The 42-semester-hour program is designed to prepare students for careers in public health practice and public health research in community, government, and private sector settings. The program emphasizes critical understanding of the determinants of disease and health in populations; research skills; and the theoretical and practical bases for interventions aimed at improving the health of populations. Master of Public Health program faculty develop and strengthen students' analytical, critical thinking, and oral and written communication skills; promote cross-cultural competencies; and provide information literacy and technological skills that prepare students to become successful public health researchers, practitioners, and policymakers, among other related professions.
Hofstra’s MPH program can be completed full-time in as quickly as 13 months. Or, to accommodate full-time professionals, the program may be completed on a part-time basis in less than three years. The program features an innovative instructional model that combines distance learning, hybrid courses, and traditional, classroom-based instruction offered in the fall, spring, and summer.
Public Health, MPH
Loading...Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives
The vision of Hofstra University’s Master of Public Health (MPH) program is for our region to actively develop and maintain sustainable healthy communities and equitable partnerships that link health systems, local governments, community-based organizations, and communities themselves. These partnerships are mutually supportive and foster positive health outcomes for all individuals in the region. People within the communities in our region feel that their voices are heard and that their health needs are respectfully addressed.
The mission of Hofstra University's Master of Public Health program is to educate engaged, committed, socially aware, culturally competent, ethical public health researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to meet society's needs to prevent and ameliorate public health problems locally, nationally, and globally.
The program's goals, addressing instruction, research, and service, are as follows:
Applied Practice Experience and Integrative Learning Experience
The Internship and Integrative Learning Experience courses offer students the opportunity to apply the theories and concepts they are learning to real-life problems. Through these guided initiatives, students develop public health competencies and gain experience in program planning, implementation, evaluation, research, and advocacy.
Applied Practice Experience (APE)
Experiential learning is facilitated through an applied practice experience (MPH 230), thereby maximizing the opportunity for learning and professional growth and development. Students can choose from a variety of exciting internship placements in such settings as health institutions, governmental health agencies, private industry, and community-based advocacy, education, and services organizations.
Selected MPH Internship Sites:
- Community Development Long Island (CDLI)
- Cornell Cooperative Extension of Nassau County
- Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research
- Harmony Healthcare Long Island
- Health and Welfare Council of Long Island (HWCLI)
- Hempstead Housing Authority
- Lenox Hill Hospital
- Long Island Coalition for the Homeless
- Nassau County Dental Association (Give Kids A Smile)
- Nassau County Department of Health – various departments
- Northwell Health – various departments
- NYC Department of Health & Mental Hygiene
- United Way of LI
- WE ACT (West Harlem Environmental Action)
Integrative Learning Experience (ILE)
The MPH Integrative Learning Experience (ILE) requires students to synthesize and integrate the knowledge acquired in coursework and other learning experiences, and to apply theory, research design, analytical, and professional writing skills to a research or advocacy project. Students work with MPH faculty and community-based professionals on an existing research or advocacy project or in designing an original project. As part of the ILE, students complete human subjects ethics training; prepare or modify an IRB proposal; explore the literature; design and/or select data collection instruments; collect, analyze, and interpret data; prepare a research manuscript, report or grant proposal; conduct an oral presentation on findings; and complete a self-assessment.