Academic Scheduling is an area within the Office of the Registrar. We are responsible for class schedule maintenance and classroom scheduling. We can be reached at 516-463-4387 or
Classroom Scheduling Procedures & Important Scheduling Information
Space Requests for Academic Courses
Departments and Academic Scheduling:
- When adding a course, or changing the day/time of an existing course, or requesting a room change, an email must be sent to to request and secure a space prior to sending in the workflow.
- Academic Scheduling reserves the right to return workflows where no space approval was obtained in advance.
- The turnaround time for Academic Scheduling to fulfill a request/reservation is:
- Two to three business days (for the current term)
- Five business days (for future terms, and event requests)
- Space requests for course-related events (such as special presentations, exams, or study sessions) should be made at least five business days prior to the anticipated event.
- Academic Scheduling cannot guarantee requests will be filled within a 24 hour period.
- Spaces will be held for 10 business days for the completion of changes. After this time period spaces will be released back into the pool of available spaces.
- Academic Scheduling will process all room requests on a first-come, first-served basis.
- To preserve the order in which requests are received and processed, Academic Scheduling will only honor requests that have been emailed to
- Requests are not accepted via telephone or in-person visits. Please refrain from either of these practices and email directly when requesting a space.
- Emails to Academic Scheduling should include the following information in the subject title to ensure the most efficient service:
- Term
- Subject and course
- Action being requested
- Space request emails should include the following information in the message to ensure the most efficient service:
- Course, subject, section
- Meeting pattern
- Enrollment capacity
- Course CRN
- Room needs
Space Requests for One-Time Academic Events
Departments and Event Management:
- All one-time event requests for classroom space need to be submitted to the Office of Event Management via the online request form at:
- Academic Scheduling will only be addressing requests for academic classes as well as exams and review sessions associated with an academic course.
- Submit your request online and within three business days and you will receive Confirmation of Assignments made by the Office of Events Management. Reservations are handled on received priority. Please reserve rooms well in advance.
- Office of Event Management contact information: Room 112 Student Center, 516-463-6631 and
- The Class Schedule must be finalized before one-time events in classroom space will be addressed. General timeline for request processing:
- Fall Requests - Mid-March
- Summer Requests - Mid-December
- January Requests - Mid-July
- Spring Requests - Early October
Process & Timelines/Deadlines for Scheduling Future Terms
Fall and Spring Terms:
- No longer follows a Master/Audit schedule process. The schedule is now done in one draft for the following reasons:
- Departments and Deans get more time with schedules than with previous plan (now nine weeks); schedules are due back later than before, allowing them to better solidify their offerings
- Eliminates the need to review, or process schedules twice for both departments, and our office; more efficient process
- Departments no longer have to work on schedules during winter or summer breaks
- Fewer, and shorter, incidents occur where departments or our office have to focus on more than one term at a time
- Schedules are now available online earlier for student viewing
- Schedules are sent to deans, who distribute to their departments with our instructions, and their own.
- Spring Schedule sent March - Week 4
- Fall Schedule sent September - Week 3
- Departments review the schedules and send back to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
- Spring Schedule returned May - Week 4
- Fall Schedule returned November - Week 3
- Office of the Registrar has six weeks to process schedules before finalizing.
- Finalized Schedules:
- Spring:
- July - Week 3:
- Finished schedule is released to the web for viewing
- Forms/Workflows required for all schedule changes
- October - Week 1:
- R25 one-time event scheduling begins
- July - Week 3:
- Fall:
- January - Week 3:
- Finished schedule is released to the web for viewing
- Forms/Workflows required for all schedule changes
- March - Week 2:
- R25 one-time event scheduling begins
- January - Week 3:
- Spring:
- Once schedules are available online, departments are able to submit room change requests (and other requests for course changes) to Academic Scheduling.
January and summer Terms:
- January and summer terms continue to follow a Master/Audit schedule process.
- Blank schedule templates and enrollment information for the past three years is provided to deans (to send to departments) so they may build schedules from scratch.
- January Master Template sent February - Week 1
- Summer Master Template sent September - Week 1
- Departments build their Master Schedules and send back to the Office of the Registrar for processing.
- January Master returned March - Week 1
- Summer Master returned October - Week 1
- Office of the Registrar has three weeks to process schedules before sending back to departments.
- January Audit sent March - Week 4
- Summer Audit sent October - Week 1
- Departments review all changes and classroom assignments and return to Office of the Registrar.
- January Audit returned April - Week 2
- Summer Audit returned November - Week 2
- Office of the Registrar processes the changes.
- Finalized Schedules:
- January:
- April - Week 4:
- Finished schedule is released to the web for viewing
- Forms/Workflows required for all schedule changes
- July - Week 1:
- R25 one-time event scheduling begins
- April - Week 4:
- Summer:
- November - Week 3:
- Finished schedule is released to the web for viewing
- Forms/Workflows required for all schedule changes
- December - Week 2:
- R25 one-time event scheduling begins
- November - Week 3:
- January:
- Once schedules are available online, departments are able to submit room change requests (and other requests for course changes) to Academic Scheduling.