Saturday Classes for Young People - Arts
Has your school district eliminated Art and Music? Do you want to encourage your daughter's musical talent? Does your son need an artistic outlet? Does your grandchild have a flair for the dramatic? Would you like your children to combine their creativity with learning computer skills? If so, they can benefit from the diverse arts instruction available at Hofstra's Saturday Classes for Young People. Children grades K - 12 attend classes taught by NYS certified teachers in the subjects of Cartooning, Digital Media, Performing Arts, and Studio Arts. Small student-to-teacher ratios transform our classrooms, theater, studios, and state-of-the-art computer labs into learning environments that encourage imagination and self-expression. Your children will look forward to Hofstra's Saturday Classes!

Quick Links: STEM/STEAM Institute | Game Builders Academy | Academics | Athletics | Gifted | Youth Home
Winter Courses: Writing, Arithmetic Reading, and More - Get Details on our W.A.R.M. Classes
Summer Courses: Summer University for Reviewing Fundamentals - Get Details on our S.U.R.F. Classes
Saturday Classes Arts Categories: