FAQ – Youth Academy
When are classes offered?
Classes are offered in four semesters throughout the year:
- Fall: October-December—8 sessions
- Winter: January-February—6 sessions
- Spring: March-May—8 sessions
- Summer: July-August—6 sessions
Our classes take place on Hofstra University’s campus.
Are discounts available?
We offer an early rate discount of $25 per course when you register at least two weeks prior to the start of classes.
Who are the teachers?
All of our instructors are NYS certified teachers or professionals in their field.
Can my child take more than one class on the same day?
Yes, it just depends on the time of the classes.
If my child takes more than one class, how will they get from one location to another?
Staff is assigned to move students between classes. However, there are three places where staff is not available: the pool, tennis courts and the Oak Street Center. If your child takes a class in these locations, a parent or guardian needs to bring them to the second class.
Should I wait on campus while my child attends class?
Classes are drop-off so feel free to leave and come back to pick up your child at the end of their session. If you prefer to wait on campus, there are two dining locations available.
If my child misses class are there make-ups available?
Unfortunately, we do not provide make-up classes for absent students. The teacher will put aside any work they missed for when they return.
What supplies does my child need?
Our staff provides all materials. If your child is taking an academic course—for example, reading, writing or math—it is helpful if they come with a notebook and a pen/pencil.
What is the average class size?
Depending on enrollment, it ranges from 5 to 15 students.
Is parking available?
There are no University parking restrictions on Saturdays and we have many parking fields available.
What is the last day to register?
We accept registrations until the first day of classes, providing the class still contains spots.
How do I register?
- Online at ce.hofstra.edu/scyp
- By phone, call 516-463-7400 or 516-463-7200 or fax registration form to 516-463-6114.
- Or mail your registration form to 255 Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY 11549.