About Us
EdTech provides leadership and expertise in the use of innovative learning tools, instructional techniques, and course design to support faculty in teaching, learning, research, and scholarship. EdTech partners with faculty to develop and sustain campus conversations based on national and international higher education innovations and research-based practices.
EdTech supports faculty by:
Consulting on the adoption of instructional technology or research-related tools;
Providing opportunities to learn about current and emerging instructional technologies through workshops and individual consultations;
Collaborating on the development of fully online courses and other forms of instructional artifacts; and
Coordinating on the design of specialized facilities, support services, and other resources to enhance teaching, learning, and research.
Quick Links
Throughout the academic year, EdTech hosts workshops and webinars for faculty on a variety of topics. Below are some of the topics of our workshops:

Online Teaching Workshop (Distance Learning Training)
The Online Teaching Workshop is a fully asynchronous online course in Canvas that offers guides for developing and facilitating online courses. Over the course of five modules, participants will learn about best practices for structuring online courses, share techniques for teaching, and discover the robust tools available for teaching online, remote, or hybrid courses. Topics include: developing online activities and assessments, inclusive teaching strategies, faculty presence and highlighting digital teaching tools to support online teaching and learning.
The entire course takes approximately five hours to complete on your own. Each module includes an individual assignment based on your own teaching and a discussion activity that allows you to connect with your peers across the University.

Hybrid and Online Teaching Resources
This course site contains a bevy of useful tutorials, faculty-led and EdTech webinar recordings, UDL, and other course design resources.
Canvas Tutorials for Faculty
- Overview of Canvas
- Storing and Organizing Course Files
- Adding Modules and Content
- Setting up the Syllabus
- Creating Announcements
- Assignments Overview
- Using Discussions
- How to Create and Set Up a Test
- Setting Up Groups
- Gradebook Overview
- Using the Speedgrader and Rubrics
- Viewing Learner Analytics
- How to Publish a Course
Need help with Canvas? Call the Canvas Support Hotline: (877) 241-4253 (24/7)
Request a New Digital Tool
Submit a request for a new digital tool here.

ITS Knowledgebase
Looking for a technical tutorial or guide?
Search for a technology resource
Online Teaching LibGuide
This guide provides access to ebooks and web-based resources to inform and enhance your online teaching.
Supported Learning Technologies
- Canvas (Learning Management System)
- Gradescope
- Kaltura
- Microsoft 365
- Qualtrics
- Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus Monitor
- Turnitin
- VoiceThread
- WordPress
- Zoom
Resources for Generative AI in Teaching and Learning
Frequently Asked Questions
How can a faculty member/teaching assistant/peer teacher be added to my course site(s)?
Please fill out this form to request new enrollments in your course. The Provost Office will review your request. Once approved, the requested users will be enrolled.
Please be sure to specify the role you’d like to assign the new user:
- Peer Teacher – Users with this role can communicate with students, upload content, and organize materials in Canvas as directed by faculty. They cannot view or enter grades.
- Teaching Assistant (TA) – Users with this role can communicate with students, upload content, and organize materials in Canvas as directed by faculty. They can view and enter grades.
How are students added to my course site(s)?
Students are automatically populated in your course sites based on their enrollment through Banner. Students who enroll late will be automatically added to the course sites. Course site student enrollments are updated multiple times throughout the day.
How do I cross-list course site(s)?
Cross-listing affects faculty load reports, so approval is needed from either a chair or dean. If they approve, they can email registrar@hofstra.edu with the course details (name and course ID) and request the courses be cross-listed. Once cross-listed, all enrollments will be merged into the section listed first alphabetically.
Staff Members

Clarissa Shenocker
Instructional Technologist
McEwen Hall 0200B
*fully remote employee
Contact EdTech
Get Help
For general technical questions, please contact the ITS Service Desk by email or call 516-463-7777.