Find out the advising dean for your major here. Check out their bio below and their email to contact them! Schedule an appointment with them through NAVIGATE on the Hofstra Portal.
Dean for Center for University Advising
Reporting to the Office of the Provost, the dean of the Center for University Advising provides strategic leadership, program development, and administration of a comprehensive general advising center serving undergraduate and preprofessional students. The dean is committed to supporting student success, enhancing academic preparation, and cultivating among students the self-reflection and competencies that lead to personally and academically satisfying experiences. The dean leads the department of 18 professional staff in Student Outreach and Retention Initiatives and Undergraduate Academic Advising. Partnering with faculty and academic departments to facilitate Hofstra's dual advising model, the dean serves as a champion, advocate, role model, and mentor for Hofstra students.
Undergraduate Academic Advising
Advising deans provide academic advising for undergraduate students around academic policies, course registration and academic planning, and major exploration. They serve as guides and facilitators for students during their academic experiences and connect them to faculty and their academic departments.
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM) and Health Team
DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science, Zarb School of Business, and Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (HCLAS) Team
Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (HCLAS) and The Lawrence Herbert School of Communication Team
Advisor/Advisee Responsibilities
Students are encouraged to meet with their assigned advising dean a minimum of once per semester prior to registration, but may schedule meetings as often as needed to ensure progress toward their degree, troubleshoot, explore options, etc.
Advisee Responsibilities
- Schedule appointments in advance and contact your advisor if you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment.
- Read the Hofstra University Undergraduate Bulletin for the academic year that you entered the University. It provides information about your degree and major requirements, as well as course pre- and co-requisites.
- Ask specific questions about general requirements, academic policies and procedures, academic standards, and resources (tutoring, career/major exploration, study skills workshops, etc.).
- Prepare a tentative schedule of classes for your registration advising appointment.
- Provide honest and accurate information to your advisor about your academic life.
- Listen to your advisor and consider the advice and recommendations provided to you.
- Check your Hofstra email often and thoroughly read any emails sent by your advisor. Respond in a timely fashion.
Advisor Responsibilities
- Keep appointments and contact advisee if it is necessary to reschedule.
- Be prepared with appropriate resource materials.
- Provide accurate and specific information regarding distribution requirements, academic policies and procedures, academic standards, and resources.
- Listen to and assist advisee in making decisions and solving problems.
- Suggest options concerning careers, majors, and selection of courses.