Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2024

Tuesday, November 19, 2024, 6pm
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY

Purchase Sponsorships, Ads, Tickets

Zaki Hossain
Founder, Modern Packaging
CEO, Pintail Coffee, Inc.


Yong Hwa Ha
Founder, Esther Ha Foundation
President, Solomon Agency Corporation

Robert Vitelli
CEO, LGBT Network

Craig M. Rustici, PhD The Dr. Mervin Livingston Schloss Distinguished Professor for the Study of Disabilities
Professor of English, Hofstra University

View Photos of the 2024 Diversity Celebration

Photos: Matteo Bracco


Sponsor Opportunities/RSVP


Watch 2023's Celebration

Thank you to our sponsors

Bethpage Logo
Robert B. Catell
Abrams Fensterman Logo
Ascend Long Island Logo
JP Morgan Chase Logo
Northwell Health
WAC Lighting Logo
National Grid Logo

Past Events

Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2023

Tuesday, November 28, 2023, 6pm
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY

Make Your Reservation and Pay Online

Support the Celebration of Suburban Diversity »


Thomas Falcone
Chief Executive Officer, Long Island Power Authority


Joye Brown
Columnist, Newsday

Lily Han
Entrepreneur, Developer, and Philanthropist

Nilesh Soni, DPT
President and CEO
Dynamic Physical Therapy Services

Mario Murillo
Vice Dean and Professor of Radio, Television, Film
Lawrence Herbert School of Communication
Hofstra University




Watch 2023's Celebration

Thank you to our sponsors

Bethpage Logo
RXR Realty
Rechler Philanthropy
Robert B. Catell
Abrams Fensterman Logo
Ascend Long Island Logo
JP Morgan Chase Logo
Northwell Health
WAC Lighting Logo


National Grid Logo


Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2022

Tuesday, November 29, 2022, 6pm
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY

Make Your Reservation and Pay Online

Support the Celebration of Suburban Diversity »


Debbie Salas-Lopez, MD, MPH
Senior Vice President, Community and Population Health, Northwell Health Professor of Medicine, Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell


Elise de Castillo, Esq.
Executive Director, CARECEN

Farrah Mozawalla
Founder and CEO, Asian American Institute of Research and Engagement (AAIRE)

Gillian Atkinson
Director, Intercultural Engagement and Inclusion, Hofstra University Associate Director, Hofstra University Offce of Student Leadership and Engagement




Photos: Edward Acker, edwardackerphotographer.com

Watch 2022's Celebration


Thank you to our sponsors

Bethpage Logo
RXR Realty
Rechler Philanthropy
Robert B. Catell
Abrams Fensterman Logo
Ascend Long Island Logo
JP Morgan Chase Logo
Northwell Health
WAC Lighting Logo


National Grid Logo
PSEG Long Island


Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2021

Monday, December 6, 2021
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY

We're back in person for 2021!

Everybody must show proof of vaccination, no exceptions, thank you. Here’s how to make your reservation and pay online.




2021 Celebration of Suburban Diversity 


Thank you to our sponsors

Bethpage Logo
RXR Realty
Rechler Philanthropy
Robert B. Catell
Abrams Fensterman Logo
Ascend Long Island Logo
JP Morgan Chase Logo
National Grid Logo
WAC Lighting Logo

Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2019
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury NY

2019 Celebration of Suburban Diversity Banquet 





Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2018
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury NY

View Photos





Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2017
November 14, 2017
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY






Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2016
November 15, 2016
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY





2016 Celebration of Suburban Diversity Essay Contest Winners First Prize

First Prize
Asiya Hassan, 11th Grade
Herricks High School

Second Prize
Yessica Martinez, 10th Grade
Brentwood Ross High School

Third Prize
Na Nguyen, 12th Grade
Valley Stream North High School

Multimedia Essay Prize
Kayla Dixon, 11th Grade
Bay Shore High School

Honorable Mention
Mattea Gravina, 12th Grade
Bay Shore High School

Justin Choi, 10th Grade
Jericho High School

Schuyler Young, 12th Grade
Plainview High School

Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2015
November 11, 2015
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY







Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2014
November 11, 2014
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY







Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2013
November 26, 2013
Long Island Marriott, Uniondale, NY

View Save the Date Flyer [PDF]
View Invitation [PDF]

View Photos

Photo credit: asialee/www.asialeephotography.com


Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2012
March 6, 2013
Long Island Marriott, Uniondale, NY

Celebration of Suburban Diversity

Artwork: Horizons, 2008, Milt Masur, bas relief/collage, overpainted with oil, on panel. From the Collection of Embracing Our Differences, Long Island: A Project of the Suffolk Center on the Holocaust, Diversity & Human Understanding, Inc.

Long Island's multi-cultural diversity is the key to our social and economic survival. Diversity and sustainability go hand in hand.  The ability of people from different  races, religions and regions to live and work together is crucial to our prosperity.  In the spirit of promoting tolerance and understanding, we are proud to hold the fourth annual Celebration of Suburban Diversity banquet which will take place Wednesday, March 6, 2013 at the Long Island Marriott,  Uniondale, NY.

Sponsored by the National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University®, the celebration brings together Long Islanders along the length of the multi-cultural spectrum, as well as the disabilities and gay and lesbian communities. The keynote speaker will be Robert B. Catell, Chairman of the Board of the Advanced Energy Research and Technology Center (AERTC), who will highlight an evening of awards, art work, entertainment and inspirational speakers which will celebrate the strength and opportunities in our differences.

Diversity is everybody's business -- and "good" for everybody's business.  Long Island's new suburbanites are the new students, patrons, customers and entrepreneurs who can revive and sustain our economy. Getting to know one another is essential to all our success. That is why last year's event drew over 500 people and the support of so many major corporations and organizations including Bethpage Federal Credit Union, National Grid USA, Bank of America, Cablevision, Macys, the Horace and Amy Hagedorn Long Island Fund, North Shore-LIJ Health System Foundation, and the Long Island Federation of Labor.

We hope you will follow the example of our distinguished co-chairs and become a sponsor of this special evening. A portion of the funds raised will support diversity and sustainability-related scholarships, research and conferences. Last year's Celebration helped the NCSS to underwrite tens of thousands of dollars worth of internships  and grants to community groups, faculty and students.

Please consider becoming a sponsor. Consult the attached PDFs for available sponsorship opportunities. Checks should be made payable to Hofstra University Diversity Celebration and mailed to NCSS, 250 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549. For additional information, contact Ina Katz at 516-463-9939 or via email.

View Photos

Photos by Asia Lee (www.asialeephotography.com)

4th Annual Celebration of Suburban Diversity - Hofstra University from Gavin Stern on Vimeo.



Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2011
November 17, 2011
Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY

Long Island's multi-cultural diversity is the key to our social and economic survival. The ability of people from different races, religions and regions to live and work together is crucial to our prosperity. In the spirit of promoting tolerance and understanding, We are proud to have held the third annual Celebration of Suburban Diversity banquet which took place Tuesday, November 17, 2011 at Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY.

Sponsored by The National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University®, the celebration brought together Long Islanders along the length of the multi-cultural spectrum, as well as the disabilities and gay and lesbian communities. Keynote speaker Kirk Kordeleski, President and CEO, Bethpage Federal Credit Union, highlighted an evening of awards, art work, entertainment and inspirational speakers which celebrated the strength and opportunities in our differences.

Diversity is everybody's business -- and "good" for everybody's business. Long Island's new suburbanites are the new students, patrons, customers and entrepreneurs who can revive and sustain our economy. Getting to know one another is essential to all our success. That is why last year's event drew over 500 people and the support of so many major corporations and organizations, including National Grid USA, Bank of America, Cablevision, Macys, the Horace and Amy Hagedorn Long Island Fund, North Shore-LIJ Health System Foundation, the Long Island Federation of Labor and the Bethpage Federal Credit Union.

We hope you will follow the example of our distinguished co-chairs and become a sponsor of this special evening. A portion of the funds raised will support diversity-related scholarships, research and conferences. Last year's Celebration helped the NCSS to underwrite tens of thousands of dollars worth of internships, tuition remission, and grants to community groups, faculty and students.

Please consider becoming a sponsor. Consult the attached PDFs for available sponsorship opportunities. Checks should be made payable to Hofstra University Diversity Celebration and mailed to NCSS, 250 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549. For additional information, contact Ina Katz at 516-463-9939 or via email.

View Photos

Photos by Asia Lee (www.asialeephotography.com)



Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2010
October 26, 2010
5:00 – 9:00 P.M.
Crest Hollow Country Club
Woodbury, NY

Long Island’s multi-cultural diversity is the key to our social and economic survival. The ability of people from different races, religions and regions to live and work together is crucial to our prosperity. In the spirit of promoting tolerance and understanding, We are proud to ask you to support the second annual Celebration of Suburban Diversity banquet which will take place Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at Crest Hollow Country Club, Woodbury, NY.

Sponsored by The National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University®, the celebration will bring together Long Islanders along the length of the multi-cultural spectrum, as well as the disabilities and gay and lesbian communities. North Shore-LIJ Health System President and CEO Michael Dowling will highlight an evening of awards, art work, entertainment and inspirational speakers to celebrate the strength and opportunities in our differences.

Diversity is everybody’s business -- and "good" for everybody’s business. Long Island’s new suburbanites are the new students, patrons, customers and entrepreneurs who can revive and sustain our economy. Getting to know one another is essential to all our success. That is why last year’s event drew nearly 500 people and the support of so many major corporations and organizations, including National Grid USA, Bank of America, Cablevision, Capital One, the Horace and Amy Hagedorn Long Island Fund, North Shore-LIJ Health System Foundation, the Long Island Federation of Labor and the Long Island Contractors Association.

We hope you will follow the example of our distinguished co-chairs and become a sponsor of this special evening. A portion of the funds raised will support diversity-related scholarships, research and conferences. Last year’s Celebration helped the NCSS to underwrite tens of thousands of dollars worth of internships, tuition remission, and grants to community groups, faculty and students.

Please join us for this pioneering event. Individual tickets are $250, a table of ten is $2,000. Consult the enclosed sheet for available sponsorship opportunities. Checks should be made payable to Hofstra University Diversity Celebration and mailed to NCSS, 250 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549. For additional information, contact Ina Katz at 516-463-9939 or via email.

View Photos

Celebration of Suburban Diversity 2009
October 22, 2009
6:00 – 10:00PM
Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center
Hofstra University

Long Island's multi-cultural diversity is the key to our social and economic survival. The ability of people from different races, religions and regions to live and work together is crucial to our prosperity. In the spirit of promoting tolerance and understanding, we are proud to ask you to support the first Celebration of Suburban Diversity banquet, Thursday, October 22, at 6 pm at Hofstra University.

See Photos
View Journal

Tied to a major suburban diversity conference, and dedicated to funding scholarships and study, the Celebration will bring together Long Islanders along the length of the multi-cultural spectrum, as well as the disabilities and gay and lesbian communities. Charles Wang will highlight an evening of awards, art work, entertainment and inspirational speakers to celebrate the strength and opportunities in our differences.

In short, diversity is everybody's business -- and "good" for everybody's business. These new suburbanites are the new students, patrons, customers and entrepreneurs who can revive and sustain our economy. Getting to know one another is essential to all our success.

As a leader in the community, we invite you to follow the example of our distinguished co-chairs and become a sponsor of this special evening. A portion of the funds raised will support diversity-related scholarships, research and conferences at Hofstra's renowned National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University®.

We hope you will join us for this pioneering event which will feature an illuminating journal celebrating suburban diversity. Please see the available sponsorship opportunities. Checks should be made payable to Hofstra University Diversity Celebration and mailed to NCSS, 250 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549. For additional information on journal ads, ticket and table purchases, call Ina Katz at 516-463-9939.

$50 for registered conference attendees
$250 for non-registered conference attendees

Sponsorship Packages

"Marvelous Mosaic" $25,000
Name on Gala Invitation and Press Release as Prime Sponsor
Prominent Corporate Banner Display
One VIP Table of Ten
Two Full Gold Page Ads in Gala Journal
$5,000 Dedicated to Named Diversity Scholarship
Role in Scholarship Award Ceremony

"Rainbow" $10,000
Corporate Banner Display, Web Recognition
One VIP Table of Ten
One Full Gold Page Ad in Gala Journal
$2,500 Dedicated to Diversity Scholarship

"Champion of Diversity" $5,000 Recognition as Valued Supporter
One Table of Ten
One Full Silver Page Ad in Gala Journal
$1,000 Dedicated to Diversity Scholarship

"Friend of Diversity" $1,000 Two Seats at Gala
One Full White Page Ad in Gala Journal
$250 Dedicated to a High School Diversity Initiative

Banquet Co-Chairs

Mohinder Singh Taneja
Banquet Founding Co-Chair
Eric Alexander
Vision Long Island
Hon. Michael Balboni
Navigators Global
Robert B. Catell
National Grid
Hon. Jon Cooper
Suffolk County Legislature
Resi Cooper
Cooper Consulting
Matthew T. Crosson Esq.
Long Island Association
Don Dreyer
Disability Rights and Policy
John R. Durso
LI Federation of Labor
Thomas J. Garry Esq.
Jaspan Schlesinger
Marianne Garvin
CDC of Long Island
Arthur A. Gianelli
Nassau Health Care Corp.
Roslyn D. Goldmacher, Esq.
LI Development Corp.
Henry Holley
Henry Holley Group
100 Black Men


John Kominicki
LI Business News
Jeffrey Kraut
North Shore-LIJ Health System
Rich Kruse
Brookhaven IDA
Sarah Lansdale
Sustainable Long Island
Linda Leaf
LI Human Rights Activist
Robert McMillan, Esq.
Bee Ready
Maria Morales-Prieto
The Hispanic Network
Dr. Shakir Mukhi
American Federation of Muslims of Indian Origin
David Ochoa
Christine Conniff Sheahan
Networking Magazine
Rev. Reginald Tuggle
Memorial Presbyterian
Tai Wang
Asian-American Cultural
Festival of Long Island

Youth Committee

Jessica K. Taneja, Esq.
Shelter Rock Strategies


Lawrence C. Levy
Executive Director
The National Center for Suburban Studies at Hofstra University®

Christopher Niedt, Ph.D.
Academic Director, NCSS
Diversity Conference Chair