General Information
- Classroom Locations
- Parking
- Library Privileges
- Forms
- Student Advising
- Discipline and Student Conduct
- Cell Phone Usage
- Weather Emergency
- Hofstra University Bookstore
- Questions?
- Disclaimer
Classroom Locations
The location of your classroom will be listed on the schedule and e-mail Confirmations are sent prior to the start of classes. Classroom locations for Hofstra CE classes can also be viewed at Classroom locations are subject to change; please refer to the above web page for the most up-to-date classroom assignments.
There are no parking restrictions after 5 p.m. However, before 5 p.m., Hofstra CE students must observe the University’s parking lot restrictions. Parking restrictions can be found on the Hofstra University Public Safety website
Library Privileges
As a Hofstra CE student, you'll enjoy special, semester-long privileges at Hofstra's Axinn Library. You can use library materials in the library (without taking them out) for free. You can also borrow books for a $25/semester fee, which entitles you to many of the same library privileges as Hofstra's credit students, except inter-library loan and CD-ROM usage. (If you have overdue books, library privileges are revoked until they are returned and the fines are paid.) Call (516) 463-5952 for more information.
Forms mentioned on the Hofstra CE website are available at
Student Advising
The Hofstra CE Program Directors and Student Services staff are available to assist you in deciding which program or course(s) will best meet your educational and professional goals. For advisement contact Hofstra CE offices at (516) 463-7200.
Discipline and Student Conduct
I understand and agree that my child will comply with the University's rules, standards and instructions. I understand that the University and its agents and employees have the right to enforce its standards and may at any time terminate my child's participation in Camp for failure to maintain these standards or for any conduct which the University or its agents consider to be incompatible with the interest and welfare of the other Campers or the University. I understand that I will not be entitled to any refund if my child’s participation in Camp is terminated as described in this paragraph. Please review the Policy on Student Conduct.
Cell Phone Usage - Adult Programs
Students are NOT permitted to utilize their cell phone during program activities.
Cell Phone Usage - Youth Programs
Students are NOT permitted to utilize their cell phone during program activities. Instructors and/or Counselors will request child/camper to be removed from the program and their parent/legal guardian will be notified if this policy is not adhered to. No refunds and/or credits will be issued if a student is removed from any program due to a violation of this policy.
Weather Emergency
Hofstra CE may cancel courses due to a weather emergency, even when Hofstra University remains open. Call the Hofstra CE offices at (516) 463-7200, Public Safety at (516) 463-6606, or Hofstra's Weather Hotline at (516) 463-SNOW, to get accurate information.
Hofstra University Bookstore
Located in the Student Center, the Bookstore stocks all required course materials as well as Hofstra apparel, gifts, sundries, office supplies, magazines, candy/snacks and greeting cards. Textbooks can be ordered online at The Post Office, selling stamps, money orders and for package pickup is located outside the Bookstore on the Lower Level. Hours for the Bookstore and Post Office vary. Please check our website at or call us at (516) 463-6654.
If you have any questions or concerns please email us at or call us at (516) 463-7200.
Information contained within this publication, including schedules, tuition and fees, is subject to change without notice at the sole discretion of Continuing Education. For the most up-to-date information, please visit the Hofstra CE website at The University is not responsible for errors or omissions contained in this publication.