There are a variety of leadership opportunities available to students throughout the academic year. Feel free to browse this list and keep your eyes open for other announcements from Student Leadership and Engagement or Division of Student Enrollment, Engagement, and Success.

Community Service Projects and Committees
Leadership is directly related to the ability and willingness to serve others. The Office of Student Leadership and Engagement sponsors regular trips and service projects.

Fraternity and Sorority Life
The Fraternity and Sorority Life community is an intimate family of students who exemplify true camaraderie, civic-mindedness, and leadership every day.

Student Government Association Senator or Delegate
Student Government Association Senators represent the entire student body, advocating for students' needs.

Welcome Week Leader/ Coordinator
Each summer, a group of students lead first-year students through their first big week at Hofstra University.

Orientation Leader
Every summer, a highly trained group of student leaders represent Hofstra University and serve as role models for the incoming first-year students.

Resident Assistant (RA)
RA's work with the Department of Residence Life and believe that living on campus is an integral part of the college experience.

Admissions hires and trains tour guides each year to represent Hofstra University to prospective students and their families.

Blue and Gold Leadership
The Blue and Gold Leadership Program provides students with opportunities to acquire and implement leadership skills to enhance their professional competence...

Student Aide
Through part-time employment, various departments throughout the University offer students...
Blue and Gold Leadership Series
The Blue and Gold Leadership program provides students with opportunities to acquire and implement leadership skills to enhance professional competence while documenting achievements that can lead to career, service, or leadership advancement. Student Leadership and Engagement (SLE) prepares students to serve in significant campus and community leadership roles by providing leadership training. Leadership development has been identified as one of our strategic initiatives for student development. While the idea of leadership development encompasses a broad range of activities (both current and prospective), a foundational program for this initiative is the Blue and Gold Leadership Series. The leadership series targets students at varying stages of their college career.
For more information about these programs, visit Student Leadership and Engagement (244 Student Center) or send an email.
Blue Leadership Program
Our Blue Leadership Program is an eight-week program open to all students regardless of leadership experience or class year. The program includes workshops that focus on personal development, team building and goal setting. This program aims to give you the language, confidence, and skills to get connected with communities and bring your best self as a leader.
All members that are selected are expected to attend all sessions to complete the program. Participants will be celebrated and acknowledged at the end-of-year Hofstra Student Leadership Awards Ceremony
The Blue Leadership Program Application will go live on September 2, 2024.
Gold Leadership Program
Our Gold Leadership Academy is designed for our junior and senior students who hold a leadership role on campus. The program has recently been upgraded to a semester-long intensive both in-person and online. We will only have one cohort per semester for 15-20 students. In order to be eligible for the program, students will have to fill out an application and attend an interview. We require a minimum 2.5 GPA and for applicants to be in good standing with the institution.
During our time together you can expect to meet bi-weekly in person, and complete short modules on canvas on the weeks we are not together in person. The curriculum will focus on emotional intelligence, leading your peers, a deeper understanding of personal values, and more!
As a part of the program, you will receive a mentor to connect with on campus.
Depending on cohort availability, we will be meeting bi-weekly on Fridays.
Participants will be celebrated and acknowledged at the end-of-year Hofstra Student Leadership Awards Ceremony.
The Gold Leadership Application is open now until September 2nd.