Through the study of history, you'll acquire the skills in critical analysis and communication crucial for professional success, as well as the knowledge you need as a citizen.
About the Department
In the Classroom
Our Programs
There are a number of reasons why you should study history. Our department offers a Bachelor of Arts and minor in History, and a wide array of courses.

At Hofstra
The Student Experience
In the Department of History, you'll have access to the resources and opportunities you need to enhance and extend your education.

Your Future
Career Potential
History majors in our department have pursued successful careers in many fields including business, education, law, and politics.

About the Department
The Department of History at Hofstra University offers a wide variety of courses on the history of the United States, Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, from ancient and medieval times to the 21st century.
Our Offices
301 Shapiro Family Hall
Office Hours:
Monday - Friday
9 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Department Secretary
Mary Rose Sinacori
Department Chair
Dr. Sally Charnow
301A Shapiro Family Hall
Hempstead, NY 11549
Phone: 516-463-5609
Adviser, Phi Alpha Theta Honor Society
Dr. Stanislao Pugliese
307 Shapiro Family Hall