver Law Firm, P.C.
Team Wallace Family Fund
Ted Moudis Associates
Thomas A. Famigletti Foundation
Town of Hempstead Employees
Federal Credit Union
Turkish Cultural Center - LI
United Cerebral Palsy Association of Greater Suffolk, Inc.
Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc.
Victory Engine Co. 4 H.F.D.
Walden Environmental Engineering PLLC
Wells Fargo Bank, NA
William and Anne Carmody Fund
William Randolph Hearst Foundation
Zollenberg Family Fund
A & C Pest Management
Adelphi University
Affinity LTC, LLC
Agewell New York, LLC
Alan & Marilyn Plotz Charitable Giving Account
American Electric Power Corporation
American Legion of NY Nassau County Organization
Arnold P. Gold Foundation
The Association for A Better Long Island Inc.
Association of Italian
American Educator
Assured Environments
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company
B & H Photo Video
BAE Systems
Bank of America
Bethlyn Enterprises Inc.
BNB Bank
Bolnick-Fishman Charitable Fund
Broadway Marketing Ltd.
Cammack Retirement Group
Cassena Care
Challenge Early Intervention Center
Clem Snacks Inc.
Compulink Management Center Inc.
Costanza Ready Mix Inc.
Cross Island Welding & Equipment Repair Inc.
East Coast Orthotic & Prosthetic Corp.
Ernst & Young US LLP
FF Joseph Hunter Memorial Fund
Frank Costanza Contracting Corp.
Friends of Jon Kaiman
Futterman, Lanza & Pasculli
Georgica Green Ventures
Geveda Family Charitable Trust
Girl Scouts of Nassau County
Gotham Government Relations
Graf & Lewent Architects, LLP
Greg Turetzky Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable
Hempstead Classroom Teachers Assoc.
Herbert and Caryl Ackerman Philanthropic Fund
Homewood Real Estate Partners LLC
Il Bacco Ristorante
Intrigma Inc.
Jacqueline Dryfoos JRS Dryfoos
1995 CLT Giving Fund
The Law Firm of Bruce Eiber, PC
Lehman Plant Care Co. Inc.
Local 25 International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers
Long Island Arboricultural Association Inc.
Long Island Board of Realtors, Inc.
Long Island FQHC, Inc.
Meyer, Suozzi, English & Klein, PC
Milber Makris Plousadis & Seiden, LLP
Newsouth Capital Management Inc.
Open Society Institute
Parabit Systems, Inc.
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Q East Meadow LLC
Quinlan Insurance Services Inc.
Robert Tengeler PLLC
Rochelle Weinberg
Revocable Trust
Rosenthal Attorneys at Law PC
Sahn Ward Coschignano, PLLC
Schenk/Spivey Family Charitable Fund
The Spiro Family Foundation
Sports Lawyers Association Inc.
Temple Emanuel of Great Neck
Titan Fire Sprinklers, Inc.
The Wasserman Foundation
Wellington Management Company LLP
ZE Creative Communications
Zhongguo Acupuncture, PC
Above Par Development & Drafting
Allstate Foundation
Anthony Michael Camisa PC
Campus Specialties Inc.
Chipco Construction &
Contracting Co. Inc.
Circulo de la Hispanidad, Inc.
Coca Cola Foundation
Co-Cathedral of St. Robert Bellarmine
DMF Company
Donna Iucolano, LLC
Edward Zaloba, Attorney at Law
Ehrsam Family Giving Fund
Eric Arthur Goldstein at Schwab Charitable
Ferro Kuba Mangano Sklyar PC
FLG Lacrosse INC
Fox Chapel Golf Club
Geico Philanthropic Foundation
Google Inc.
The Halluska Family Giving Tree
Harvey & Judy Wacht Family Fund
Hempstead Hispanic Civic Association, Inc.
Hispanic Brotherhood of Rockville Centre, Inc.
Hope Therapy Services
The Jewish Community Relations Council of NY
The Jordan Family Trust
Kantz Cares Family Donor Fund
Keoppel Nissan
Kleid Family Charitable Fund
L.A. Fernandez Insurance Agency, Inc.
Latin Agents and Brokers Association Inc.
Leslie Digital Imaging LLC
LI Federation of Labor AFL-CIO
Long Island Association, Inc.
The Malings Family Charity Fund of the T. Rowe Price Program
Massapequa Post 1066 The American Legion
McCullough Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Nomitz Fund of the American Endowment Foundation
Northwell Health S.T.A.R.S. Physical Therapy
NYS Comptroller’s Office
Old World Quality Corp.
Par Plumbing Co., Inc.
Pfizer Inc.
Pitney Bowes
Priyanka Khanna Creations Inc.
Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
R & S Sheetmetal, Inc.
Safavieh Atlantic LLC
Silber Fund for Imaginative Nonprofit Giving
South Shore Office Products
Square Peg Promotions, Inc.
Sterling Appraiser Group of NLA Inc.
Sterling Appraising of OC
Suemedia Inc.
TME Communications, LLC
Tonio Burgos & Associates, Inc.
TW Promotions Inc.
Verizon Foundation
Vision Long Island, Inc.
The Zabbia Insurance Agency
7th Street Gourmet Deli
ACME Industrial Inc.
Aen, Corp.
Almost A Daughter Senior Relocation Services
Always Delicious Food Inc.
American Express Foundation
Ampola Association Inc.
Andrew & Mindy Feldman Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Communal Fund
Arch Capital Group (U.S.) Inc.
Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation
Aspire Health Solutions
Association of the United States
Army Inc.
Aviation Solutions Inc.
Ball Metapack
The Barn Pet Feed
Belmar Realty Corporation
Belport Realty Corporation
Belrose Realty Corporation
Benchmark Site Development, LLC
Blutrane Consulting
Brian O’Keefe Insurance Agency, Inc.
Briarcliff Sprinklers
The Bristal Engel Burman Sr. Housing at East Northport, LLC
Bronzino Engineering PC
Bullseye Beer & Beverage
C. William Gaylor III, PC
Carpet & Design Emporium LTD
Chardonas Key Lock Service Inc.
Charles Wagner Post 421
The Cheryl and William Bader
Family Charitable Fund
City National Bank
CohnReznick LLP
Cowen Cares Matching Gift Program
David Lerner Associates, Inc.
Dianne and Michael Blau Charitable Fund
Dr. Dennis J. Lutz, MD PC
Draper Asset Management LLC
Dufek & Associates, P.C.
Durazzanese Societa Italo Americano
E D Automotive LTD
Edwin Welch Jr. Post 1132
Elemco Services Inc.
Eleven Associates Inc.
Enclave Wealth Management, LLC
Exective Cleaning Services, LLC
Ferguson Cohen LLP
Ford Brothers Electric Co., Inc.
Future Tech Consultants of NY
GE Foundation
General Pulaski Foundation, Inc.
Graham & Longobardi, Inc.
Graham Family Charitable Gift Fund
Harbor Floorcovering Inc.
Harris Media, LLC
Haugland Group LLC
Haworth Inc.
Healthcare Partners
Herber Plumbing & Heating Corp.
Home Depot
Hood-Arnold Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Igloo Lacrosse Inc.
Jaeckel Kearney & Lepselter CPA’s PC
Jane and Robert Brauer Fund
John G. Kennedy, PC
Keith Macchia DBA K. Macchia Cleaning
Kiwanis Club of Hicksville Inc.
KM Associates of New York, Inc.
Kule-Korgood & Associates, P.C.
Law Office of Eric Horn, PC
Law Office of Tania J. Redman
Law Office of Tzvi Y. Hagler, Esq.
Law Offices of Richard A. Zimmerman
LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives
Lincoln Land Services LLC
Linda M. Krieg Revocable Trust
Luscher HVAC, Inc.
Lynbrook American Legion Post No. 335
Martin Clearwater & Bell LLP
Massapequa Boys Lacrosse Booster Club
Massapequa Lions Club
Massapequa Youth Lacrosse
Michael Capozzi Scholarship Fund
Mulhern Family Charitable Fund at Schwab Charitable
Nassau Region of Hadassah
Neil C. Mascolo, Jr. Esq.
Neuwirth Family Fund
New Hyde Park Ernie Pyle American Legion Post 1089
Olam Cotton Co.
On-Time Logistics Inc.
Oyster Bay E. Norwich Chamber of Commerce
Pierce Machine Co. Inc.
Prudential Financial
Raich Ende Malter & Co. LLP
RAL Properties LLC
Rapacki & Sons LLC
Road Ready Inc Auto Repairs
Robbinsville Lacrosse Association
Rosedale & Drapala
SALT Payroll Consultants Inc.
Sancufides Consulting
Shipkevich Law Firm, PLLC
Silver Bay Lending
Simonetti Landscape Services MCS Land Development Inc.
Simucase, LLC
Siobhan Casey Sole Prop
South Jersey Mystics
South Shore Art Center Inc.
South Shore Flag Football League Inc.
Southgate Bagel Corp. Bagel Cafe
Spies Travel Agency Inc.
Standard Valuation Services
Step One Academy
Sullivan Papain Block McGrath
Coffinas & Cannavo P.C. T.A.C.C.
The Tempositions Group of Companies
Texas Instruments Foundation
Tony’s Homes Inc.
Transcend Hair Studio Inc.
US Medical Staffing
Wantagh Family Orthodontics, P.C.
William J. Schwarz P.T., P.C.
Willick Family Charitable Fund
With Pride Air Conditioning and Heating
$99 and Below
A Charmed Life at Home
ACB Agency
Allscripts Inc.
AmazonSmile Foundation
American Legion Merrick Post 1282
American Legion Post 1087
Ameriprise Financial
Ansley Interiors
Aon Foundation
ATL Wings
Baldwin American Legion Post #246
The Bank of New York Mellon Community Partnership
Birdie D Unlimited
Cardinal Health Foundation Inc.
Carle Place Post 1718
Cathedral Post
Citizens Bank
City University of New York
Deutsche Bank Americas Foundation
District 2 Wrestling Coaches Association
Doherty Breads, LLC
Dr. Jay E. Saul
Events By Red Carpet
F&L Deli & Catering
Fagenson & Puglisi PPLC
Fairhope Partners Inc.
Franklin Square Coffee Shop
Frederick L. Segal LL.M.
George E. and Bonnie L. Price Revocable Trust
Grand Smile Dental P.C.
Help At Home Inc.
Hiller Living Trust
Kempa & Company, CPA’s, LLP
Klima New York LLC
KP Enterprise Inc.
Lang Realty
Lewis Salgado Consultants, LLC
Lynbrook Luxury Dental, P.C.
Manhattanville College
Mia Media & Communications Group Inc.
Michael L. Nissenbaum, PH.D Psychologist PC
Miller & Milone, P.C.
Mitchell & Titus LLP
Mondelez International Foundation
Mortar Media
MP World LLC
Nucleus Medical Management
Ollins Ortho
Pennsylvania Wrestling Coaches Assoc.
Picataggio Living Trust
Polish American Museum
Premiere Medical Center of Burbank, Inc.
Prince Dance Institute
Reid Burke Group, Inc.
RLM HVAC Contractors
The Rustic Loft
Special Ed Solutions LLC
Stewart Meryl Sheppard Trust
Submittable Holdings Inc.
Syosset Public Library
Uniondale Public Library District
United Technologies Corporation
University of Connecticut
University Tees Inc.
VMC Construction & Remodeling
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
The Wells B. Jones & Donna L. Ceravolo Trust
White-Boyd Law, PA
WWS Investigations