Hofstra University’s School of Education offers the Work Based Learning Coordinator Advanced Certificate to teachers and eligible candidates working with students to provide structured learning experiences for students. The focus of this work is in assisting students to develop broad, transferable skills for postsecondary education and the workplace. This extension to your teaching certification enables you to place students in a variety of work-based learning activities such as career exploration, internships, cooperative work experience, and community-based work experience programs.
Schools that offers a NYS approved career and technical education program, or are preparing for the Career Development and Occupational Studies commencement credential will want to invest in having a certified Work Based Learning Coordinator at the helm of such a program!
About Our Program
Candidates will patriciate in a fully online, asynchronous, 2-course program that includes paid work experience outside the classroom in tandem with your role, with coursework delivered fully online. Essential components of the program focus on:
- Workforce Readiness
- Advisory Boards
- Career Assessment and Career Plans
- Employability Skills
- Employer’s Memorandum of Agreement
- Student Assessment
Coursework taken will include:
- SED 211 – Work Based Learning: Organization and Structure
- SED 212 – Work Based Learning: Operation and Supervision
New York State Certification
The successful completion of two on-line courses, SED 211 - Work-Based Learning Program: Organization and Structure, (3 s.h.), and SED 212 - Work-Based Learning Program: Operation and Supervision, (3 s.h.), which can be taken in either order, will lead to ONE of the following extensions to a New York state teacher's certification:
- Coordinator of Work-based Learning Programs for Career Awareness – for students with initial/professional certification in any area of Adolescence 7-12, Students with Disabilities 5-9 or 7-12, or provisional/permanent certification in School Counseling
- Coordinator of Work-based Learning Programs for Career Development – for students with initial/professional certification in Family and Consumer Sciences or Business and Marketing Education.
The work based learning certification extension enables educators to place and supervise students in off-campus training and educational sites.