
Student Resources

AP Credit

Advanced Placement Exams in Calculus and Statistics

We offer credit for advanced placement exams in both calculus and statistics.

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Mathematics Placement

For placement into certain lower-division math courses required for STEM majors (MATH 50, 50C, 61, 61A, or 71), Hofstra University assesses prior learning using ALEKS PPL, a web-based program. ALEKS PPL has three components:

  1. Unproctored Pre-Assessments. You may take unproctored pre-assessments at home to determine your overall readiness for a calculus or precalculus course and to see which areas of mathematics you need to improve on. You should take your pre-assessments honestly, without assistance from other people, textbooks, or websites, to get accurate scores.
  2. Prep for Calculus Module. ALEKS PPL uses your pre-assessment performance to provide you with a personalized Prep for Calculus Learning Module.  Working in the learning module has been shown to help students improve their assessment scores. You must spend a minimum of five hours working in the learning module before taking another assessment.
  3. Proctored Assessment. Your math placement at Hofstra will be based on your score on a proctored assessment. Proctored assessments are offered to incoming students on campus during new Student Orientation (NSO) over the summer and during Welcome Week before the start of Fall classes. Additional sessions are scheduled through the Fall and Spring semesters.

ALEKS PPL can be accessed only through the MyApps section of the Hofstra Portal. (If you have an ALEKS account for another subject, such as Chemistry, you will not be able to access ALEKS PPL through that account.) Any incoming student whose major requires calculus will automatically be provided access to ALEKS PPL. Other students may contact the Center for University Advising if they need access.
To register for a math course, you must either achieve the necessary score on a proctored ALEKS PPL assessment or have prior college credit for the prerequisite course.

  • To register for MATH 71, you need MATH 50 credit or an ALEKS PPL score of 76 or higher
  • To register for MATH 50, you need MATH 6A credit or an ALEKS PPL score of 61 or higher
  • To register for MATH 61 or 61A, you need MATH 6A credit or an ALEKS PPL score of 61 or higher
  • Students who score 60 or lower normally place into MATH 006A.

Students who plan ultimately to take calculus and who earn scores of 55 to 60 may accelerate their math course progress by registering for MATH 50C instead of MATH 006A.


103 Roosevelt Hall

MATH 70C - Computer-Aided Mathematics Collaborative Learning Environment (CAMCLE) is intended for students who withdraw from MATH 71 and who wish to augment their precalculus abilities before reenrolling in MATH 71. The topics covered in this course are fundamental to the study of calculus.

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Math Tutoring Center

The Mathematics Department runs a free virtual tutoring center staffed by undergraduates. No appointment is necessary. Just stop by with your textbook and homework, get to work, and ask your questions as they arise.

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