Academic Excellence

Tutoring Resources

Tutoring Resources for Undergraduate Students

At Hofstra, several departments on campus offer free tutoring support to undergraduate students. Below is a list of available tutoring services by discipline and their corresponding department’s contact information for more details.

Note: This information is subject to change. Please check with your course instructor for additional information on available resources. 

Biology Group (Undergraduate Tutorial Program):

Offers a schedule of weekly tutoring hours for gateway courses including BIOL 111, 112, and 113. 

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Business (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers tutoring by appointment for a variety of core business classes.

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campuss

Phone: 516-463-4002


Chemistry Group (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers a schedule of weekly tutoring hours for gateway courses including CHEM 003, 004, 131, 132, and 137. 

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Computer Science Department

Offers a schedule of weekly tutoring hours for various CSC courses.

Location: Science and Innovation Center, Room 226, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-5555

Engineering Department

Offers a schedule of weekly tutoring hours for various ENGG courses.

Location: Adams Hall, Room 100 (Student Lounge/Tutoring Center), South Campus

Phone: 516-463-5544

Foreign Languages (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers tutoring by appointment for languages including Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, and Spanish.

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Geology, Environment, and Sustainability Department

Offers a schedule of weekly tutoring hours for GEOL 001. 

Location: Gittleson Hall, Room 161, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-5564

Health Sciences (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers tutoring by appointment for HSCI 103, 105, and 106. 

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Math Tutoring Center

Offers a schedule of weekly tutoring hours for various MATH courses.

Location: Roosevelt Hall, Room 301, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-5570


Music Theory (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers tutoring by appointment for various music theory courses. 

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Physics/Astronomy Group (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers a schedule of weekly tutoring hours for gateway courses including ASTR 011, 012, PHYS 001, 002, 011, and 012. 

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Social Sciences (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers tutoring by appointment for a variety of introductory social sciences courses in the disciplines of Philosophy, Political Science, and Psychology. 

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences (Undergraduate Tutorial Program)

Offers tutoring by appointment for various SPCH courses.

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Undergraduate Tutorial Program

Offers group tutoring for gateway courses in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Astronomy. Also offers tutoring by appointment for a variety of other courses in Business, Foreign Languages, Health Sciences, Music, Philosophy, Political Science, Psychology, and Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences. 

Location: Axinn Library, 3rd Floor, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4002


Writing Center

Offers tutoring by appointment to assist students in the writing process. 

Location: Mason Hall, Room 102, South Campus

Phone: 516-463-4908


Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I use tutoring? 

Utilizing tutoring in college is a proactive way to stay on top of your coursework and structure your out-of-class learning. Tutors can help you work through challenges you may experience with content and may offer effective ways to study. Through tutoring, you can connect with other students at Hofstra. Plus, it's free!

How do I access tutoring? 

Tutoring schedules typically open during the second or third week of the semester. Some programs post drop-in hours in Canvas, and others may require you to use a scheduling app, like Navigate. You should check in with the appropriate department/program listed above for more details.

When is tutoring offered? 

Times can vary, but typically tutoring hours are available during the weekdays and end by 8:00 p.m. Many students attend tutoring in between classes. Some tutoring hours may take place online via Zoom.

What should I expect from a tutoring session? 

Students who are most successful utilize tutoring early and engage frequently before major challenges arise. You should always come to tutoring sessions prepared with your course materials. You should have already attempted your work or reviewed the information from class so you can ask tutors specific questions. If you are attending group tutoring sessions, the tutors will likely ask you to engage and make connections with other students in the room. This allows you to hear different perspectives and approaches to the material. Working with other students in tutoring can also help you to form study groups later on.

How often can I use tutoring? 

Each department will have their own policies on how often students can use their tutoring services. Additionally, as a Hofstra student you are always expected to adhere to Hofstra’s Community Guidelines and Academic Honesty policies. Failing to do so may result in losing access to the free tutoring resources available.

What if I don’t see tutoring available for my course? 

Students are encouraged to connect with their instructor to discuss whether other resources are available. We also highly recommend connecting with classmates to form study groups.