Golf is the sport where you strike a tiny ball with a narrow stick to send it to a certain location, while avoiding rough terrain of all kinds, to have it drop into a cup scarcely larger than the ball itself. Doesn’t sound so easy, right? It’s not! But that difficulty is what makes mastering this sport one of the most impressive athletic feats. Our summer golf camp will help campers develop the techniques of building a swing, driving, using long and short irons, chipping, putting, and sand play (for those times when the terrain gets the better of you). As players advance, they’ll learn more about swing development and course management, including understanding target, direction, and distance control. Participants will learn the rules, etiquette, and values of the game from a knowledgeable staff including professional golf players on special Hofstra University fields designed specifically for golf. There’s no better way to learn to get your swing on!
Note: There is a $50 surcharge per session for additional materials and staff requirements.
Schedule: Half the day consists of Golf. For the other half of the day, your child is placed in a recreation group of 8-10 campers in of the same grade and gender where all campers enjoy lunch, instructional swim and recreational sports.