Alumni and Friends

Parent Fund

Hofstra's Parent Fund

Parents* of current and former Hofstra students are part of the Pride Family now and forever. There are many ways you can support our students through our Parent Fund and its Committee.

Parents, students, Kate, Willie
Parent, student
Parents, student, Enterprise Hall
  • Make a meaningful gift to our unrestricted fund or designate your gift (to a particular school or program, Athletics or the Arts, scholarships, etc.)
  • Provide opportunities for students through internships and career fair participation, or be a guest speaker at an upcoming event. 
  • Ask your company how they might support the students of Hofstra through grants, experiential learning opportunities, or through matching gifts.
  • Join the Parent Fund Leadership Committee, dedicated to enhancing the student experience through the contributions of parents. 

*Grandparents are also great donors.

Michael Valentino
Hofstra in Venice
Kaitlyn Shanahan JP Morgan Chase

All donors will be recognized in our Honor Roll of Donors. Here are examples of how generous gifts can enhance or provide meaningful opportunities for students at Hofstra:

  • Send a student to a professional conference in their field, whereby they may gain access to a rich career network for their future.
  • Afford a student an opportunity for a school-sponsored trip in cities and regions that will expose them to pioneers in their desired field.
  • Support a student in taking a 3-credit international study abroad program.
  • Assist a student with housing to get a full campus experience.
  • Provide a generous scholarship to a student pursuing a degree in your field, producing future employees to grow your business.
  • Provide financial aid to fully fund tuition for one undergraduate who may not otherwise be able to attend Hofstra.
Frank Yee, MSG
Lions display
Kylah Cooke, HBO

Supporting the students of today makes for a better tomorrow!

For more information contact:
Darlene London Johnson
Director for Major Gifts, Parent Fundraising
101B Hofstra Hall, Hofstra University
(516) 463-5542

Give to Hofstra