Welcome to Hofstra University! Hofstra is a nationally ranked and recognized private university in Hempstead, N.Y. – just 25 miles east of New York City. It is the only school ever chosen to host three consecutive U.S. presidential debates (2008, 2012, and 2016) and is among only three schools in the New York metropolitan area with colleges of law, medicine, and engineering.

Hofstra is a fully engaged member of the Long Island community. Our campus offers visitors a wide variety of activities and services, our students are engaged in community service, and our faculty and administrators are active participants and leaders. In addition, the University offers many educational and civic engagement opportunities for students and visitors throughout the year. We host hundreds of cultural events, and our athletic facilities are home to 21 NCAA Division I sports – the nation’s highest level of collegiate athletics.

Hofstra’s Peter S. Kalikow Center for the Study of the American Presidency and the Peter S. Kalikow Chair in Presidential Studies make Hofstra one of a very few institutions in the country with a unique focus on the presidency. The Center holds annual conferences and symposia devoted to analyzing critical issues regarding the American presidency by bringing together, from around the nation and the world, leading scholars, political practitioners, and journalists.
Our lush 240-acre campus is a nationally recognized arboretum, making it one of the most beautiful destinations on Long Island to enjoy a walk outdoors. And if you’re here in the spring, you’re in for a special treat: Thousands of Hofstra’s famous tulips bloom all over campus. Our annual Dutch Family Festival in early May typically marks peak tulip time.