The Center of Innovation ... benefits everyone!
have the opportunity to work on practical technical problems of immediate interest to the business community.
gain real-world experience and exposure to industry issues.
partner with professionals who bring a fresh perspective to issues and projects that are too big for an in-house solution.
If no Hofstra faculty members have the specific expertise needed for a particular project, the Center will employ consultants who are qualified to see the project through to completion. "This ensures that the team assembled to solve a problem will be the best available, made up of experienced professors, engineers, designers, and scientists," says Dr. Kevin Craig, director of the Center for Innovation, and one of its creators.
Partner with Us ... to Innovate!

- All intellectual property belongs to sponsor.
- Work is performed by experts from Hofstra and outside engineers and scientists.
- Companies are given a competitive advantage through modeling.
- Project time frame is 3-6 months.