Current Issue

VOLUME 27 - Fall 2024

The New York Job Market in 2024-2025
by Gregory DeFreitas

Long Island Unions and the 2024 Elections:
A Conversation with the LI Labor Federation Director
by Gregory DeFreitas

Advice to Organizers: Jane McAlevey’s Legacy
by Alan Singer

Are You Really Paid What You’re Worth?
by Kyle Mastroni

Why So Many Prime-Age Men Opt Out of Work
by Christopher Holder

How Can the Labor Movement Be Saved?
by Isaiah Figueroa


Regional Labor Review

Regional Labor Review articles in past issues are listed below, with full article contents (pdf) available for issues published over three years ago. To obtain more recent articles, please order a copy or subscribe (see details in the Subscription section of this site). Articles are stored in the Adobe Acrobat format. If you need a copy of the Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can obtain it for free here. To open or download an article, click on the article title. To search across articles, many options are provided by Google Scholar Advanced Search Page. Until the RLR is searchable through Google Scholar, please use standard Google searches, limiting the search to the domain

2024Spring/SummerImmigration and the Election-Year EconomyGregory DeFreitas
2024Spring/SummerWhy Unions Oppose Single-Payer Health PlansMatthew Adarichev
2024Spring/SummerYouth Economic Prospects and the Decline of Two-Parent FamiliesRyan DiGiacomo
2024Spring/SummerArtificial Intelligence: Harrowing or Hopeful Job Futures?Alexander Chestnut
2024Spring/SummerCan More Collective Bargaining Win Less Pay Inequality?Molly Botros
2023Spring/SummerJob Trends in New York’s Finance & Insurance Sector: From the Great Recession to the COVID-19 PandemicVassilios N. Gargalas and Mario G. Corzo
2023Spring/SummerAnti-Union Companies Are Anti-Worker: A Long Island Guide to Union BustingAlan Singer
2023Spring/SummerA Future of More Democratic Workplaces and Communities?Gertrude Goldberg
2023Spring/SummerLGBTQ+ Activism and the Labor Rights MovementAvery Pflieger
2023Spring/SummerHow Income Inequality Blocks Job and Pay GrowthAmiri Lake
2023Spring/SummerFeminism, Philosophy and Labor Rights: Drucilla Cornellfrom the Editor’s Desk
2022FallThe State of New York Unions 2022Gregory DeFreitas
2022FallJob Market Strengthens in the NY Metro Area, Fall 2022Margo McCormack
2022FallNew Labor Organizing in a New Industry: CannabisGregory DeFreitas
2022FallHow Ordinary People Built Early Gotham and Its WorkforceAlan Singer
2022FallEthical Dilemmas of the Toxic 21st Century WorkplaceJason Hernandez
2022FallUnions and Employers On The Move in 2022Local Labor Snapshots
2022Spring/SummerEconomic Despair, Sickness and Politics of the White Working ClassAlan Singer
2022Spring/SummerEmployers, Unions and the Immigration DebateGeordy Canela
2022Spring/SummerEssential Workers' Pandemic Struggle to "Deliver Justice:" A Conversation with Filmmaker Jing WangGregory DeFreitas
2022Spring/SummerHow Privatization of Public Services Threatens DemocracyWeston Scheck
2022Spring/SummerCareer Delusions and Ludopolitics in the Gaming IndustryAidan Schmidt
2021FallRecovery At Risk: Will Covid and Inflation Stall the Jobs Rebound?Gregory DeFreitas
2021SpringNew York's Post-Pandemic Economy: Will Recovery Reshape Labor Prospects?Gregory DeFreitas
2021SpringWhat Next for Central American Refugees? Undoing the Trump Administration LegacyElise de Castillo
2021SpringRussell Harrison: Work and WordsNeil Donahue
2021SpringIn Search of an Autonomous and Meaningful Work LifeGeorge Caffentzis
2021SpringRevaluing Our Work Inside and Outside the HomeSilvia Federici
2021SpringBattling Bro Culture at UberJessica Devous
2021SpringIf Truth Won’t Out, Break Down the DoorEmma Trombetta
2020FallVirus Economics: An American TragedyRobert Guttmann
2020FallHow the Labor Movement Can Speed New York’s Recovery
A Conversation with NYC Labor Council President Vincent Alvarez
Gregory DeFreitas
2020FallThere is Power in a Union: How I Became a Labor ActivistDrucilla Cornell
2020FallClass, Caste and Race in the U.S.Rachel Horowitz
2020FallConfronting Sexual Harassment in the Corporate WorkforceLauren Sanford
2020FallHow Did a $15 Minimum Wage Become an Achievable Goal?Lennart Seufert
2020Spring/SummerNew York’s Plague Year Economy: Reopening Into Recession or Recovery?Gregory DeFreitas
2020Spring/SummerA Lifetime in Labor Education and Filmmaking: A Conversation with Academy Award Winner Julia ReichertGregory DeFreitas
2020Spring/SummerDignity and Exploitation: Julia Reichert and Steven Bognar’s American FactoryRachel Horowitz
2020Spring/SummerWhat Does the White Working Class Want?Aditya Lodha
2020Spring/SummerHigh-Tech High Jinks, Low-Road EmploymentNicholas Kapoor
2020Spring/SummerHow Male-Biased Design of Jobs and Health Care Endangers Working WomenHailie Donno
2019FallUnion Women Celebrate 44th Annual Summer School at Hofstra 
2019FallMiddle Class Crisis: Blaming the Victims for System FailureSarah Dowd
2019FallA Labor Movement of Social Justice Activism: The Legacy of Hector FigueroaGregory DeFreitas
2019FallNew York’s Earnings SlowdownGregory DeFreitas
2019FallNew York’s New Sexual Harassment Laws: Fixing What Wasn’t Broken in the “Severe or Pervasive Standard”Ian-Paul A. Poulos
2019FallWhy Arts Workers Want Unions: Inside Organizing Wins at MoMA & the GuggenheimMadeleine Disner
2019Spring/SummerRacial Wage Gaps Across Major Metro AreasGregory DeFreitas
2019Spring/SummerLatest Trends in Key Labor Market Indicators: Spring 2019 
2019Spring/SummerEnforcing New York City's New Worker Rights Laws: A Conversation with DCWP Commissioner Lorelei SalasOren Levin-Waldman and Gregory DeFreitas
2019Spring/SummerIs America Fated to a Future of Fast Food Jobs?Lusine Gazeryan
2019Spring/SummerTech Brogrammers Exposed in the #MeToo EraKimberly Lum
2019Spring/SummerOverworked and Underpaid in No-Vacation NationLindsey Parent
2018FallWhy Is Wage Growth So Weak When Unemployment Is So Low?Gregory DeFreitas
2018FallWill Public Sector Unions Survive the Supreme Court's Janus Decision?Karen Fernbach
2018FallRefugees as Employees: Good Retention, Strong RecruitmentDavid Dyssegaard Kallick & Cyierra Roldan
2018FallThe Uberization of Work & Alternative Job FuturesMassoud Fazeli
2018FallLabor Unions and Immigrants Battle Election-Year ChallengesRLR Editors
2018SpringIs New York's Public Sector Workforce Overpaid?Gregory DeFreitas
2018SpringDefending Deportees: A Conversation with Deportation Defense Center Director Emily Torstveit NgaraGregory DeFreitas
2018SpringUnderstanding Recent Minimum Wage IncreasesOren Levin-Waldman
2018SpringDiving Off the Shore of Convention: Jennifer Egan's Manhattan BeachDrucilla Cornell
2017FallThe State of New York Unions 2017Gregory DeFreitas and Bhaswati Sengupta
2017FallInnovation and Institution: A Conversation With Sara Horowitz of The Freelancers' UnionSharryn Kasmir
2017FallAutism Spectrum Disorder in the WorkplaceJenna Wyatt
2017FallThe History of Food and Drink in New YorkKarla Freire
2017FallThe Dark Side of DIYRachel Goldblum
2017SpringNew York Unemployment Near Record Lows, But Are Major Job Sources at Risk?Gregory DeFreitas
2017SpringFeminist Fight Clubs Battle Sexist WorkplacesMarli Delaney
2017SpringImmigration Economics in a Restrictionist EraAlex Hayes
2017SpringWhy Job Applicants Should Not Be Asked About Their Salary HistoryIan-Paul Poulos
2017SpringInside America's Biggest Worker-Owned Company: The Workers' Perspective at CHCANiev Duffy and Gregory DeFreitas
2016FallMillennials in the Long Island Job Market: Underpaid and UnderemployedGregory DeFreitas
2016FallInside America's Biggest Worker-Owned Company: The Management Perspective at CHCANiev Duffy & Gregory DeFreitas
2016FallBlack Youth Joblessness in Urban America: New Findings on a National DisgraceRobert Cherry
2016FallA Future of Hollow Democracy For Jobless Workers?Russell Harrison
2016SpringThe Gender Pay Gap in New York, 1995 to 2013Bhaswati Sengupta
2016SpringNew Labor Organizing Of Low-Paid WorkersSharryn Kasmir
2016SpringCybertarian Struggles in the Gig EconomyRussell Harrison
2016SpringThe Working Class Family in CrisisKevin Kusmierz
2015FallNew York's Lowest Paid Finally Win A RaiseGregory DeFreitas
2015FallBuilding A Labor-Community Movement: Make The Road New YorkWalter Barrientos
2015FallBeyond Pre-Dispute Arbitration Clauses in Employment Contracts: Time For Another LookJanet A. Lenaghan & Martha Weisel
2015FallSuccessful Strategies Against Workplace SexismKeshanti Nandlall
2015FallJob Growth and Displacement in Immigrant BrooklynAnthony Ferrufino
2015SpringLong Island Pay Patterns Since the Great RecessionGregory DeFreitas
2015SpringNew Americans on Long Island – A Vital Fifth of the EconomyDavid Dyssegaard-Kallick
2015SpringWorking Women With Disabilities: 25 Years Since the A.D.A.Carol Boyer
2015SpringAccordion Families, Underemployed YouthZachary Prout
2015SpringNew Technology, Deskilling and Workplace PowerRussell Harrison
2014FallHas the Weak-Wage Recovery Picked Up Pace?Gregory DeFreitas
2014FallWhat Works in Training Low-Income Youth for Good Jobs: A Conversation with YEAR UP NEW YORKRobert Cherry
2014FallNew York Farmworkers Fight for Labor RightsEmma Kreyche, Antonio Valeriano
2014FallWhy Do Women Have a Growing Advantage in College Success?Emily Yonan
2014FallInvisible Workers, Essential WorkBen Jablon
2014FallHow Habits Hone Consumer and Employee BehaviorJenna Wyatt
2014SpringJob Growth Without Pay GrowthGregory DeFreitas
2014SpringWorker Cooperatives in New York City: A Model for Addressing Income InequalityNoah Franklin, Chirag Bhatt, Fangye Zhao
2014SpringWho Earns Minimum Wage in New York?Oren Levin-Waldman
2014SpringSex, Drugs & Sociology in the Underground EconomyMichael Daniell
2014SpringTasteless Tomatoes & Slave Labor in Florida's Factory FarmsIan-Paul Poulos
2013FallFast-Food Strikes, Union Lockouts and Labor Policy Debates: Snapshots of Local Labor ActivitiesRLR Editors
2013FallThe Coming Revolution in Employee-Owned EnterprisesLuke Middleton
2013FallLong-Term Unemployment During and After the Great RecessionOren Levin-Waldman
2013FallAn Economy Flying Into Political HeadwindsGregory DeFreitas
2013FallCombatting Rampant Wage Theft on Long Island: A Conversation with Its Chief Labor Law EnforcerGregory DeFreitas
2013FallLabor Unions in Decline: Irrelevance, Homicide or Suicide?June Zaccone
2013SpringIs The Middle Class Crumbling Into The Working Poor?Russell Harrison
2013SpringThe Great Recession and Civic Activism in New YorkOren Levin-Waldman
2013SpringCan Student Workers Organize a Global Corporate University? A Conversation with the UAW's Maida RosensteinPaul Ryan & Gregory DeFreitas
2013SpringUnions and Party Politics on Long IslandLillian Dudkiewicz-Clayman
2013SpringJob Growth and Pay AusterityGregory DeFreitas
2012FallAre Most Lawyers Doomed To Become Temps?Martha Weisel
2012FallLawyering For Labor in an Anti-Union Era A Conversation with Beth MargolisConrad Herold & Gregory DeFreitas
2012FallIncome Inequality and Civic Participation In the New York City Metro AreaOren Levin-Waldman
2012FallThe State of New York Unions 2012Gregory DeFreitas & Bhaswati Sengupta
2012SpringNew York Regains Jobs, But Not Wage GrowthGregory DeFreitas
2012SpringAmerica's Working Class Majority: Continuity and ChangeMichael Zweig
2012SpringLong Island Unions, Economic Development, And the Fight for Middle-Class Jobs: A Conversation with Labor Federation President John DursoNiev Duffy & Gregory DeFreitas
2012SpringMaking Trouble in the Workplace and the NovelRussel Harrison
2012SpringOccupy Wall Street and Workers Rights Movements: Snapshots of Local Labor Activities, 2011-2012RLR Editors
2011FallAn Economy on the Edge: Fragile Recovery or Recessionary Relapse?Gregory DeFreitas and Bhaswati Sengupta
2011FallLatest Trends in Key Labor Market IndicatorsBhaswati Sengupta
2011FallJobs and Training for the Hard-Core Unemployed – Project STRIVE At 25: A Conversation with STRIVE CEO Rob CarmonaInterview by Gregory DeFreitas
2011FallArts of Work: Making Sense of Films About Working People and Their JobsAlan Clardy
2011Fall"Stayin' Alive" vs. "Getting Ahead" TodayBook Review, by Russell Harrison
2011SpringThe Slow-Motion Recovery Bypasses Many New YorkersGregory DeFreitas
2011SpringTeachers Confront the Assault on Public Sector WorkersAlan Singer
2011SpringPersistent Polarization in New York's WorkforceTarry Hum
2011SpringLatest Trends in Key Labor Market Indicators: Spring 2011Bhaswati Sengupta
2011SpringBook Review: Dockworkers, Filmmakers and the NY WaterfrontLouis Kern
2011SpringWorking Women's Fight for Labor Rights: 1911 and 2011RLR Editors
2010FallJob Growth and Pay Declines in New York and NationwideGregory DeFreitas
2010FallImmigration’s Impacts on the Long Island EconomyDavid Dyssegaard Kallick
2010FallCan Worker Coops Save American Manufacturing?Sharryn Kasmir
2010 FallLatest Trends in Key Labor Market Indicators: Fall 2010Bhaswati Sengupta
2010 FallBook Review: Power, Protests and Public SchoolsAlan Singer
2010    SpringRecovery Hopes and Recession Realities Gregory DeFreitas
2010    SpringLow-Wage Immigrant Organizing on Long IslandGregory Maney
2010    SpringHigher Education, but Lower PayRussell Harrison
2010    SpringLatest Trends in Key Labor Market Indicators: Spring 2010Bhaswati Sengupta
2010    SpringMaking Sense of Economic Crisis & Popular MovementsRLR Editors
2009FallJob and Immigration Trends in New York’s Largest Borough: Foreign-Born Female Labor Force of Queens, 1996–2009Bhaswati Sengupta
2009FallSafety First: NYCOSH’s 30-Year Campaign: A Conversation with Executive Director Joel ShufroVernon Mogensen
2009FallThe Employee Free Choice Act: The Biggest Change in Labor Law in 60 YearsRobert Quinn
John Leschak
2009FallBook Review: Out From the Shadows: Class and Labor in Film NoirDavid Friedkin
2009FallJobs, Housing and Urban Development in Brooklyn: The Atlantic Yards Controversy: CorrespondenceLee Zimmerman
2009FallLatest Trends in Key Labor Market Indicators: 2008Bhaswati Sengupta
2009SpringPreview – RLR Begins Its Second DecadeGregory DeFreitas
2009SpringAt the Epicenter of an Economic Earthquake: New York Confronts the Great RecessionGregory DeFreitas
2009SpringLatest Trends in Key Labor Market Indicators: 2008Bhaswati Sengupta
2009SpringACORN’s Fair Housing Fight in Working Class Communities: A Conversation with ACORN CEO Bertha LewisNiev Duffy
2009SpringThe Broad Benefits of a Higher Minimum Wage: Interstate Impacts along Wage ContoursOren Levin Waldman
2009SpringBook Review: Slave Labor in the Modern American EconomyRussell Harrison
2009SpringConstruction Workers Can Police Industry For Safety: CorrespondenceHerman Benson
2009SpringSnapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2008RLR Editors
2008FallThe Gender Pay Gap in New York City and Long Island: 1986–2006Bhaswati Sengupta
2008FallNew Community Organizing of Low-Wage Workers: A Conversation with Andrew Friedman of Make the Road New YorkSharryn Kasmir
2008FallDeconstructing OSHA: The Case of ConstructionVernon Mogensen
2008FallFood Prices Soar As Farmworkers Suffer:Agribusiness, Government and the Denial of Farm Labor RightsJohn Leschak
2008FallBook Review: New Hires, Job Tests and Commercial BrainwashingRussell Harrison
2008SpringDeregulation, Bailouts and Job Loss: The Century’s Second Supply-Side SlumpGregory DeFreitas
2008SpringRival Pay and Benefit Strategies in Mass-Market Retail The “Costco Model” vs. the “Wal-Mart Way”Sharryn Kasmir
2008SpringCan Undocumented Immigrants Have US Work Rights The Hoffman Decision and New Forms of Labor PowerSamuel A. Butler
2008SpringThe Philosopher of Hope and Social Justice Remembering Richard RortyDrucilla Cornell
2008SpringBook Review:The Contested Terrain of Working Class LiteratureRussell Harrison
2007FallThe State of New York Unions 2007Gregory DeFreitas & Bhaswati Sengupta
2007FallJob Satisfaction and Employee Loyalty in a Global Corporation: People Strategy at PricewaterhouseCoopersJanet Lenaghan
2007FallProtection Against Pay Discrimination: Overcoming the Supreme Court’s Ledbetter RulinDeborah L. Brake & Joanna L. Grossman
2007FallBook Review: Dangerous Work: Risky Jobs in Labor LiteratureRussell Harrison
2007FallFilm Review: Career Success at What Cost? Work vs. Personal Life in The Devil Wears PradaRafal Cebula & Debra Comer
2007SpringWill New York's Recovery Stall in a National Economic Downshift?Gregory DeFreitas, Bhaswati Sengupta
2007SpringProtecting Human Rights in a Global Economy: Government Responses to Day Labor MarketsGregory Maney,
2007SpringNew Union Initiatives on Job Creation and Affordable Housing: A Conversation with the AFL-CIO's Roger ClaymanRachel Kreier
2007SpringThe Future of Work: New Thinking on More Humane Possibilities; Book Review of Labor of Fire, by Bruno GulliAnne O'Byrne
2007SpringHollywood's Take on the Working-Class Writer; Film Review of: Factotum, directed by Bent HamerRussell Harrison
2007SpringSnapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2006RLR Editors
2006FallAnxious Anniversary: Is Recession Stalking the 5-Year-Old Recovery?Gregory DeFreitas
2006FallKeeping Coverage: A Public-Private Health Insurance Model For Low-Wage WorkersRichard Winsten, Michael Hirsch
2006FallCan Construction Unions Organize New Immigrants? A Conversation with the Carpenters' Tony MartinezGregory DeFreitas
2006FallPay or Play: Why Youth Work in the United StatesYasemin Besen
2006FallWhat Really Caused New York's Deadliest Factory Tragedy? Book Review of: Triangle, by David Von DrehleLouis Kern
2006FallThe Middle-Class Professional At Risk; Book Review of: Bait and Switch, by B. EhrenreichRussell Harrison
2006SpringBenefits Battles and Budget Cuts in a Weak Job MarketGregory DeFreitas
2006SpringThe Wal-Mart Challenge to Union Organizing: Interview with UFCW Organizer Carlos RamosNiev Duffy
2006SpringUnion Summer Ends and Labor's New Season BeginsRosemary Fantozzi
2006SpringBlue-Collar Brains: Minds in Motion on the Manual Job Front; Book Review of: The Mind At Work, by Mike RoseMathew Bodie
2006SpringClass, Crime and Politics in New York's Construction; Book Review of: Empire Rising, by Thomas KellyRussell Harrison
2006SpringBook Review: Misbehavior and Dysfunctional Attitudes in Organizations, ed. by A. Sagie, S. Stashevsky, M. KoslowskyMauritz D. Blonder
2006SpringFilm Review: The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit & PowerPratima Bansal,
2006SpringSnapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2005RLR Editors
2005FallUnemployment Falls, Inequality Rises: New York's Uneven RecoveryGregory DeFreitas
2005FallUnion Organizing among Low-Wage Suburban Immigrants A New Series of Interviews with Union OrganizersNiev Duffy
2005FallHow Important is the Minimum Wage? Wage Contours and Job ImpactsOren Levin-Waldman
2005FallJob and Business Growth Among New Migrants: Rising Self-Employment in New York CityJonathan A. Schwabish, Jane E. Lynch
2005FallBook Review: Living Labour: Life on the Line at Peugeot France, by J-P. Durand and N. HatzfeldJanet Lenaghan
2005SpringThe Roller Coaster Transformation of a Creative EconomySamuel Ehrenhalt
2005SpringNew York's Youth Employment Problems and Policies: A Conversation with the NYC Commissioner of YouthGregory DeFreitas
2005SpringImmigration Grows to Half of New York's Labor ForceTarry Hum
2005SpringRetirement Benefits in an Unstable Employment Era: Harry Van Arsdale and the First American PensionsMark Glenn Eskenazi
2005SpringBook Review: Working Together, by Cynthia EstlundGrant Hayden
2005SpringSnapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2004RLR Editors
2004FallOrganizing and Identity in the New York City Workfare ProgramBenjamin Dulchin, Sharryn Kasmir
2004FallBrooklyn's Changing Role in the New York Labor MarketRebecca Busansky
2004FallProfessors on Picket Lines: Faculty Unions Confront New Job PressuresGregory DeFreitas
2004FallBook Review: Take Back Your Time: Fighting Overwork and Time Poverty in America, ed. by John de GraafJeff Brice, Jr
2004FallBook Review: The Cheating Culture, by David CallahanDebra Comer
2004SpringJob Deficits Deepen as Budget Deficits Explode: A Brief Guide to the Current Labor Market RecessionGregory DeFreitas
2004SpringThe Story Behind New York City's Greengrocer Code of Conduct: A Conversation with Patricia SmithMathew Bodie
2004SpringNewYorkTitlan: A Socioeconomic Profile of Mexican New YorkersFrancisco Rivera-Batiz
2004SpringProfessors on Strike and Immigrants on the March Snapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2003RLR Editors
2003FallProfits and Productivity Up, Jobs and Wages Down: Mixed Prospects in a Jobloss RecoveryGregory DeFreitas
2003FallFighting for Basic Human Rights in the Workplace: Lewis Maltby and the National Workrights InstituteJames M. Maloney
2003FallThe Supreme Court's 2003 Employment Rulings: Surprising Gains for Workers and WomenJoanna L. Grossman
2003FallNontraditional Organizing of University and Museum Employees: Interview with the UAW's Maida RosensteinGeraldine Casey
2003FallDoes Saving Bernice Mean She Gets Nickel and Dimed? The Two Sides of the Welfare to Work DebateRobert Cherry
2003SpringJobless Recovery, Fiscal Crisis and Anti-Labor PoliciesGregory DeFreitas
2003SpringA Vision of Social Unionism: A Conversation with Artemio GuerraSharryn Kasmir
2003SpringLabor Relations in the New Century: An Interview with New York NLRB Director Celeste MattinaMathew Bodie
2003SpringBook Review: Working in America: Blueprint for a New Labor Market, by Paul Osterman, J. Kern
2003SpringBook Review: Nickel and Dimed: On Not Getting By in America by Barbara Ehrenreich.Vernon Mogensen
2003SpringSnapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2002RLR Editors
2002FallGlobal Tension, Local Recession and Recovery Prospects: New York's Economy One Year LaterGregory DeFreitas
2002FallConfronting Contingent Work Abuse in High Tech and Low-Tech JobsC. Ruckelshaus,
2002FallWhy New York Workers Lost Ground in the 1990sMoshe Adler
2002FallA Partial Legal Victory Against Continuing Discrimination: Amtrak v. MorganJoanna L. Grossman
2002FallBook Review: Age Discrimination by Employers, by Kerry SegraveGrant Hayden
2002SpringRecession and Rebuilding in the New York EconomyGregory DeFreitas
2002SpringNew Organizing and Social Unionism in Manufacturing: An Interview with U.N.I.T.E.'s President, Bruce RaynorGregory DeFreitas
2002SpringThe Coming Health Care Crisis for New York ParentsNiev Duffy
2002SpringWomen's Labor Rights Rulings in 2001: A Mixed BagJoanna L. Grossman
2002SpringBook Review: Immigrant Women Take on the Global Factory, by Miriam Ching Youn LouwieAnne O'Byrne
2002SpringNew York's Workers Respond to Crisis: Snapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2001RLR Editors
2001FallEconomic Ills, Uneven Impacts & New Wage BattlesGregory DeFreitas
2001FallThe Growing Threat of Rogue Unions to the AFL-CIONiev Duffy
2001FallInside the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Interview with Spencer Lewis, New York's EEOC DirectorMarc Lee
2001FallCan Unions Win at Region-wide Low-wage Organizing? A Talk with Hector Figueroa of "Justice for Janitors"Gregory DeFreitas
2001FallWhy Income Inequality is Worsening in New York CityOren Levin-Waldman
2001FallBook Review: From Ellis Island to JFK: New York's Two Great Waves of Immigration, by Nancy FonerSharryn Kasmir
2001SpringWill New York's Job Growth Crash in a National Slump?Gregory DeFreitas
2001SpringLatino Women Organizing Immigrant Workers An Interview with UNITY Housekeepers CooperativeDrucilla Cornell
2001SpringBuilding a Ladder to Jobs and Higher Wages Working GroupNYC Low-Wage
2001SpringBook Review: Working Class New York: Life and Labor Since World War II, by Joshua FreemanVernon Mogenson
2001SpringSnapshots of Local Labor Activities in 2000RLR Editors
2000FallAmerica's Working Class Majority Exclusive Excerpt of a New BookMichael Zweig
2000FallLabor Market Conditions and Election 2000Gregory DeFreitas
2000FallWhy Manufacturing Still Matters to New York City: An Interview with Adam FriedmanAlice Meaker
2000FallIs "Comparable Worth" Worth It? The Potential Effects of Pay Equity PolicyHeather Boushey
2000FallBook Review: Gotham Unbound: How New York City was Liberated from Organized Crime, by James Jacobs, et. al.Louis J. Kern
2000SpringThe Boom Breaks Records - but So Does InequalityGregory DeFreitas
2000SpringPrivatization: You Don't Always Get What You Pay For Exclusive Excerpt of a New BookElliott Sclar
2000SpringRace, Labor and the Law: An Interview with Patricia J. WilliamsDrucilla Cornell
2000SpringPolice Fraternity and the Politics of Race and Class in NYC, 1941-60Andrew Darien
2000SpringBook Review: Latinos in New York: Communities in Transition, by Gabriel Haslip-Viera and Sherrie BaversJames Wiley
2000SpringSnapshots of Local Labor Activities in 1999RLR Editors
1999FallJob Growth and Wage Trends at Mid-Year 1999Gregory DeFreitas, Lonnie Stevans
1999FallRecent Trends in the Gender Pay Gap in New York City & Long IslandNiev Duffy
1999FallHuman Rights, Foreign Workers and American Unions: An Interview with Charles KernaghanGregory DeFreitas
1999FallBook Review: From the Ashes of the Old: American Labor And America's Future, by Stanley AronowitzVernon Mogensen
1999SpringRegional Job Growth and Wage Trends in 1998Gregory DeFreitas, Lonnie Stevans
1999SpringTrends in Wages, Employment and Economic Attitudes: New Findings from the Hofstra/Newsday PollLonnie Stevans
1999SpringA New Union Movement for the New Economy: Interview with Jose Alvarez, AFL-CIO Regional DirectorGregory DeFreitas
1999SpringGlued to the Tube: Labor's Unlikely Victory for Computer Safety Suffolk CountyVernon Mogensen
1999SpringBook Review: American Dreaming: Immigrant Life on the Margins, by Sarah MahlerSharryn Kasmir, Lisa Beneventano
1998FallPreview: Regional Labor ReviewGregory DeFreitas
1998FallRegional Job Growth and Wage Trends through Mid-Year 1998Gregory DeFreitas, Lonnie Stevans
1998FallThe High Rate of Multiple Jobholding: Overworked and Underpaid?Lonnie Stevans
1998FallOrganizing the Underground Immigrant Labor Force: Interview with Jennifer Gordon, The Workplace ProjectSharryn Kasmir
1998FallLong Island's Ailing Health Care BenefitsNiev Duffy
1998FallLong Island Labor: Constraints, Opportunities, And New StrategiesMarc Silver
1998FallBook Review: Still the Promised City? African Americans and New Immigrants In Post-Industrial New York. by Roger WaldingerGregory DeFreitas

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